Chapter 314 The truth is revealed (5)
"It's easy to explain. Ling Susu just had a miscarriage and her body is weak. I think she must have drunk wine and eaten crabs just now! This is just a natural reaction caused by her improper diet, and has nothing to do with the dishes at today's banquet After all, this Miss Ling came today uninvited, so it is normal that the kitchen did not take her situation into consideration!" Tang Shishi said coldly, looking at Ling Susu, who was already pale like a female ghost.

"" Ling Susu pointed at Tang Shishi, speechless angrily. She drank a lot of wine just now, and her favorite food is the crab made by Dynasty Hotel.

"I can prove that she has indeed drank wine and eaten crabs!" Lu Tao, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly stood up and said.Ling Susu was at his table just now, he had seen what she had eaten.

"A Tao!" Ling Susu's scalp became numb when she heard Lu Tao's words, and the cold sweat broke out even more on her body!When she saw the determination and disgust in Lu Tao's eyes, she didn't feel any distress. Only when she saw Tang Shishi, there was a little forbearance and tenderness on her face. The pain in her heart was like being bitten by thousands of snakes and ants.Looking at Tang Shishi's eyes, there is countless resentment!

The crowd became noisy again because of Lu Tao's words.Looking at Lu Tao and Tang Shishi, there was some deep ambiguity in their eyes.

Sensing the sight of her surroundings, Ling Rui frowned displeasedly, stepped forward and hugged Tang Shishi's waist with a gesture of complete possession.

Tang Shishi glanced sideways at Ling Rui, licked the corners of her mouth at him, and leaned into Ling Rui's arms actively.

Ling Rui became satisfied, the lines of his face that had been tense just now became a little softer because of Tang Shishi's small movements.

When Lu Tao saw Tang Shishi and Ling Rui standing side by side like this, his eyes flashed with sadness, and a look of loneliness appeared on his face.

The eyes of the surroundings became complicated again, and there were restless gossip factors everywhere.

"I saw it too. She ate a big crab and drank several glasses of wine!" A girl's voice sounded in the crowd, and Ling Rui looked over. This should be the second son of the historian Shen He mentioned just now. Miss!

"This lady is very correct! Postpartum women are weak and need to take good care of themselves. Excessive drinking and eating raw and cold food will indeed cause such symptoms." A doctor stood up and supported Tang Shishi's words.

Doctors' words are always more convincing than ordinary people's. Therefore, Lin Meijuan and others used Ling Susu's trick to seriously injure them, and they were exposed again. They already hated Tang Shishi in their hearts at this moment!
"Lieutenant Chen, check the dishes on the table!" Ling Rui ordered to the military doctor who had just come out to speak.

"Yes!" Lieutenant Chen took the order, and began to carefully check the dishes on the table with the other two doctors.

Tang Shishi's eyes were also staring closely at the dishes on the table. What she was thinking about was the poisonous and taboo combination between various mutually reinforcing foods and fruit drinks. Her gaze slid around the table, No abnormalities were found. The dishes and menus of this Dynasty Hotel are strictly managed, and there are no taboo combinations at all. What is the problem?
"Grandpa, what did you have for breakfast?" After thinking for a while, without any result, Tang Shishi turned to ask Mrs. Ling.

"In the morning, Weiguo ate the same as I did. They were shrimp skin chicory cakes and oatmeal warming stomach porridge. I didn't eat anything special." Mrs. Ling recalled.

Tang Shishi nodded, it seems that the problem is not the breakfast, so what is going on? !Tang Shishi fell into deep thought again.

"Don't think about it, leave it to the doctor." Seeing Tang Shishi frowning, Ling Rui stroked her in distress.

"There is no problem with the dishes, and there is no poison in them! It is indeed as the lady said, with reasonable mix and rich nutrition!" The inspection results from Lieutenant Chen came out, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, including Lin Meijuan and others !

"Wei Guo, let's go home! I'll take you home right away!" Lin Meijuan said, wiping her tears.

"Dad, let's go home!" Ling Hao also bent down, about to pull Ling Weiguo's body.

Tang Shishi's eyes fell on the place where Ling Weiguo had done before, seeing the few more pieces of watermelon rind than other tables, she took two steps forward to the place where Ling Weiguo was sitting, and sniffed it secretly Sniff, suddenly my mind lit up!
"I know!" Tang Shishi suddenly shouted, shocking everyone.

"Tang Shishi, don't you think it's not messy enough?" Ling Hao shouted angrily at Tang Shishi.

"I know how Uncle was poisoned. Don't tell me, Mayor Ling, you don't care about the truth about your father's death? Or are you trying to cover up something?" Tang Shishi was not intimidated by Ling Hao's anger, she looked at Ling closely. Hao, without flinching, said meaningfully.

"Stop spitting blood here!" Huang Xiaojuan immediately put on the posture of an old hen.

"Is it bloody, I'm afraid I have to ask our Ms. Lin Meijuan!" Tang Shishi said, looking at Lin Meijuan, and then said coldly: "Auntie, this red flower is really a good thing, you are right Isn't it? It can cause abortion, and it can even be made into medicine to poison people to death!"

Lin Meijuan felt guilty when asked by Tang Shishi, she said in a nasty voice, "I don't know what you are talking about!"

All the Ling family, including Bai Mo, were taken aback when they heard the word safflower. They did not forget that impressive Ling family banquet, because Tang Shishi smelled it with the tip of her nose. Red flowers were added to the soup, and finally the banquet broke up unhappy!

"Auntie, you know! The Eight Treasure Pills you give uncle, but things like safflower are indispensable!" Tang Shishi looked at Lin Meijuan's dodging eyes, and her heart became more and more desolate. Unexpectedly, her uncle turned out to be Died at the hands of the person he shared the bed with.

"I don't know! I don't know!" Lin Meijuan yelled out of emotional breakdown after being asked by Tang Shishi. The people around her had already noticed that what Tang Shishi said hit the nail on the head!

People around looked at Tang Shishi with deeper eyes.Tang Shishi, what kind of woman is this!
"Babaodan, how could it be related to Babaodan? Isn't that for children?" A woman in the crowd asked in confusion.

"I'm also very curious!" Lieutenant Chen looked at Tang Shishi with a look of confusion.

Tang Shishi glanced at the people around her, and said in a soft tone: "Babaodan is indeed a good thing, and it is expensive, but there are many ways to prepare Babaodan, and the effects are also different. It can not only clear the Promoting dampness and heat, promoting blood circulation and detoxification, removing jaundice and relieving pain, treating traumatic ulcers and bruises, can also strengthen Yuanyang, promote qi and generate blood, and prolong life." Tang Shishi glanced at Lin Meijuan who was trembling, and continued coldly: "Take two liang each of Guangmuxiang, mother clove, and safflower, five qian of oyster, five qian of earthworm, two qian of lamp grass, three liang of licorice, grind them into powder, boil them into a paste, and make a pill of Babaodan. Take it daily Take a pill, chew it carefully, drink it with hollow wine, and press it with dry food!"

(End of this chapter)

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