pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 939 An Qiao Has a Ghost

Chapter 939 An Qiao Has a Ghost (3)
An Xin pretended to be curious and asked, and when the waiter in the store heard it, she immediately said, "This is a secret, I can't tell you, sir, take it easy."

As he said that, he looked down vigilantly, and when An Xin saw this, he didn't try to stop him, but quietly ate a few mouthfuls of food. When eating the taste of the food, he always seemed to be eating it somewhere Pass.

Soon An Xin ate up all the food in the store, then paid the bill and left, and when An Xin walked out of Jun's Restaurant, the shopkeeper of Jun's Restaurant winked at the waiter at the side, asking the waiter to follow him peace of mind.

At this moment, An Xin, who had just walked out of the gate, didn't say anything when she sensed the person behind her, and the person who was following An Xin said, "How did Master An taste like just now?"

And when An Xin heard it, she said, "I will solve this matter. Go back and tell the shopkeeper, check the people in the nearest restaurant, who has had a debt dispute, and who owes a huge debt. The young master has checked one by one, and the other ones go back first, and tell the shopkeeper that the Japanese master will not go to Yuyue Tower today, and let him do what the young master said."

Speaking of An Xin, he separated from the servant, and when the followers behind him saw that An Xin was separated from the servant, they did not hesitate to catch up with An Xin, just chasing and chasing, soon An Xin's figure appeared Then disappeared without a trace.

And at this moment, in the beautiful shop for you, in the courtyard, a person suddenly jumped into it, and when Shi Yueran saw this, she suddenly seemed a little panicked, and soon heard the human said, " Don't tell me it's me,"

And when Shi Yueran heard An Xin's voice, she was taken aback for a moment, and soon recognized An Xin, "So it's Miss An, when did you come back, Miss An?"

But at this moment, this poem Yueran's belly the size of June has already stood up, and her face has grown a lot of flesh. She was originally coquettish like a red rose, but she also looks a little fat at this moment, but the charm is still there. .

"I just came back yesterday. There shouldn't be anything happening in the store recently, right?" An Xin looked at Shi Yueran's big belly, then said, and walked over with her whole body, helping Shi Yueran to sit aside, "At this moment Your belly is getting bigger and bigger, so be careful when doing things in the future, lest others say that I abuse pregnant women, "

Speaking of An Xin, she took the things in Shi Yueran's arms and handed them to the workers not far away. When Shi Yueran heard An Xin's words, she immediately touched her belly and said, "An Xin Don't worry, miss, I have my own measure, not to mention I don't want to be a useless person, Miss An, would you like to go in and have a look?"

And when An Xin heard it, she nodded her head and said, "Then I want to go in and have a look. By the way, is there any problem with Xiu Niang this time?"

Anxin supported the poem Yueran, and then walked to the embroidery room, because for your beauty, she is making clothes at the moment, so the embroiderer bought a lot of them on purpose, and at this moment, in the spring, summer, autumn and winter, she has already taught how to make rouge Gouache.

And when Shi Yueran heard it, a faint smile appeared on her face and said, "Miss An, do you think that after a person suffers a loss once, will he suffer a second time in the same place?"

Shi Yueran's words carried a bit of a cold smile. The first time the store collapsed was because she suffered a loss from Xiu Niang. Now, after the first time, it is naturally impossible for the second time.

Soon Shi Yueran walked in with An Xin, and saw that there were five or six embroiderers busy at the moment, and when An Xin saw this, she nodded, and saw that Aunt Li was among them.

As soon as Aunt Li saw Shi Yueran, she came over. When she saw An Xin beside Shi Yueran, she was slightly taken aback for a moment, and quickly asked tentatively, "Is An Xin you?"

When seeing An Xin nodded, Aunt Li also showed a smile on her face, "An Xin, you are back," she said with a bit of joy, and when An Xin heard it, she immediately lightened up. Smiled lightly.

Because Aunt Li's embroidery work is very good, Anxin invited Aunt Li to come here to be the number one embroiderer. After hearing this, Aunt Li was naturally very happy. The title is well established.

Soon, Aunt Li showed An Xin the clothes that came today, and when An Xin saw this, she nodded. Everything was very finely crafted, and the patterns were simple yet generous. For the people here at the moment Say, just right.

Soon after An Xin looked at the clothes, Shi Yueran called An Xin into the room, "Miss An, I found some problems with the rouge gouache spun from this embroidery recently, do you want to take a look?"

As he said that, he showed the rouge powder to An Xin, "In the past, I saw the rouge powder made by Embroidery Spinning, and it seems to be different from the current one, and these rouge powders are similar to the rouge powder in our shop. Brilliant, I suspect someone leaked the recipe,"

And when An Xin heard Shi Yueran's words, a faint light flashed in her eyes, "Does my sister know about this?"

And when Shi Yueran heard it, she shook her head and said, "I never told Miss An Qiao, after all, what was leaked this time was rouge and gouache. If I did, I'm afraid it would make Miss An Qiao worry and blame herself, and even worse What's more, I don't have evidence at the moment, so I haven't planned to tell Miss Anqiao yet, "

Shi Yueran was actually not sure at the beginning, but in the last few days, she found that the rouge gouache spun by the embroidery was indeed tending to approach them, so she couldn't help but doubt it, "And in the past few days In the past few days, I also saw that Embroidery Spinning bought a large number of flowers, but I didn’t have evidence for a while, and this is your family business, so,,, and I suspect that this time it may be Miss Anqiao’s so-called, so I have always been I'm planning to find a chance to tell you, "

(End of this chapter)

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