pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 881: Being Targeted

Chapter 881: Being Targeted (2)
Village head Zhao also nodded, not daring to make any noise. After all, this time they finally came to buy rice, so they naturally didn't dare to ruin this good thing.

And when An Xin and Li Goudan returned to Uncle Zhao's house, it was almost four o'clock, and soon An Xin bid farewell to Uncle Zhao and Aunt Zhao.

Although Uncle Zhao and Aunt Zhao were somewhat reluctant, they still waved to An Xin to let An Xin come to play next time, and An Xin nodded in agreement.

After all, the next visit will be two days later. At this moment, she will go back to the convoy that is preparing to buy rice, and then hire people and thugs, so that she can buy rice on a certain day.

But this Li Goudan never went back to the city with An Xin, but waited for news from An Xin at Uncle Zhao's house. Without this immediate rush, An Xin never let Li Goudan go back with her.

What's more, An Xin is not afraid of Li Goudan, and will run away when the time comes, because when An Xin came back, she told Li Goudan that if he dared to escape, the ends of the earth would catch him back, otherwise he would tell outsiders about him .

But when Li Goudan heard An Xin's words, he was frightened immediately, for fear that An Xin would reveal his identity, but at this moment Li Goudan didn't know that An Xin was talking nonsense at that moment.

She didn't know Li Goudan's life experience at all. The reason why she said that was because she saw Li Goudan's unusual behavior at the beginning, and decided that Li Goudan must have an enemy who came to Wankou Town, so at this moment Only then did he take it out to threaten Li Goudan.

And at this moment, Li Goudan was really fooled, and soon An Xin rode back to the city, because without Li Goudan and Xiao Yu'er, An Xin could ride the horse all the way at this moment.

Enjoying the gentle breeze caressing the face on the horse's back, that cool feeling that makes people want to scream, this is probably exactly the same as when racing, it is very exciting, especially when the horse's back sinks together, there will be another feeling. style.

Because An Xin rode fast, An Xin could return to the city soon. After returning to the city, An Xin went back to the inn room where she was staying, because she had been busy all day.

At this moment, An Xin immediately felt that the clothes were greasy, and the dust from riding a horse made her feel even more uncomfortable, so she planned to wash it first before talking.

Soon An Xin asked the shop waiter to bring the bath water into the room. After An Xin finished washing up, she went downstairs to prepare for dinner. Although she went to the house of Uncle Zhao and Aunt Zhao, An Xin also ate, but recently she ate very little, so there was no way for her family. If you are not rich, you are eating and drinking, which may cause difficulties for others.

And after An Xin went downstairs, she ordered some food, and then sat down to eat by herself. It was just An Xin at this moment, but she never noticed that anyone was watching her upstairs.

And now in the upstairs room, Li Ji and Li Jinian had been looking for His Highness the Ninth Prince for a day, but it still didn't work. At this moment, Li Jinian was invited by the local government.

Because it was invited by the government, Li Ji did not follow, and at this moment Li Ji wanted to go downstairs to eat, but he also saw An Xin in the room. When the short man saw Li Ji's gaze fell on An Xin, Immediately he was puzzled.

"Brother Li, what's the problem with that young master?" He said and looked at An Xin, he didn't know Li Ji, why he stared at An Xin when he had nothing to do, that look was too fiery.

(End of this chapter)

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