pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 999 The Adventure Animals at the Bottom of the Lake Disappeared

Chapter 999 The Adventure Animals at the Bottom of the Lake Disappeared (1)
"Drink wedding wine? I'm sorry, my butler has a lot of things to do, so I don't have time to drink your wedding wine." After An Xin looked at the wedding invitation in his hand, he threw it directly to Mr. Qin.

And when Mr. Qin saw this, the smile on his face inadvertently froze for a moment, and when he looked at An Xin, he felt embarrassed, "Young master, this is a big event for my brother-in-law to marry a sister, you can't be so unreasonable,"

Mr. Qin looked at this and said with peace of mind, his tone was questioning, and the words he said were also awe-inspiring, "How can you say that my brother-in-law is also from the Qin family, and it would be unreasonable for you not to let him at this moment, young master, can you be a man?" so,"

At this moment, Mr. Qin is talking about peace of mind, which means being rich and unkind. You invite a worker to marry other people's sisters at the moment, and you are not allowed to participate. Isn't this being rich and unkind?
Facing Mr. Qin's words, An Xin smiled slightly, looked at Mr. Qin with sarcasm and ridicule, and said coldly, "Ha,, I'm not human, when Butler Qin had nothing, why didn't you see me?" You say you are from the Qin family? What's more, you are not from the Qin family at all, and Qin Yihan was kicked out of the family when he was a child. Now that you say you are from the Qin family, then find the Qin family to recognize him. People, as for your brother-in-law, let’s not talk about it. I’m talking about it. At this moment, you are only half a brother-in-law. You still come here to say that Qin Yihan is unreasonable. If Qin Yihan is poor at this moment, I’m afraid you will be the first to run away. the fastest,"

Facing Mr. Qin's words, An Xin sneered and said sarcastically, this person in front of him spoke better than he sang, when Qin Yihan had nothing, why didn't he come to say that Qin Yihan is from the Qin family?
The Qin family did not appear when Qin Yihan had nothing, nor did the Qin family appear when Qin Yihan was almost burned to death, nor did the Qin family appear when Qin Yihan was sick.

And at this moment, the only time she saw the Qin family appeared was when Qin Yaya and the Qin family snatched Qin Yihan's things, and she was so breathless when she heard the broomsticks.

She knew that Qin Yihan didn't care what others said about him, maybe it was because of his personality over the years, even if Qin Yihan's status had changed at this moment, he was still used to facing the people of the Qin family at this moment, but today she will give this effect to him. Peel off.

Qin Yihan Even if Qin Yihan is not a broom star, he is not a disaster star, he is a lucky star for herself, so she doesn't want to see this Qin family member at this moment alone.

Although she said she would give the Qin family a chance, in fact it was not a chance for the Qin family, but a chance for Qin Yihan, a chance for Qin Yihan to completely stop that idea, cut off the chance with that family, because she thought the Qin family Not worthy to be Qin Yihan's relatives.

But at this moment, Mr. Qin came to tell Qin Yihan that he was from the Qin family, which is really ridiculous. You would think too much of face for such a person. But Butler Qin is quite generous. The former Japanese lady asked her to go shopping, and he saw that his sister was going to marry. Although the Qin family never liked him from the beginning to the end, it's just that our butler is very friendly, and he actually paid me in advance With more than a year's wages, I bought this dowry for his younger sister, which is a total of 100 taels of dowry, I really want to ask, is it unreasonable to do this?"

An Xin looked at Mr. Qin and said, with a bit of doubt in his tone, he looked at the people around him pretending to be suspicious, and when he said that the dowry was 100 taels, all the people around him looked at him with wide eyes. past.

(End of this chapter)

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