Chapter 884 Reunion (2)
"If Master Ben doesn't say anything, what can you do with Master Ben?" An Xin smiled slightly, watching Li Ji arrive, and sure enough, as soon as An Xin's words fell, Li Ji's face turned dark.

And when he looked at An Xin, he also looked gloomy, and his gaze towards An was a bit strange, and then Xie En said cruelly, "How is it? You will know what's going on soon?"

As she said that, she stretched out her hand to An Xin, but when An Xin saw this, she smiled slightly, and there was no trace of panic in her eyes, "If you are watching a good show, I will really be bullied by others later. Don't regret it then."

At this moment, An Xin looked at the dark place and said, her voice was so soft that people could mistake it for hallucinations, but Li Ji and the short man both heard it, but at the beginning they were just thinking that An Xin was dying.

It's just that when Li Ji was about to touch An Xin in the next second, he suddenly felt a huge pain in his hand, and soon that hand became red and swollen, and he covered his hand gloomily, "Where are you, sneaky?" What kind of hero, if you have the ability, let me come out to the uncle, "

Li Ji covered his hands and looked around gloomyly. At this moment, he naturally wouldn't think that the An Xin call just now was just a lie.

It's just that at this moment, Li Ji's words are mocking, but there is suspicion in his eyes. Although this person injured himself in a sneak attack, Li Ji doesn't think that a simple sneak attack can hurt him, so secretly People should not be simple.

"Ha,,," soon there was a cold snort in the dark, and then the arrogant tone also came, "Is this lord a rat? You don't need to tell me about this, but I have to tell you You, who can touch someone and who can't? She is mine, if you touch someone, you will die,"

Soon, a figure appeared under the moonlight. The man who walked in was dressed in a black robe, with a handsome face and a resolute expression, especially a mature charm on his face, that cold and cruel look. The voice is also sexy.

He is like the emperor of the night, the black suit on him adds a charm to him, the temptation of extreme black, it is obviously very ordinary black, but it has another flavor on him.

An Xin is his person, no one can touch a hair, except for himself, An Xin can be touched by himself alone, An Xin's whole body is his.

And when Li Ji heard this man's words, he frowned subconsciously. This man's tone is so arrogant, but he just doesn't know how to kung fu?
However, although the man in front of him has an arrogant tone, Li Jiqu also knows that his ability is not weak, especially that pair of dark eyes, which seem to swallow everything, with endless fear and despair, making people involuntarily cold The creeps.

And at this moment, the second after the man opened his mouth, Li Ji saw that the man made a move. The speed was fast and ruthless, and the speed of his moves was as fast as lightning.

But at this moment, the man's moves and this style of play made Li Ji immediately helpless, and soon Li Ji and the dwarf retreated steadily. Li Ji and the dwarf had already been injured in many places, but the front This person is still unscathed. From this point of view, even a fool knows the difference between the two.

And when An Xin saw this, her eyes smiled slightly, and there was a hint of pride in her eyes, because the person in front of her was hers, a man she valued.

Soon, the whole person leaned against the wall and looked at the man in front of him quietly. He finally came back. The person in front of An Xin at this moment was Qin Yihan, who had been in Wankou Town for many days, but at this moment Only then did he find the reassuring Qin Yihan.

(End of this chapter)

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