Chapter 303 You Are Hiding From Me (4)
"Old man Ling, is this how you treat guests? My legs are tired from standing!" Mr. Jun said impatiently when he saw that the rain was over and the sky was clear.

"Haha, look at me, I was so happy to patronize, but I neglected everyone, please take a seat!" Mrs. Ling gave Mrs. Jun a grateful look, and said.Who knew that in exchange for a disdainful glance from Mr. Jun, but he is happy today and doesn't intend to argue with him!
When everyone heard Mrs. Ling say this, they all dispersed talking and laughing.

Ling Yue and Jun Zeyu breathed a sigh of relief, and went to greet the guests again, but before Ling Yue left, she took a look at Tang Shishi, and there was something deep in her eyes that she couldn't see clearly.

Tang Shishi and Mr. Jun entered the table at the invitation of Ling Weiguo. When they passed by Lin Meijuan, Tang Shishi cast a glance at her. The hem of his clothes and the wrinkles on his face all danced.

Not far away, Mrs. Bai looked at the backs of Tang Shishi and her party, then at the restless granddaughter beside her, and sighed silently.

This girl is really shrewd. No wonder old man Jun likes it, and no wonder old man Ling has changed his mind!In today's day when people from the upper class gather together, she chose to give Mrs. Ling such a birthday present, which not only won the favor of Mrs. Ling, but also announced to everyone the fact that her chess skills are also her own. Since Bai Mo is aggressive, don't blame her for not showing mercy to the Bai family!
Such a calm temperament and exquisite mind are the foundation of a Go master. Now she regrets agreeing to agree with Bai Mo to hold some Go tournament in order to gain some momentum. I hope that when the time comes, the Go tournament will be safe and sound. It's over, it's better not to make any big disturbances, otherwise, their Bai family will really lose their heads in the upper class!

"Grandma, hurry to the table." Just when Lin Meijuan was about to lose her composure, Ling Susu stepped forward, held Lin Meijuan's hand, and reminded her in a low voice.

Lin Meijuan glanced at Ling Susu and said, "Why are you here? How are you? I'm busy these days, so I don't have time to go to the hospital to see you."

"Grandma, grandpa's birthday is such a big happy event, how can I not come!" Ling Susu smiled softly, but the smile was a little weak, she was wearing a beige dress today, and that color made her bloodless His face became even paler, and just standing like this gave people a sense of frailty and pity.

Ling Susu said to Lin Meijuan hypocritically, but she was extremely disdainful in her heart. It was just an excuse that she was busy and had no time. It was not because she was infertile and felt that she was not capable of marrying Lu Tao, so she treated herself like an abandoned child. Abandoned, but still want to say so high-sounding!

"Hey! You child, nothing is more important than your own body." Lin Meijuan was a little impatient, but she still looked at Ling Susu lovingly and said.

"Grandma, I know, I've made you worry!" Ling Susu said with tears in her eyes.

"Okay, let's take a seat. I saw Lu Tao coming too. Let's find a chance for you two to have a good talk." Lin Meijuan raised her hand and pointed: "Here, I came here as soon as I was talking, isn't that what it is?" Well!"

Ling Susu followed Lin Meijuan's gaze and saw Lu Tao talking to some people. She jumped up and said, "Grandma is right, I will have a good talk with him." Ling Susu bit the word "good" It was very heavy, as if it was going to grind teeth.

"Well, go over there and sit with Lu Tao." Lin Meijuan said, and walked towards the main table, where she was seated.As for this granddaughter, on an occasion like today, she absolutely cannot sit with her. She is afraid of being gossiped about!

Ling Susu didn't notice the meaning of Lin Meijuan's words at all. Now she was completely focused on Lu Tao's body, and walked towards Lu Tao.

Mrs. Ling entered the table, arranged Tang Shishi to sit beside him and Mrs. Jun, then lowered her voice and asked, "Girl, where is Mr. Rui? Why didn't you come with you?"

"Grandpa, Ling Rui's troops have something to do, so they have to come later, but he said that the birthday present he prepared for you this time is definitely a big surprise. Let me remind you quietly first, lest you see it later, if you are too excited, you will be overwhelmed." Not good!" Tang Shishi said mysteriously, with a mischievous smile hanging from the corner of her mouth.

"That brat knows how to prepare a birthday present for me? It's really rare!" Mrs. Ling said so, but she was secretly thinking about what kind of surprise gift Ling Rui would bring to herself!
"Girl, tell grandpa quickly, grandpa can't figure out what kind of tricks this stinky boy will play!" Old Master Ling racked his brains for a long time, but couldn't come up with any clues, and asked impatiently.

"Grandpa, calm down! Calm down! The Buddha said: Don't say it!" Tang Shishi said with a smile.

"You girl!" Old Master Ling scolded Tang Shishi helplessly, and said, "Then I'll just wait, anyway, I'll find out sooner or later!"

Tang Shishi nodded, but found that Ling Weiguo, who was on the side, was in an abnormal mood today, looking restless, and Lin Meijuan, who was next to him, talked to him several times, but he didn't seem to hear it.But when he thought that this uncle was also 70 years old, he didn't like the noisy scene like today, and he was a little tired, so he didn't think much about it.

Ling Rui came at the last moment before the banquet.

As soon as he entered the arena, almost all eyes were cast on him. Bai Mo was sitting on the table impetuously thinking that Ling Rui would not come over today. Excited like a deer bumping around.

Today Ling Rui is wearing a pink and purple suit, even the tie is the same color, but with a dark retro pattern, this color, the temperament of most people cannot be suppressed, one is not good , will appear extremely feminine, but with Ling Rui's temperament and figure, wearing such a color will further set off his noble temperament, graceful and handsome.At this moment, his face was cold, and his aura was as intimidating as a born king.

But Bai Mo's surging passion cooled down when she saw Ling Rui's suit in the same color as Tang Shishi's. She looked at Ling Rui, who was beautiful, and put her hand under the table, ruthlessly He grabbed the tablecloth covering it.

Grandpa Ling saw Ling Rui coming in, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly. He was just about to tease him, but when he saw Tang Guoduan and Cai Xiaofen beside Ling Rui, he stood up excitedly from his chair, and accidentally threw the When the tableware touched the ground, there was an abrupt breaking sound immediately, which attracted everyone's attention to them again!

(End of this chapter)

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