pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 986 This male banker is a prodigal

Chapter 986 This male banker is a prodigal (8)
What's more, An Qiao really didn't want Qin Yihan to intervene in An's affairs. After all, they had to think about the mother's affairs carefully. I don't have that mood anymore.

An Qiao smiled at this moment, if her mother had never done those things, then this family would not be harmonious and beautiful at this moment, it's just that many things are wrong and they are wrong, and it is difficult to change.

And when Qin Yihan heard An Qiao's words, he nodded his head, expressing that he knew, and soon Qin Yihan went up to the third floor, seeing An Xin at this moment, so he worked hard to pick out the petals.

Seeing An Xin's hard work and earnestness, Qin Yihan froze for a moment and became dazed. At that moment, the bright red light shone on An Xin's body, and the long eyelashes shone with fluorescence, as if dancing in the sky. .

The mask on the cheeks, with that delicate little face, not only did not affect half of the beauty, but added a sense of mystery to her, the bright red mouth kept mumbling, and the opening and closing were like cherries. Supple beauty.

Don't say that a serious man is handsome, a serious woman is also very beautiful, and at this moment, Qin Yihan has a beautiful picture scroll in front of him, especially the one who seems to be transformed, which makes people even more addicted.

When Qin Yihan saw the beautiful scroll, Qin Yihan was slightly taken aback, and was stunned on the stairs for a while, but at this moment, when An Xin heard the sound of footsteps, she turned her head and looked at it. look behind yourself.

When she saw Qin Yihan behind her, she was taken aback for a moment, and a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, but when she saw Qin Yihan looking at her like a fool, An Xin frowned slightly. Could it be that there is something dirty on my cheek?

It's just that soon An Xin's face turned red slightly, and she looked even more charming and charming under the warm sun. The twelve or thirteen-year-old girl, with her water spirit, and the mature woman on her body, she was also naturally seductive. At this moment, she is like a fairy in the jungle, possessing both its truth and its charm.

"Qin Yihan, didn't you run away from home?" An Xin threw the petal stalk at her feet and said, with a look of anger on her face, but she felt wronged. At this moment, she really looked like a little girl. woman.

She never thought that this Qin Yihan, how old is he, would actually run away from home like others, son, when she was eating, this Qin Yihan actually disappeared with her, and she didn't even look at the time at this moment. It just occurred to my heart that I really did it as an inn hotel.

In fact, at this moment, An Xin didn't know whether she was angry with Qin Yihan, or was afraid of Qin Yihan, afraid that after hearing what she said yesterday, Qin Yihan would despise her ten years older than her, so she ran away.

When I thought of this, An Xinzi, in the morning, I didn't know what kind of scolding Qin Yihan was, and I was almost about to blow him to ashes, but now An Xin was upset. Everyone except An Qiao was trembling.

Everyone was thinking in their hearts, who on earth angered this young lady today? After all, after An Xin dealt with Qiuyue's previous convictions, everyone was in awe of An Xin at this moment.

"Since you ran away from home, don't come back to me. I'll ask someone to throw your burden away in a while," An Xin glanced at Qin Yihan and said, but she said so, but she felt relieved in her heart. tone.

It seems that this silly boy didn't dislike him, but at this moment, An Xin was very hard-spoken, and he would not admit to life or death. He was out of his mind all morning, and it was all because he was worried that Qin Yihan would not want him.

(End of this chapter)

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