pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 998 Visiting Invitations

Chapter 998 Visiting Invitations (11)
After all, if he really took action at this moment, I am afraid that An Qiao will think wildly again, thinking that he is too violent. Of course, at this moment, Qin Yihan has never thought about An Xin at all, after all, An Xin is already a virtue with him.

At this moment, if you do it yourself, you might be applauding from the sidelines, so there is no pressure on An Xin's side at this moment, but on the side of An Qiao and An's, Qin Yihan should not worry about it, and leave a good place for the future mother-in-law and natal family. impression.

In addition, there are still a lot of onlookers here at the moment, Qin Yihan really doesn't know how to do anything at this moment, he wants to leave a good impression on everyone, let others know that the person who chooses with peace of mind is the best, so naturally he doesn't Maybe because of this Mr. Qin, he will destroy his image.

It's just that at this moment, a coldness flashed in Qin Yihan's eyes. He has already said that he doesn't want the Qin family to have any entanglements with him, but at this moment, Mr. Qin is entangled again and again. , really made him very unhappy.

And when An Xin on the tree heard Mr. Qin's words, she was taken aback for a moment, and quickly jumped down from the big tree, then walked to Qin Yihan's side and said, "Housekeeper, are you here?" What's the matter?"

At this moment, after An Xin got off the tree, he pretended to be suspicious and walked over. When Qin Yihan heard An Xin's words, he immediately shook his head with a chuckle. After all, he was no better than others just now.

Just now, he knew that the girl was on the big tree early in the morning, but he didn't tell the truth, but at this moment, the girl has a very strange appearance, this girl is too good at putting on a show.

When Mr. Qin saw this An Xin, he was taken aback for a moment, but soon realized that this person was the young master of the mansion, so he walked over and said respectfully, "My surname is Qin, I am a teacher. Sir, I don't know who the young master is?"

And when An Xin saw Mr. Qin, she looked at Qin Yihan and said, "Who is this person in front of the butler? Why are you making such a noise here so early in the morning?"

An Xin glanced at Mr. Qin coldly and said, now that Qin Yihan is her own person, when will it be the turn of outsiders to threaten him? If it weren't for the crowds here, she wouldn't mind giving Mr. Qin a good lesson.

At this moment, An Xin really coincides with Qin Yihan's thinking. After all, at this moment, Qin Yihan also has the idea of ​​pulling Mr. Qin into the dark to teach him a lesson. Not for myself but also for peace of mind.

At this moment, although An Xin is notorious, she is still a lady at this moment, not to mention that her sister and sister are watching from behind, so she will not do anything bad.

After all, she doesn't care whether her reputation is ruined or not, but at this moment, she has to worry about An Qiao. If this younger sister is unruly and willful, it may affect this older sister. Therefore, An Xin has been restraining herself these days. temper.

And An Qiao, who was in the mansion at the moment, was slightly taken aback when she saw An Xin going out. She saw her sister in the room just now, why did she run outside at this moment?

Seeing An Xin appearing, An Qiao immediately sighed, this is really a feud between a female college student and her own younger sister who protects her own food too much, where does Qin Yihan want to go now? She looked like being bullied by others, but she was the first to run out.

"Young master, listen to me first. I don't mean anything malicious. I just want to invite my brother-in-law to a wedding. Of course, if you don't mind, young master, you can also have a wedding together," Mr. Qin said with a smile on his face. The appearance has a kind of flattering look.

And at this moment, when the people around were watching, when they heard Mr. Qin's words, they looked at Qin Yihan and Mr. Qin one by one. After all, everyone in Pingcun knew about Qin Yihan, so at this moment When they heard that the younger sister was married and invited Qin Yihan, everyone was really surprised.

It's just that when they saw An Xin beside them, everyone suddenly realized that the reason why the Qin family came to see Qin Yihan at this moment was not to invite them to drink some wedding wine, but to exist for another purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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