pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 940 The ghost is at home

Chapter 940 The ghost is at home (1)
"Nonsense, Shi Yueran, no matter where you got the theory from, I don't want to hear about this kind of topic anymore. I understand more clearly than you what kind of person my sister is. I hope you don't talk about it next time," An Xin Bo angrily interrupted Shi Yueran's words, and her tone was somewhat unfriendly. My sister knew very well that it was not the turn of outsiders to intervene at this moment.

And when Shi Yueran heard it, she said, "Miss An, why don't you listen to me, you know people, you don't know your heart, not to mention that there is no one in the world who can be trusted, you don't want to listen to me now, do you?" You have already suspected Miss Anqiao?"

She suspected that An Qiao was not wrong. After all, the rouge and gouache came out only after An Qiao took over. Now, don't let her doubt who An Qiao suspected?
Facing An Xin's words, Shi Yueran didn't stop talking, but when Qiao Yunlei heard Shi Yueran's words, her tone couldn't help being a little angry, and when she looked at Shi Yueran, she couldn't help being a little colder.

"I said you don't need to intervene in this matter, not to mention that this is my family matter, I will handle it well, if the real betrayer is An Qiao, I will definitely not condone the traitor, but Shi Yueran, if you are wrong , but you don't need to pay for your doubts, when I find out the truth, you don't need to apologize to my sister in person," An Qiao is her sister, and she absolutely does not allow anyone to doubt her here.

And when Shi Yueran heard An Xin's words, a faint light flashed in her eyes and said, "Okay, if you can't produce evidence to prove that Miss An Qiao is innocent, Miss An, you have to defend yourself If you pay the price blindly, your price is to lose everything you have,"

Shi Yueran didn't flinch, but looked at An Xin coldly. When An Xin heard Shi Yueran's words, her eyes looked a little ugly, and soon she gave Shi Yueran a cold look.

Then he walked into the store, and there were already many customers in the store at this moment, An Xin walked to the counter of the rouge gouache, took out a box of rouge gouache, after smelling it, after smelling Shiyue just now However, the rouge and gouache she gave herself is really getting more and more similar.

Of course at this moment, it is just the taste, but the color and density are still quite different. After An Xin looked at it, he put down the rouge and gouache, and soon walked out for your beauty.

When walking on the street, An Xin looked a little complicated, then looked around, then went to the stall and ordered a bowl of Chaos, at this moment she needs to think about all this clearly.

Then why does the shop of Jun's Restaurant have a smell that she is familiar with?And why is this embroidery spinning at this moment?Why is there her rouge gouache formula?Thinking of this, An Xin's expression turned cold in an instant.

This time, no matter who betrayed her, she would not make the other person feel better, so she quickly bought some snacks on the road with peace of mind, and then rode back home.

When returning home, An Xin washed her body first, and when Qin Yihan saw the sadness between An Xin's brows, he walked up to her and asked, "Did something happen to An Xin?"

And when An Xin heard it, she nodded immediately and said, "It's true that something happened. The secret method in the store was stolen, and I went to this Jun's restaurant, and found that the design of their restaurant was actually the same as the one I drew at the beginning. The picture is unique, I suspect that there is an inner ghost in the house, but I haven't found it for a while, "

An Xin has never been surprised by Qin Yihan's appearance, and at this moment An Xin has never concealed Qin Yihan, after all, Qin Yihan is the only one who can listen to her own thoughts at this moment, and she does not know whether she should tell An Qiao and An Youcai these words at this moment Listen, and this Anshi is even more hopeless.

(End of this chapter)

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