Chapter 885 Reunion (3)
An Xin looked at Qiao Yunlei's martial arts, and there was not much change in her eyes. After all, her kung fu was taught by Qin Yihan, so she naturally believed in Qin Yihan at this moment, and she would not fail to win against the two in front of her.

Sure enough, Qin Yihan never disappointed An Xin, although his methods were cruel, but he had to say that his figure was so weird that Li Ji and the dwarf were hard to guard against, especially the cruel methods, even Li Ji still had lingering fears.

After a few rounds, Li Ji and the dwarf had already lost. After the two lost, they knelt on the ground and begged Qin Yihan, begging Qin Yihan to bypass him for a way out.

After An Xin saw that everything was over, she walked up to Li Ji and the short man. When she saw that Li Ji was covered in blood, her eyes dimmed. It seemed that her skill of recalling the cold had improved.

"I would like to gamble and admit defeat, and I hope that my lord will give me a way out in the future. In the future, I will not trouble you with this young master." At this moment, Li Ji half-kneeled in front of Qin Yihan, and the injury on his arm was clearly visible. She told him that the person in front of him was not something he could offend.

It's just that although Li Ji's tone is respectful, there is also a hint of viciousness in his eyes. Although he can't deal with the man in front of him, he has many ways to deal with the young master beside him.

Today he doesn't believe that this man will be by this young master's side all his life, and as long as this young master is left alone, he will definitely repay the humiliation given to him by this man in front of him today.

But just when Li Ji was thinking about how to take revenge on Qin Yihan and An Xin, he suddenly felt a pain in his abdomen, and soon saw that the young man gave him a knife indifferently, without any hesitation in the knife.

When An Xin saw Li Ji begging for mercy, she didn't waver at all, and directly gave Li Ji a knife. After fighting Li Ji, she knew the personality of the person in front of her, so she couldn't keep him.

What's more, he is also aware of the matter of his own space, so he can't stay at this moment, and at this moment Li Ji also has a death wish, after all, he thought at first that if he begged for mercy, Qin Yihan would let him go, but he didn't expect this harmless boy in front of him , but would be so ruthless that he would not be merciless in killing people.

At this moment, the dwarf on the side wanted to run away immediately after seeing Li Ji dead, but the next second, he suddenly clutched his chest and burst into tears on the ground, and soon his lips turned blue-purple.

There were also two more corpses, and it also proved the sentence of how fragile human life is. One second was alive and kicking, but the next second it suddenly died. Human life is full of changes.

Soon Qin Yihan and An Xin were the only ones present, Qin Yihan looked at An Xin, he missed her very much, he missed the woman in front of him very much, soon Qin Yihan saw An Xin, suddenly jumped up and threw himself on top of himself.

And at this moment, when Qin Yihan was catching An Xin, he was unsteady for a moment, and then he fell on the grass, and when An Xin saw this, he raised his head to look at the man who was overwhelmed by him, and there was a gleam in his eyes. smile.

"Qin Yihan, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you," An Xin looked at Qin Yihan and said, she missed the man in front of her, missed him very much, and always wanted to see him soon.

She has never been a hypocritical person. If she likes it, she likes it. If she likes it, she loves it. She likes Qin Yihan and loves Qin Yihan, so she speaks out when she thinks about it, and pays her back when she loves it, letting the people in front of her know that she misses him.

Faced with An Xin's confession, Qin Yihan was slightly taken aback, and soon a smile appeared in his eyes, and he felt relieved. At the beginning, he was worried that the girl in front of him would not be so happy because of his Change of heart?
Will she lose her heart after he came back, but at this moment he is not worried at all, because she likes him, she is so firm telling himself that she misses him very much.

"I miss you very much, too, and I want to see you sooner." The girl he fell in love with was really special. If it was another woman, even if he was in love and thinking about her, he would not say it out like her, and his face Not a bit shy, some just silently like it.

"Qin Yihan kissed me," An Xin smiled slightly when she heard Qin Yihan's words, and then said, facing An Xin's words, Qin Yihan was slightly taken aback.

However, he quickly realized that he kissed An Xin's small red lips, kissed deeply and blended with his tongue, as if he had absorbed all his thoughts into it, and he missed her very much.

No one knew how much he missed the girl in front of him, and no one knew that after he heard that An Xin had disappeared, his whole heart almost stopped beating, and at this moment, he seemed to have integrated all this longing and love into this In a fiery passionate kiss.

After a long, long time after the scum came over, Qin Yihan let go of An Xin's little mouth, and at this moment An Xin also crawled quietly on Qin Yihan's body, listening to Qin Yihan's heartbeat, feeling the man's body temperature and that familiar fragrance, and immediately It was as if the whole person felt at ease.

"Aren't you leaving this time?" An Xin lay quietly in Qin Yihan's arms and asked, although she didn't want to ask, but An Xin still asked. When we parted, we were sad.

"No, this time I will stay with you more, I won't leave, I will stay by your side," Qin Yihan was slightly taken aback when An Xin asked her a question, and then quickly rubbed her cheeks. Xiufa said.

He won't leave her anymore, this matter is almost settled now, so there is nothing at all, if he wants to be particularly concerned, he can naturally spend more time with An Xin.

When she heard Qin Yihan's words, An Xin was slightly taken aback. She originally thought that Qin Yihan would leave soon, but unexpectedly she got such words. When she heard Qin Yihan's words, An Xin's eyes were full of indescribable smiles. .

(End of this chapter)

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