pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 985 This male banker is a prodigal

Chapter 985 This male banker is a prodigal (7)
And at this moment, after hearing Mr. Qin's words, this Qin Yaya's eyes immediately brightened. Now that the broom star brother has money, she naturally wants to dress herself up with delicious food and drink, and then make herself a big lady .

And when Mr. Qin saw the greed in the eyes of Qin Yaya and Qin Shi, he immediately smiled in his heart. Now that he has a pillar hug, he will naturally not let it go, not to mention that next time there will be an election in the courtyard This is a second-class gentleman, if he has no money to give gifts at this moment, he will be the lowest-class gentleman in his life.

At this moment, the place where Mr. Qin teaches is the academy with a lot of talents, and at this moment, even if the teachers in this academy are divided into three, six, and five grades, each grade has different treatment. At this moment, Qin Mr. naturally wants to climb up.

At this moment, Qin Yihan on the way home, if he had known that he was going out, he would have caused trouble for An Xin, I am afraid he would never go out, and when Qin Yihan returned home, An Shi and An Qiao, They are also busy.

At this moment, An Xin was writing her own rouge gouache formula upstairs, and when An Qiao saw Qin Yihan coming back, he was slightly taken aback, "Brother Yihan, where have you been? Why didn't you see it so early in the morning?" Your figure?"

That's right, when I woke up early this morning, I didn't find Qin Yihan's figure. When I didn't find Qin Yihan's person, An Qiao also obviously noticed that when his sister was eating.They were frowning all the time, and their faces were a little ugly.

Seeing Qin Yihan come back at this moment, An Qiao couldn't help but asked, "Brother Yihan, are you having trouble with An Xin? Brother Yihan, An Xin is still young, you have to let her do many things, don't get angry with her, "

After getting along for many days, An Qiao felt relieved that Qin Yihan was so obedient to his younger sister, and so obedient to the point that even his own sister envied her.

After all, if there is a man who treats her like this at this moment, An Qiao thinks that she might laugh in her dreams. I like it tight.

And in the past few days, Qin Yihan has been building goodwill around An Qiao, which makes this brother-in-law-to-be feel secure, and removes An Qiao's dissatisfaction with him bit by bit. This is truly commendable.

And when Qin Yihan heard An Qiao's words, he said, "Maybe because of what happened last night, I'll go and apologize to her."

When he heard that An Xin was still angry, Qin Yihan thought to himself, it's a good thing he went to buy this gift of apology, otherwise, An Xin might be kicked out again today.

And when An Qiao heard Qin Yihan's words, he was slightly taken aback, and soon thought of what Qin Yihan said. At this moment, An Qiao mistakenly thought that An Xin was angry with Qin Yihan and gave An's advice.

After all, An Qiao also knew at this moment that Qin Yihan gave An's advice yesterday how to reconcile with An Xin, so when he saw An Xin was angry today, he immediately thought of this.

"Brother Yihan, you don't care about my mother's affairs in the future. It's not like you don't know about her stubborn temper. If you care about it, she might be mad at you for the rest of your life," An Qiao said in a thoughtful tone. Dao, to be honest at this moment, this man doesn't dislike An Xin's disfigured face, nor does he dislike An Xin's petty temper.

So at this moment, An Qiao really doesn't want Qin Yihan and An Xin to get into trouble. After all, his younger sister is no longer the same as before. There is a scar on her face. Even if she gets married in the future, it will be difficult to find a good family. .

(End of this chapter)

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