Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 308 The Death of Ling Weiguo

Chapter 308 The Death of Ling Weiguo (4)
Tang Shishi saw all this in her eyes, and sincerely felt that low IQ is sometimes not a bad thing!
Ling Hao looked at Lu Tao with a puzzled face, but he was happy to see such a result.It's just that I don't like Ling Susu's attitude!

Due to the arrival of Tang Shishi, Ling Rui, Ling Susu and Lu Tao, Cai Xiaofen and Ling Yue also stopped talking, looking displeased at Ling Susu who suddenly appeared and was not on the banquet list.

Grandpa Jun watched Ling Susu provoke his granddaughter-in-law as soon as he arrived, his eyes were wide open, and he was waiting for her to do something unflattering, so that he could grab the teapot on the table and throw it at her face!

Tang Guoduan looked at Ling Susu, who was holding Lu Tao's arm, and let out a displeased cold snort from his nostrils. Mrs. Ling's sharp eyes immediately shot at Ling Susu!

Ling Susu met Old Master Ling's gaze fearlessly, and said in her heart: Old man, from now on, I don't need to look at your face again!Thinking in this way, Ling Susu said in a cold tone: "Grandpa, A Tao and I are here to toast you and wish you a happy birthday!"

Such an expression, such a blessing, how much sincerity, everyone present can see.

The old lady Ling was a little stunned by Ling Susu's sudden change, and then she understood, and said meaningfully: "Lu Tao, this junior, I can't control it anymore, and I don't want to control it, and I have no right to control it. From now on, there is no need to let the two of you I know!"

Old Mrs. Ling bit the word "qualification" very hard. Ling Weiguo, who was at the side, looked at the determined old Mrs. Ling, his heart skipped a beat, and he almost knocked over his wine glass!

Ling Susu didn't take it seriously, anyway, this old thing didn't care about her affairs, so it didn't make much difference to her whether she cared about her or not.

"Dad, how can you say that!" Lin Meijuan almost couldn't hold back her anger when she heard old master Ling's words, her voice was a bit sharp, which attracted people on the tables around to watch curiously.

"You too, from now on, you can handle your affairs on your own, it has nothing to do with my old man!" Old Master Ling looked at Lin Meijuan and said indifferently.

"Dad, are you going to split up?" Lin Meijuan looked at Old Master Ling in disbelief and asked.

Lin Meijuan never dreamed that Mrs. Ling, who always cared about face and took face very seriously, would say such words at today's birthday banquet.She looked at Old Master Ling with a serious face, and Tang Guoduan beside Old Master Ling, her face turned green with anger!

This little guy is a vixen who has confused them all, but he is so old that he is used to tricks!

"Separation? Well, since everyone is here today, some things should be explained!" Old Master Ling looked at Ling Weiguo who was silent, sighed, and then looked at Tang Guoduan beside him, There was a hint of hope in his apologetic eyes.

"If we separate, we will separate! Anyway, grandpa never regarded us as his own!" Huang Xiaojuan yelled angrily. She had had enough today. She had a good meal and brought two outsiders. Yue's family, like the stars holding the moon, is really suffocating!
"Shut up!" Ling Hao scolded Huang Xiaojuan in a low voice. Huang Xiaojuan looked at Ling Hao aggrievedly, her momentum weakened, and she muttered in a low voice, "I'm not right!"

Old Master Ling stood up slowly, stretched out his hand to Tang Shishi on the side and said, "Girl, come with me!" Then he looked at Ling Rui and said, "Boy Rui, come too!"

Tang Shishi glanced at Ling Rui, and Ling Rui nodded to her, so she went up to Ling Rui to support Mrs. Ling, followed him to the stage, and stood in front of the microphone.

"First of all, thank you very much for coming to celebrate my old man's birthday! Today, in front of everyone, I have something to announce!" Mrs. Ling paused after speaking, and saw all the guests in the audience looking at him, satisfied Continued: "The first thing, let me introduce my granddaughter-in-law Tang Shishi! Shishi, come and say hello to everyone!"

After the old master Ling finished speaking, he patted Tang Shishi's hand, and took a step back to the side.

Tang Shishi walked slowly to the microphone, looked around the banquet hall, with a just right smile on her mouth, her lips parted slightly, and said, "Hi everyone, I am Tang Shishi!" After such a short sentence , Tang Shishi returned to her original position, without a trace of extra pendants, with cold eyes, noble and generous.

Mr. Jun sat under the stage, nodding to Tang Shishi with satisfaction.This girl, to put it bluntly, is short enough, sharp enough and domineering enough!She is indeed the daughter-in-law of their Jun family!
Old Master Ling also smiled and nodded to Tang Shishi, then walked to the microphone and said, "The second thing, and the happiest thing I have today, is that my old man found his long-lost son!" With uncontrollable excitement, he said in a trembling voice.

Everyone was in an uproar!They all turned their eyes to the main table, and landed on Tang Guoduan.

No wonder they felt that Mrs. Ling had a different attitude towards this man just now, that's how it is!
"Son, in the past few decades, I have been ashamed of you as a father. Dad is wrong! Please forgive me!" Old Master Ling bent down in the direction of Tang Guoduan and bowed solemnly!
"This, how is this possible!" Huang Meijuan was the first to scream impatiently!

How could this be?Out of nowhere, another little uncle appeared out of nowhere!
Ling Hao was also taken aback. He looked at the calm Ling Yue and Jun Zeyu. Their faces were peaceful. There was no surprise at all. It was obvious that they had already known it!
Lin Meijuan twisted the tablecloth fiercely with both hands angrily, and looked at Mrs. Ling with a look of resentment in her eyes.This old bastard is ready to tear his face apart!
Lu Tao was obviously like everyone else, he didn't expect Tang Guoduan to have such a mystery about his life experience, and he was still in shock.Ling Susu looked at Tang Guoduan with hateful eyes.

Tang Guoduan didn't speak. At this moment, under the gaze of many curious and complicated eyes, he sat calmly, his gaze was like a torch, and he looked at Ling Weiguo, whose body was already stiff like a piece of wood sitting there!
Of course, when that woman led the teenage Ling Ruiguo to find him and his mother, the man looked at him fiercely and said those words that could make people never recover. You are a bastard of light, and your mother is also a bad woman who seduces other people's husbands and destroys other people's families! Vixen! You are such a lowly status, you don't deserve to live in this world!" The woman didn't know what she said to her mother, When they left, they left a pile of money, and warned them to get away with their mother and son, never to return to City B, and the mother agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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