Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 315 Is it, what is the meaning now

Chapter 315 Is it, what is the meaning now (1)
When Tang Shishi said the last sentence, when she pressed it with dry things, she bit every word extremely hard, and everyone could hear the unusualness in her words!
"You mean that Dean Ling took Babao Dan and was led to eat other things?" Zhongwei Chen interjected with a look of curiosity. He didn't expect that Tang Shishi would still have some research on Chinese medicine. Can recite the prescription of traditional Chinese medicine, looking at Tang Shishi's eyes, burning hot.

Ling Rui snorted displeasedly.

Lieutenant Chen immediately stiffened his body, his scalp was tense, and he took a small step back indistinctly.This man can't be messed with!

Only then was Ling Rui satisfied. He looked at his daughter-in-law with surprise in his eyes!

"Watermelon is a good thing, but if it is eaten together with the Eight Treasure Pill, it will be poisoned!" After Tang Shishi finished speaking, she raised her finger and pointed to the place where Ling Weiguo was sitting before. There were three pieces of watermelon rind on it!
There was a burst of low shouts from the crowd!

The truth is!
"Lin Meijuan! Why did you do this!" Ling Yue asked after listening to Tang Shishi's words, looking at Lin Meijuan with red eyes!
She didn't expect that Lin Meijuan was the murderer who killed her eldest brother Ling Weiguo!In any case, it was a one-night couple with a hundred days of grace. Although the elder brother was a bit rigid, he was also good to Lin Meijuan!
When Lin Meijuan's parents were framed and imprisoned, it was the eldest brother who worked hard and tried his best to find evidence to solve the case for them. It was also because of this that Lin Meijuan chased her eldest brother and never let go, and finally married into the Ling family!
After so many years of husband and wife, how could she be cruel? !

"Mom! How could you do such a thing!" Huang Xiaojuan backed away in shock, keeping away from Lin Meijuan!She didn't want to stand with the murderer.

Lin Meijuan, who was exposed, was excited, her eyes were stained with madness, she screamed at the throat: "No! No! I didn't! I didn't! I didn't mean it! I don't know! I didn't mean it! No! no!"

"Mayor Ling, look..." Zhao Zhenhui looked at Ling Hao with some embarrassment on his face. The case became clear so soon. They were not of much use at all!But it's also thanks to Tang Shishi, otherwise he would be ungrateful!
"Director Zhao just deal with it in accordance with the law, I have nothing to say!" Ling Hao frowned, as if his body couldn't bear such a blow, he swayed, and his voice was full of mournful fatigue.

"Okay! Let Dean Ling go to the ground as soon as possible!" After Zhao Zhenhui finished speaking, he glanced at his two subordinates, and immediately two policemen stepped forward and said to Lin Meijuan: "Ms. Lin, please come with us." The police station recorded the statement!"

Those two policemen were usually considered capable under Zhao Zhenhui's subordinates, and they knew how to wink, so they didn't take out the handcuffs, and their attitude towards Lin Meijuan was also very polite!
"No! I don't want to go! I don't want to go to the police station! Haoer! I don't want to go! You tell them I won't go! I won't go!" Lin Meijuan begged Ling Hao, her eyes full of hope: "I'm so Do everything..."

"Mom! You let me down so much!" Ling Hao interrupted Lin Meijuan's words with a yell, and his gaze fell on Lin Meijuan like two ghostly will-o'-the-wisps.

Lin Meijuan shuddered and shut up!

"Ms. Lin, come with us!" two policemen urged.

"Mom, you have to explain it well and strive for leniency!" Huang Xiaojuan stood beside Ling Hao and persuaded Lin Meijuan.

Lin Meijuan slowly shifted her gaze to Huang Xiaojuan, took a deep look at her, sighed a long time, and said, "I will!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Meijuan followed the police and left. When she came to Ling Hao, she paused and said with difficulty, "Send your dad off for me!" After speaking, tears rolled out of her eyes.

Ling Hao stood there, like wood, neither agreed nor refused, his face was full of confusion, he didn't know what he was thinking!
After Lin Meijuan was taken away, Mrs. Ling said apologetically to the guests who came to the birthday banquet: "I'm very sorry about what happened today. I made everyone laugh. My old man will hold a banquet for you all again some other day!"

Everyone was also sensible, and when they heard Old Master Ling say this, they all expressed that they didn't mind, and then left.

Jun Mubei sat on the chair at the table by the door, put one arm on the back of the other chair evilly, looked at the stiff smile on Old Master Ling's face, and thought: What do you mind, look Watching such a big show is even more enjoyable than watching a big movie in a movie theater!

When Bai Mo and the old lady of the Bai family left, she couldn't help but glanced in the direction of the main table, then turned her head in panic as if she was frightened by something, and left in a hurry!

Jun Mubei began to feel happy again!This Bai Mo was scared by that woman Tang Shishi today, right? !Ha ha!I didn't expect that my younger brother and sister really have two brushes!No wonder that guy Ling Rui is so precious!
Thinking this way, Jun Mubei looked in Tang Shishi's direction, and found that she was leaning against Ling Rui's arms at the moment, and couldn't help but curse in a low voice: This pair of thieves, father-in-law, came out to show their affection again!Deliberately stimulate him!

"Sister, I'm leaving too, don't forget to treat me to dinner!" Shen He stood up and said goodbye to Tang Shishi.

"Understood!" Tang Shishi said angrily, still feeling awkward about the guy's joke just now, secretly counting heavily in her heart: I just know how to eat!

"Don't forget to bring your husband, I'm very interested in him!" Shen He said jokingly, with a hint of evil in his eyes, and nodded towards Ling Rui.

"My husband only likes women, so go and cool off!" Seeing that Shen He and Ling Rui were molested, Tang Shishi chased them away impatiently!
"I don't like women!" Ling Rui said with disapproval after hearing Tang Shishi's words.What does it mean to only like women? Why does it sound like he is being fickle? He and Shen He are not of the same country!

Hearing this, Shen He raised his eyebrows at Ling Rui with interest!
Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui sideways in surprise, wondering what the hell was going on!

"I only like you!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's slightly frowning eyebrows and said firmly and intently.

Only like you, whether you are a man or a woman, it is only you!

Tang Shishi's face was so red that she couldn't help it!

"You disgust me!" Shen He gestured and rubbed his arms, with a cold expression on his face!
"You did it to yourself!" Tang Shishi gave Shen He a dissatisfied glance, and said, "Let's go! Your friend is waiting for you!" Tang Shishi saw that the man who came with Shen He was standing not far away watching Here, reminded.

"Then I'm leaving! Goodbye!" Shen He said goodbye to Tang Shishi and Ling Rui with a smile.

"Goodbye!" Tang Shishi said simply, Ling Rui just nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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