pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 882: Being Targeted

Chapter 882: Being Targeted (3)
And when Li Jiyi heard the short man's words, he was not angry but frowned, looked at An Xin downstairs, opened his mouth and said, "I don't know if it's my illusion, that person just now, let me It feels very familiar, don't you think? Don't you think he misses the man we knew in the county government? The man who killed the young master, "

Maybe it was because of his overthinking, when he saw An Xin, he subconsciously thought of that person, the person who could still hurt himself when he was injured, the person who fell into the water but did not die.

And when the dwarf heard Li Ji's words, he smiled immediately, "Brother, did you recognize the wrong person? The man that day was a dwarf. Look at the young master in front of you, he is not short."

Just kidding, the body shapes are very different, okay?At this moment, let the dwarf believe that the little boy in front of him is the boy who was thrown into the water by himself that day, but is still alive. You must know that it was a world of ice and snow that day, and it was snowing everywhere. How could anyone fall into the icy pool after being seriously injured? , but still alive and well.

Of course, this kind of person is not without, but it will definitely not be the boy under 17 years old in front of him, so it is really difficult to convince the short man, after all, this figure is too much.

And when Li Ji heard the short man's words, he immediately smiled softly, then looked at the man and said with peace of mind, "The figure is nothing at all? No matter what, I have to figure it out. go,"

Regardless of whether the person in front of him is the person who hurt his eyes that day?At this moment, he will not let it go, the sense of the beast tells himself that this person in front of him must not be kept.

So he has always flattered him, how could he see that An Xin was like the murderer who killed Li Dashu that day?Still let him get away with it.

Although the figure of An Xin in front of him is very different from that of the person who killed the son, but when he saw An Xin's immature face at this moment, Li Ji had a thought in his heart, that person was indeed An Xin, It's just that An Xin hadn't grown taller at that time.

Although this idea is fanciful, An Xin at this moment is just a child after all, so there is no difficulty at all in growing up, so all of this is reasonable at this moment.

Li Ji looked at An Xin, and when he saw this immature cheek, he immediately licked his lips. This child really gave him an ominous feeling, and he had already felt it from the very beginning.

In fact, when the seventh master came that day, Li Ji saw An Xin at a glance. After all, whoever is next to An Xin has such a high status. Pay attention.

But when the dwarf heard Li Ji's words, he opened his mouth and wanted to refuse, but when he saw Li Ji's cold gaze, he nodded quickly, not daring to raise any doubts.

At this moment, An Xin who was downstairs seemed to have a sense, and subconsciously looked at the residence of Li Ji and the others. When Li Ji saw this, he was slightly taken aback, and soon a bloodthirsty smile hung on the corner of his mouth. .

Very good, this young man is very vigilant, like a leopard, full of vigilance, which really makes him very fond of, so you have to wait, Master An San.

And An Xin looked around, and immediately frowned when she didn't find anyone. Could it be that the killing intent just now was because I was thinking too much?

In fact, when An Xin went downstairs to eat, she suddenly felt a chill coming from behind her not long after, and subconsciously turned her head to look for the source of the chill, but she was in vain.

At this moment, although An Xin didn't find out the murderous eyes just now, An Xin looked at her mastermind, but she still became vigilant, and soon she had dinner after three or two mouthfuls, and then asked the waiter to clean up, and then went to the room on the second floor go.

She knew that just now was definitely not the past. The cold killing intent and the gloomy cold cloud seemed to surround her neck like a poisonous snake. The uncomfortable feeling made An Xin feel vigilant immediately. .

Regardless of whether something will happen today, An Xin intends to be careful, so at this moment An Xin has no plans to go out, but the whole person has been in the room, waiting for the arrival of the storm.

And then An Xin waited for the dark, after the sky darkened, An Xin blew out the lights at seven or eight o'clock, lay on the bed and fell asleep, but at this time An Xin suddenly opened her eyes.

She frowned just for a moment, and there was a movement. Sure enough, the killing intent she felt this afternoon was not her own illusion, but someone was indeed staring at her, but who was it?Who is staring at him, and where did he make a mistake?That's why it's still noticeable?
Soon An Xin was slightly taken aback, it was the smell of drugs, and as soon as she tasted the smell of drugs, An Xin quickly held her breath, but in the next second, she still closed her eyes in a dazed way.

And when An Xin just closed her eyes, two voices came into the room, and soon An Xin heard one of them, "Bring me here, I have something to ask."

Soon An Xin was resisted by others, and the people who came at this moment were Li Jiahe and Shorty. At this moment, Li Ji did not intend to kill An Xin at the beginning, but planned to take him to a remote place to kill him.

After all, at this moment, Li Ji really wanted to know how An Xin escaped from the ice and snow one day, and the dwarf guarded by the pool for a while.

But at that time, she still hadn't come ashore, so Li Ji was very curious at this moment, how did An Xin escape from the dwarf's eyes and ears, and escape from that low pool?
That's why Li Ji didn't stab An Xin at the beginning, because he was very suspicious about that matter. In fact, when she didn't see the body the next day, she was already suspicious.

However, in order to avoid Li Jinian's business, Li Ji also lied that he had taken revenge. After all, if he said that he had never taken revenge, it would probably cause dissatisfaction among the adults, so he could deceive if he could at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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