Chapter 883 Reunion (1)
Soon An Xin was brought to a remote place, when An Xin was brought to that remote place, the dwarf threw her on the ground, but when she landed, An Xin suddenly opened her eyes , which avoided the ending of falling to the ground.

In fact, An Xin didn't faint at the beginning, she just held her breath and pretended to be fainted. After all, she couldn't feel at peace if the mouse didn't attract it, and now that it was delivered to her door, she naturally wouldn't let go of this opportunity .

And when Li Ji saw that he was pressing his heart, a faint light flashed in his eyes, "I know it, you brat, I know it's you, my intuition has never missed it, even this time I have never made a mistake, either."

As soon as he saw An Xin opened his eyes and looked at him, Li Ji immediately smiled, and he said that his intuition was correct, the person in front of him was indeed the culprit who killed the young master, if he was just suspicious at first, That moment is even more certain.

"Hmph, boss is so cunning," the dwarf said immediately when he saw An Xin woke up, and his face turned black when he thought of how he resisted people just now.

If the girl in front of me gave me a knife just now, wouldn't I be dead early in the morning at this moment, how could I be happy when I think of a certain dwarf?

"Hmph, she's naturally bold," Li Ji snorted coldly when he heard the shorty's words, and quickly turned his head to look at An Xin, and said, "Stinky boy, you are really bold." , dare to pretend to be dizzy, do you think that in just a few months, you are no longer taller, and you underestimate me too much, "

After seeing An Xin wake up with the same expression as usual, it was not difficult for Li Ji to guess that An Xin was kidnapped by him on purpose.

It's just that this brat looks down on him too much. Doesn't he think that in just a few months, he can surpass himself in martial arts?Hmph, this man seems stupid even though he is tall.

Regarding Li Ji's words, An Xin smiled, but she never answered Li Ji. She would know if she was sure. When the two entered the room, they chose to disappear in the room.

"But to be honest, I really want to know how you escaped at that time? I was beaten to death by me, and I was also knocked down by the dwarf in the lotus pond. At that time, it was a world of ice and snow, and it was impossible for you to survive. That's right, after all, the dwarf waited for you on the shore for a long time, "As for why An Xin didn't die, Li Ji is really very strange, very strange.

So at this moment, he wanted to figure out the secret, and his intuition told himself that as long as he knew the secret, he would definitely gain a lot, and maybe this gain would bring him endless wealth.

And when An Xin heard Li Ji's words, a dangerous look flashed in her eyes. When she looked at Li Ji, she also had a strong murderous intent. If she wanted to kill Li Ji at first, it would only be It was because of the incident with Li Dashu.

And at this moment, she wanted to kill Li Ji because of Li Ji's sensitive personality. If he could not keep him, it would be a disaster, so she had to find an opportunity to get rid of him.

"Stinky boy, you'd better explain yourself honestly, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude." Facing the murderous intent in An Xin's eyes, Li Ji didn't take it seriously at all, let alone that An Xin couldn't care less at this moment. It's just a bird in its own cage.

(End of this chapter)

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