pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 880: Being Targeted

Chapter 880: Being Targeted (1)
"Village Chief Zhao has misunderstood you. I'm afraid you will sell the six renminbi, and I won't even ask for it. What I want to say is, what about 25 renminbi?" Although it started with thirty renminbi, An Xin is not stupid. Don't take advantage of the bastard.

What's more, she is also in danger at this moment. At this moment, she makes it clear that she is on the cusp of fighting against this Jun's family, but she also feels sorry for this farmer's family who have worked hard all year round, but they want to sell their grain cheaply. She really can't give that price. After all, An Xin in her previous life was also a farmer's uncle.

Therefore, although An Xin can make money at this moment, she will not be too dark with the Jun family. After all, what she wants to do is a long-term business, not a business that is skipped at this moment, so it is natural to establish a good relationship so as not to discuss business in the future It's hard to be a human being.

And when Village Chief Zhao heard An Xin's words, he was slightly taken aback, "Master An San, are you saying that 25 Wen really didn't lie to me? You didn't joke with the old man either,"

If the old village head would not be excited at ordinary times, but it is different today. After the Jun's family has suppressed the price of people's lives, the price of 25 Wen is intentional at this moment, and the village head Zhao immediately feels that he is in a dream. same.

And when An Xin heard it, she shook her head lightly and said, "Could it be that I'm so unreliable? I'm not a boring person, why would I joke with you?"

Speaking of An Xin, she smiled softly, and there was a smile in the crescent-shaped eyes. Even if the village head Zhao saw it, he couldn't help but look at Li Goudan, and looked at An Xin, this It's really the difference between the rich and the poor.

Look at this young master from a rich family, his face is rosy, he is obviously a man, but he is whiter and tenderer than the girls in their village, even the fairest girl in their village, It can't compare to this person in front of him.

"Grandpa Village Chief, don't worry, Young Master Ansan won't cheat, but you have to remember one thing about Grandpa Village Chief, you should keep quiet about the sale of grain, so as not to let the Jun family find out. You come here to ask for trouble, so grandpa, the village chief, you want to make an agreement with a few trustworthy grandpas in the village that we will come to collect the grain in two days."

As soon as Li Goudan heard the conversation between An Xin and Village Chief Zhao, he opened his mouth to dispel the doubts of this village chief Zhao. Sure enough, with this Li Godan coming forward, the distrust of Village Chief Zhao at the beginning was immediately overwhelmed. The smoke cleared.

"Hello 25, since the dog says you can trust me, I also love you, old man, but I hope that you can fulfill your promise, Mr. Ansan, and don't let this dog trust you," said Village Chief Zhao soon. Then nodded.

However, he still said a word in his mouth. He didn't want the young man in front of him to be a liar. After all, if he was a liar, then the people in this village would be miserable at this moment. It's not for ordinary people.

"Mr. Zhao, don't worry, I won't make fun of you. Just don't worry about waiting for the news. One day, you will know whether I'm deceiving you." Facts speak louder than words. It is not as convincing as one day to come.

And when Village Chief Zhao saw An Xin's promise, he temporarily let go of his guard and chose to believe in An Xin and Li Goudan's eyes. In fact, don't blame Village Chief Zhao for being suspicious, after all, he is the head of a village. It is impossible not to plan for the people in the village.

And then An Xin chatted with Village Chief Zhao about some things, and after talking about things, he left with Li Goudan, but when he left, he gave thousands of orders.

(End of this chapter)

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