Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 309 The Death of Ling Weiguo

Chapter 309 The Death of Ling Weiguo (5)
But since then, he and his mother have been hunted down, lived in no fixed place, and hid everywhere. Later, with the help of a nobleman, they hid in City C. I don't know what the nobleman used Ways to settle this matter, in short, after that, the life between him and his mother finally settled down.It's just that the mother, because she had to protect herself in the hunt, was injured repeatedly, and died early before she lived to be 70 years old. How can these people live so long!

"Guoduan, I know that I don't have the responsibility to be a father to you one day, I..." Mrs. Ling looked at Tang Guoduan who was sitting at the main table indifferently, and didn't even look at himself, and couldn't help feeling sour , shed tears on the spot.

"Uncle!" Tang Shishi looked at Tang Guoduan and called out in a low voice.

Hearing the sound, Tang Guoduan finally shifted his gaze to Mrs. Ling, saw the hopeful expression on his face, and slowly stood up.

Before Tang Guoduan could speak, Ling Weiguo stood up impulsively. He stretched out his hand, pointed at Tang Guoduan tremblingly and said, "You—you—" It's just the two words "you". But it became the last words he uttered in this life.

Ling Weiguo suddenly clutched his chest, his pupils dilated suddenly, the expression on his face twisted in pain for a moment, and then fell down on the table with a bang!
What followed was the sound of chopsticks falling to the ground!
"Guo Wei!" Lin Meijuan, who was beside Ling Weiguo, was the first to scream.

"Big brother!"





There was a mess on the main table, and the old lady Ling who had something to say also quickly stepped off the stage and walked up to Ling Weiguo. He looked at Ling Weiguo who was still staring, and put a trembling hand on his nose Below, and then the whole body froze, and fell backwards!

"Grandpa!" Ling Rui supported the old lady Ling's body quickly with his eyes and hands, and called out in a low voice. Tang Shishi said to Ling Yue: "Mom, go up and tell everyone to stay where they are! Dad, you Tell Mu Bei that he will block the banquet hall."

Ling Yue and Jun Zeyu nodded, and left.Although they didn't know why Tang Shishi said that, they still did what she said!
"Tang Shishi, what do you mean?!" Ling Susu was the first to attack. Although she had no feelings for this family for a long time, she just couldn't understand Tang Shishi, an orphan girl with nothing, and her domineering look!
"Weiguo! What's wrong with you, Weiguo?!" Without waiting for Tang Shishi to speak, Lin Meijuan hugged Ling Weiguo's body and burst into tears: "What can't you think about it? Our family has been suffering for decades. Is there still not enough cold reception from them? Why are you still angry with them!".

"Dad!" Ling Hao also stepped forward, grabbed Ling Weiguo's hand, and shed tears.

"Dad!" Huang Xiaojuan burst into tears after being unwilling to let others go.

Old Master Ling pointed at Lin Meijuan and the others, his beards were straight up in anger, and his crutches slammed the ground loudly, and said, "You...what are you talking about! Don't bite here!"

This group of people actually accused Ling Weiguo of being pissed off by Tang Guoduan here!I really want to piss him off!
"Dad! Did I say something wrong? Your heart has always been biased! You are partial to Ling Yue, and it's fine to give her the entire Dynasty Group. Why are you now treating someone who doesn't understand who suddenly appeared?" So good? He also said that we would be kicked out of the Ling family, if it wasn't for your connivance, why would Wei Guo end up here?" Lin Meijuan cried and wiped away her tears.

"Grandpa, don't you understand what my dad said before he died? It was him! It was him! He made my dad mad!" Huang Xiaojuan immediately barked like a mad dog.

"Grandpa, how did grandpa die, people here can see clearly, why do you still indulge a woman who doesn't know the so-called, pointing fingers here!" Ling Susu's face was full of tears, and she accused her delicately road.

All of a sudden, all the accusations were directed at Mrs. Ling, Tang Guoduan and Tang Shishi rushed over, and most of the surrounding guests looked at these three people with critical eyes. They all sympathized with the weak, while Lin Meijuan, Huang Xiaojuan Ling Susu and the others are weak in their eyes at this moment.

"Girl, what's going on?" Mrs. Jun didn't understand why Tang Shishi made such a decision.

"Grandpa, there are other strange things about uncle's death, but he was definitely not pissed off!" Tang Shishi glanced at Grandpa Jun, then at Tang Guoduan who had a complex expression, and was already standing beside Tang Guoduan, very nervous Cai Xiaofen's eyes met Ling Rui's at last, and said firmly.

Tang Shishi's voice was neither high nor low, but it was exceptionally clear, and her face was very confident at the moment, so it quickly caused an uproar and commotion in the banquet hall!

"What are you talking about?! You are talking nonsense! Don't try to quibble anymore! Your uncle was pissed off by your adoptive father!" Lin Meijuan said sharply when she heard Tang Shishi's words.After speaking, he began to cry on Ling Weiguo's body: "Weiguo, even if you go, they don't know how to repent!"

"Tang Shishi, why are you talking nonsense here! Don't think that you can escape responsibility by saying this!" Ling Susu jumped up, almost poking Tang Shishi's nose with her finger, and cursed.

"What right do you have to point fingers here? You say that just to change the subject, how this man died, so many people can see clearly, what do you have to deny!" Huang Xiaojuan was already crying It was flushed red, as if she was a filial daughter-in-law.

"Isn't it? When the doctor comes, we will find out!" Ling Rui believed in his wife. Tang Shishi is definitely not the kind of person who is aimless. Even if it is to protect Uncle Tang, she will not say anything without reason In this case!

After Ling Rui finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone, called the director of the General Hospital of the Military Medical University, explained the matter in general, asked them to send a team of experts, and then decisively reported the case!

"Why do you?! Why do you do this! Ling Rui! You want to make your uncle die and have no peace! Ever since you were young, your uncle has loved you a lot, and he treats you better than his own son , That's how you repay him? You white-eyed wolf!" Lin Meijuan heard that Ling Rui was calling an expert and reporting the crime again, she cried and blamed, and finally turned her eyes to the still-open eyes. Ling Weiguo cried, "Weiguo! Look, look, this is your good nephew who has loved you since childhood! Look at how he treats you now! Weiguo! Look! Look! !"

"Mom! Don't cry! Dad just knew, that's why he died like this!" Ling Hao knelt in front of Ling Weiguo's body, comforting Lin Meijuan and said: "For so many years, grandpa has always been partial to one side, when did he give us a chance? , Dad, we are all used to it, why are you still so excited and making trouble with yourself?"

(End of this chapter)

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