pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 874 Grain Suppression

Chapter 874 Grain Suppression (1)
Soon An Xin and Li Goudan came to the village, and were taken to a family, and when the family members saw Li Goudan and Xiao Yu'er, they ran out quickly.

"My son's father, this is Goudan and this Yu'er." Soon, a woman who was nearly forty years old came out of the room. When the woman saw Li Goudan and Xiao Yuer, she suddenly Then I was very happy.

And when the male owner in the room heard the woman's words, he hurried out, and saw Li Goudan and Xiao Yu'er as soon as he came out, "It's really you two children who are here, come and hurry into the uncle's house!" Sit down, uncle will pour tea for you."

Obviously this family is very familiar with Li Goudan, otherwise they wouldn't be so enthusiastic, but at this moment, when the husband and wife saw Li Goudan, the smiles on their faces were not to mention kind, as if they were looking at their own Children are average.

And when Li Goudan saw the couple, he said, "Uncle Zhao, Aunt Zhao, let me introduce someone to you. This is Young Master An San, who came to the village on purpose."

When Li Goudan was with Uncle Zhao and Aunt Zhao, the expression on his face was obviously warmer, and the indifference and cruelty in the past seemed to have disappeared without a trace. At this moment, he is like a young man, With the innocence of a child.

And when Aunt Zhao and Uncle Zhao heard Li Goudan's words, they said to An Xin, "So it's the young master, come on, young master, don't be disgusted, come in and do it with this goudan."

After speaking, he walked into the room with An Xin, and when An Xin entered the room, he sat aside without giving up, and soon Uncle Zhao and Aunt Zhao warmly entertained Li Goudan and An Xin.

But at this moment, Xiao Yu'er was already exhausted from running all the way, indicating that Aunt Zhao would take her aside to rest, and when An Xin saw this, she looked at Li Goudan suspiciously.

After all, when Li Goudan was guarding against himself, it was the same as guarding against a thief. He didn't allow others to touch this little Yu'er, but at this moment, Uncle Zhao's family hugged him, but he didn't hesitate at all, so he gave the child to the other party up.

Seeing the doubt in An Xin's eyes, Li Goudan looked at the busy Uncle Zhao and said to Aunt Zhao, "Five years ago, my sister and I came to this country because we offended someone, and we were starving to death at that time." , it was also Aunt Zhao and Uncle Zhao who took us in, but Aunt Zhao and Uncle Zhao’s family was not well-off, so even if it was hard, they gave us two brothers and sisters a bite to eat, and a few years ago, my sister and I were very old No, I took my sister back to the city, after all, Uncle Zhao and Aunt Zhao’s family is not well-off, so if we stay here, we will be a drag on others.”

Li Goudan's eyes darkened as soon as he talked about what happened five years ago, and soon he showed a mocking smile. He didn't know who he was laughing at or who he was talking about.

And when An Xin saw this, she didn't say much anymore, after all, she could already get it from Li Goudan's words, and this Li Goudan probably didn't want to mention what happened back then.

And the reason why he would explain to himself at this moment was that he couldn't accept it and was afraid that he would think too much, so he quickly shook his head with peace of mind, and then Aunt Zhao and Uncle Zhao also came over, and these few side dishes were placed on the meal, and there was a A bowl of chicken, obviously the chicken was just killed.

After all, when Anxin and Li Goudan entered the door, they had eaten and hadn't seen the chicken, but now it appeared, and the chicken outside the gate disappeared without a trace, so it's not hard to guess. .

"Uncle Zhao, you don't have to kill the chicken, the young master won't be picky," Li Goudan said immediately for Aunt Zhao when he saw Aunt Zhao kill the chicken.

(End of this chapter)

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