Chapter 304 You Are Hiding From Me (5)
"Grandpa, don't get excited!" Tang Shishi stood up quickly and said while supporting Old Master Ling's arm.

On the other hand, Ling Yue kept chanting: "Sui Sui is safe, Sui Sui is safe!" In such words, someone came to clean up the debris on the ground.

"Girl! Tell me quickly, am I dazzled or misread?" Mrs. Ling didn't have the heart to pay attention to other things at all. He held Tang Shishi's arm tightly and asked excitedly. At this moment, he was caught by a kind of Surrounded by the joy of regaining what was lost, I couldn't believe it, and I became uncertain, for fear that there would be problems with my eyes and hallucinations in my mind.

"Grandpa, you read that right, it's my uncle and aunt who are here!" Tang Shishi consoled, clearly feeling the excitement of old lady Ling at the moment from old lady Ling's hand holding her arm.

Just when Mrs. Ling was so excited that she didn't know how to express it, Ling Rui led Tang Guoduan and Cai Xiaofen to walk up to Mrs. Ling amidst the attention of everyone.

As soon as Ling Rui came over, he stood beside Tang Shishi, hugged Tang Shishi's waist naturally and affectionately, the cold expression on his face receded, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he said to Mrs. Ling, "Grandpa, how can you give me this birthday present?" Still satisfied?"

"Satisfied! Satisfied!" Old Master Ling said excitedly, with tears in the corners of his eyes, and looked at Tang Guoduan intently.

"Uncle, aunt, this is today's birthday star, my grandfather!" Ling Rui introduced Tang Guoduan when he saw Tang Guoduan's complexion was a little gloomy.

"Old Ling!" Tang Guoduan seemed to have some obstruction in his throat, and he uttered two words with some difficulty, dryly, nothing else.Not even a birthday greeting.

When Ling Weiguo saw the appearance of Tang Guoduan and his wife, the expression on his face was struck by lightning, especially Tang Guoduan seemed to cast a casual glance at him, which made Ling Weiguo immediately feel that the blood in his whole body was cold.

It's him!It's him!It's him!

Ling Yue and Jun Zeyu looked at each other, although they had already made up their minds, they still felt a little awkward.

"Hey!" Hearing Tang Guoduan calling him, Mrs. Ling was even more excited, and tears rolled down her eyes.

"Dad, look at you!" Ling Yue sighed from the bottom of his heart, and spoke half-blamely, then got up and greeted Tang Guoduan with a smile: "Brother Tang, sister-in-law Tang, stop standing, come and sit down quickly. "

Tang Guoduan and Cai Xiaofen were slightly moved by Ling Yue's "Brother Tang, Sister Tang", and they looked at each other with deep meaning in each other's eyes.

After being reminded by Ling Yue, the old lady Ling came back to her senses, and found that standing like this was a bit awkward, quickly wiped her eyes, pointed to the place beside her and said, "Come and sit down, sit down!"

With Mr. Ling's finger, everyone at the table changed their faces.

Because they didn't know that Tang Guoduan and his wife were coming, sitting on the other side of Mrs. Ling were Ling Weiguo and Lin Meijuan. Mrs. Ling wanted Tang Guoduan and his wife to come by his side, which meant that Ling Weiguo and his wife had to move their seats!It would be fine if it was a family banquet, but on such an occasion, everyone was seated and ready to start the banquet. The old lady Ling sent Ling Weiguo and his wife away because of Cheng Yaojin who suddenly appeared, and made room for Tang Guoduan and his wife , no matter how you look at it, it looks a little weird, like doves occupying magpies' nests.

Ling Weiguo's complexion was already stiff and pale, and Lin Meijuan's complexion was even more ugly.

Ling Hao was very puzzled by Old Master Ling's sudden move. This move was undoubtedly a slap in the face of his father in public. Grandpa always valued his father very much. Although he was not as indulgent as he was to Ling Yue, he never said it was important. In other words, how can you make such a move at this moment?
Huang Xiaojuan's face flushed with anger, because as soon as Lin Meijuan and the others moved, she would also stand up and move. The table was full of people, and there was only one vacant seat for Tang Shishi who stood up. There was no extra chair at all. Could it be that the old man is going to drive them away directly?
She came here with good intentions to greet guests for him. She just sat down on her buttocks and hasn't eaten her meal yet. What is this?unacceptable!

Lin Meijuan and Huang Xiaojuan had the same thoughts. Seeing Ling Weiguo's expression was not right at the moment, she just wanted to say a few words, but someone stopped her.

"Grandpa Ling, let me, Uncle Tang and Auntie, sit here. My second brother and his table are still reserved for Ling Rui and me." Seeing Lin Meijuan about to speak, Tang Shishi immediately said with a smile.

Everyone sat down, and it's really not good to move now. Here, she and Ling Rui are young, so they should naturally let them out.

Ling Yue glanced at Tang Shishi approvingly, and said with a smile: "Dad, look at how excited you are when you see your in-laws! Let me, Brother Tang, sit beside you, and Mrs. Tang, sit here with me. I have been waiting for a long time. I haven't seen Mrs. Tang, so I just want to talk about it! As for the young couple, it's better to go to the group of young people, I have seen that this girl can't sit still!"

As soon as Ling Yue finished speaking, someone immediately added a chair beside her, she took the initiative to take Cai Xiaofen's hand, and said to Tang Guoduan jokingly: "Brother Tang, please lend me a little sister-in-law. Don't be reluctant!"

Tang Guoduan forced a smile and nodded.

Old Master Ling saw Tang Guoduan smiled, and realized that what he had just done was indeed inappropriate, so he quickly said, "Look, I'm so excited, sit down!" After speaking, he gave Tang Shishi a grateful look.

Tang Shishi smiled, watched Tang Guoduan sit down, took Ling Rui's arm, and went to Jun Mubei's table.

Jun Mubei and the others did have a lot of empty seats at their table, but they were not specially reserved for Tang Shishi and Ling Rui, but no one dared to sit down except for them.

For the seats of ten people, Fang Ziming, Quan Shaobai, Jun Mubei, Jiang Dongli, Jun Nuanxin sat five people, plus Ling Rui and Tang Shishicai seven people.

"Why didn't you see Du Haoyang?" Tang Shishi realized that the atmosphere at the table was not right as soon as she sat down, her eyes flicked over the expressions of Quan Shaobai and Jiang Dongli's frequent fights, and she opened her mouth to break the weird air current, and asked.

"Cough! That guy, originally planned to come together, but who knew that he answered a call this morning, so angry that he even dropped his phone, and ran to G City to kill people!" Fang Ziming coughed lightly and said.

As soon as Fang Ziming spoke, all eyes at the table fell on him.

"To kill people?!" Tang Shishi asked in surprise.

"Ahem! No, he didn't really kill people, but he looked like he was going to kill people!" Fang Ziming suddenly became the focus of everyone, and he coughed twice and said in embarrassment.

How can it be so simple to kill people, recalling Du Haoyang's look when he answered the phone, he was going to eat people alive!
Everyone gave Fang Ziming a blank look in displeasure, this guy really loves to exaggerate!Give them a big jump!

(End of this chapter)

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