Chapter 302 You Are Hiding From Me (3)
Mr. Jun wanted to say something, but his arm was pulled by Tang Shishi, so he hummed twice with his nose almost inaudibly.

"Grandpa Ling, I wish you good luck like the long flowing water in the East Sea, and a lifespan that is not as old as Nanshan, and live younger and younger!" Tang Shishi said, and gave the gift she had prepared early with both hands.

"This girl has a sweet mouth!" Old Master Ling sighed happily: "It's impossible to live younger and younger. Grandpa strives to live for two more years. He has to watch the birth of my grandson, right?"

"Grandpa!" Tang Shishi blushed a little at Old Master Ling's words, and called out shyly.This Grandpa Ling is really, on an occasion like today, he still made fun of himself!There are so many people watching!
Seeing Tang Shishi's shy little daughter, Old Master Ling smiled even more heartily. He weighed the gift box in his hand and asked curiously, "This time, what weird new thing did you give Grandpa? It's quite heavy!"

Tang Shishi heard old master Ling say this, her small face was full of confidence and said: "Grandpa will definitely like this gift! If you don't believe me, grandpa will open it and have a look!"

"You girl is so full of words, grandpa is really curious, why don't you just open it and have a look?" Old Master Ling looked at Tang Shishi and asked, and then said: "If it doesn't suit grandpa's wishes, you have to give it to grandpa." Prepare again! Otherwise, Grandpa will not obey!"

"No problem!" Tang Shishi said confidently, her small face was as bright as a flower.

The old lady Ling opened the gift with great anticipation, and the people around stretched their necks curiously when they heard the words, wanting to see what this Tang poem would give to the old lady Ling as a gift.

Ling Weiguo, who was standing behind Old Master Ling, also looked forward to it, and Lin Meijuan stretched her neck even more, but she was thinking of watching a good show in her heart!
When Tang Shishi came to the door for the first time, the three gifts she gave were too shabby and opportunistic. If she still wanted to use those unrefined things in an attempt to fool her, she would be making a fool of herself. Become the laughing stock of high society!
The gift box was carefully opened by Mrs. Ling, and the curious people all showed disappointment when they saw an ordinary set of Go chess in the box, and when they saw a Go jar with a gap Sometimes, the disappointment on the face changed to something else, there was shock, regret, disbelief, and the gloating of watching a good show!
But at this moment, Lin Meijuan could not hide the look of disdain in her eyes!
It’s nothing more than sending a set of Go, but there is a gap in one of the Go jars. This old man’s birthday is such a big scene, but he received a broken birthday present, haha!It's really embarrassing!
Ling Yue and Jun Zeyu, who were greeting the guests, also changed their expressions slightly when they saw the broken jar, and looked at Tang Shishi worriedly.

This girl, how could she be so careless this time!
A few days ago, Ling Yue asked Tang Shishi about preparing a birthday gift for Mrs. Ling, and Tang Shishi said confidently as before that she had already prepared it, and the gift was guaranteed to be liked by Mrs. Ling. !
Who knew that such an oolong would happen!

Bai Mo, who was standing not far away, saw the picture of Go, and the corner of his mouth curled into a sneering arc: Tang Shishi, it seems that good luck does not always favor you, at such a big birthday banquet today, you You actually sent a broken jar over here, I'll see how you end up this time, I hope you can justify yourself!

well!It's a pity that Ling Rui is not present at this time, otherwise, this good show will be even more exciting!

All eyes were on Tang Shishi!It seems that they are all waiting for Tang Shishi to give an explanation, although, in their hearts, they have already decided that no matter what kind of explanation is futile!

The surrounding atmosphere froze for a moment, only to hear Mr. Jun cough suddenly, and said, "Old man Ling, don't get excited!"

So all eyes were focused on Old Master Ling, who looked excited and had trembling hands.

This old lady Ling was so angry today, look at his shaking hands, it looks like a character in an opera, it's really beautiful!

"Dad, don't be angry. Shishi definitely didn't do it on purpose. She is young, so she is inevitably a little edgy and inconsiderate. Don't take it to heart!" Arm, persuaded.

Tang Shishi heard Lin Meijuan's words, raised her eyes to look at Lin Meijuan, and found that she was also looking at herself, with some tolerant reproaches on her face, playing a kind and amiable elder so penetratingly, it was just the ridicule and contempt in her eyes that were too late to put away , It makes people really upset to see it!

Tang Shishi sneered in her heart: Dear, you are too impatient!Expose yourself prematurely, it seems that the cannon fodder is none other than you!
"Who said I'm angry?!" Old Master Ling's suddenly raised voice shocked everyone into a daze. He slapped Lin Meijuan's hand away, glared at her angrily, and said, "Don't talk nonsense if you don't know !"

"Dad, I..." Lin Meijuan was dumbfounded!She didn't expect that on such a big occasion, Mrs. Ling would be ungrateful and just waste her kindness, and even speak harshly to her in front of so many people!How can she go out in the future by dumping her face in public like this?

"Grandpa Ling, those who don't know are not to blame, so don't blame your auntie." Tang Shishi glanced at Lin Meijuan, and then said to Old Master Ling.

Lin Meijuan's heart shuddered at Tang Shishi's glance, and then her blood surged up, her old face turned red from being suppressed.

At this moment, Mrs. Ling couldn't listen to it at all. He tried his best to suppress his excitement, and stroked the gap on the jar with trembling fingers, tearing up in tears!

"Grandpa——" Tang Shishi didn't expect Mrs. Ling to lose her composure in public, and she really regretted letting him open the gift in public.

Old Master Ling wiped his eyes, then picked up the pot with a broken corner, and saw the two words "Wan Xin" engraved on the bottom of the pot, looked at Tang Shishi excitedly and asked: "Girl, is this really a gift?" Give it to me?" There was unbelievable trembling and joy in his tone.

"Grandma left it for me, but I think grandpa must need it more than I do, so I borrowed flowers to present to Buddha, I hope grandpa will like it." Tang Shishi said sincerely.

"I like it! I like it! Grandpa likes it very much!" The old man Ling said three likes in one breath, wiped his tears with his hands, and then hugged the box like a child, refusing to let go.

Seeing that the plot was out of the script, the people around turned sharply and looked at Tang Shishi with complicated eyes - they thought it would be a furious reprimand, but they didn't expect it to be this tear-jerking effect.

(End of this chapter)

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