Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 316 Is it, what is the meaning now

Chapter 316 Is it, what is the meaning now (2)
"I've seen for a long time that you want me to leave!" Shen He complained, clutching his injured heart, and left!
"Obviously an old man in his 30s, why is he still so poor!" Tang Shishi looked at the back of Shen He who had gone away, and said helplessly.

"Old man?" Ling Rui said with obvious displeasure in his tone, "It seems that I will perform well tonight, so that you will not dare to discriminate against old men in the future."

Ling Rui gritted his teeth when he said the old man!
Uh!Only then did Tang Shishi realize that she had made a slip of the tongue, because a certain one beside her was already 30 years old, and he seemed to be quite concerned about his age.

"I'm just talking about the senior!" Tang Shishi hurriedly clarified in fright.

"I'll listen to your explanation carefully tonight! And—wife, don't show interest in other men, I'll go crazy!" Ling Rui said angrily, pulling Tang Shishi's nose.

"Big vinegar bucket!" Tang Shishi slapped Ling Rui's hand off, covered her nose, gave Ling Rui a white look, and said.

Ling Rui smiled unkindly, and said, "It's good to be jealous, it's good for your health! And I've only been jealous of a woman named Tang Shishi in my life!"

Tang Shishi's eyes burst out with joy.

Lu Tao stood aside, silently watching Tang Shishi and Ling Rui's every move, flirting, watching her and Shen He's heartless laughter, watching her and Ling Rui's intimacy with no one else, a happy smile bloomed on his face , My heart hurts so bad I can't breathe.

The scene in front of me is so familiar!The only thing that has changed is the person next to her!

Before Lu Tao's eyes, unconsciously became hazy, and the scene in his eyes suddenly returned to the campus of T University a few years ago!
"Lu Tao, senior dated two girls at the same time today, and broke up with two girls at the same time, what a philanderer!" Tang Shishi looked at Lu Tao with a smile on her face, and she was extremely disdainful of Shen He's behavior.

"It deserves it!" Lu Tao gave Shen He a short and forceful word.He has never had a good impression of Shen He!
"You two are more sympathetic than the other!" Shen He looked at Tang Shishi resentfully, then raised his eyebrows, and looked at Lu Tao with displeasure!

"It's too wasteful to use sympathy on you, senior!" Tang Shishi giggled and said, "How does it feel to be dumped by two girls at the same time, classmate Hualuobo?"

"Tang Shishi! Can you stop changing my elegant and domineering name to be so disgusting!" Shen He rubbed his arm vigorously and complained.

"Of course not!" Tang Shishi said with a smile: "Who made you a radish!" Tang Shishi laughed even more wantonly.

"Don't smile like that at men other than me!" Lu Tao embraced Tang Shishi's body in displeasure and kissed her hard on her lips.

"What are you doing, the senior is here!" Tang Shishi blushed and said, hanging on Lu Tao's chest.

"Just to let him see it!" Lu Tao raised his eyebrows provocatively at Shen He!

"Ahem! Shishi, why did you provoke such a big jar of jealousy!" Shen He touched his nose and said with some regret.

"Vinegar jars are better than carrots!" Tang Shishi replied displeased.

"Where did I spend it, I am sincere to each of them!" Shen He argued.

"Senior, you can't be saved!" Tang Shishi looked at Shen He and shook her head regretfully.

"Stop dealing with this kind of man in the future!" Lu Tao said, holding Tang Shishi's waist domineeringly!
"Ah! The two of you actually stimulated my newly injured heart again. I can't do it anymore. I have to find a beautiful woman to heal my wounds!" Shen He couldn't bear the stimulation and yelled, turned and left!

"Senior seems to be really hurt this time!" Tang Shishi looked at Shen He's back and said to Lu Tao.

"It's your own fault! You are not allowed to think about other men in your heart! There is only me here!" Lu Tao glanced at Shen He angrily, pointed at Tang Shishi's chest and said.

"A Tao!" Ling Susu came over and saw Lu Tao staring at Tang Shishi and Ling Rui in a daze. She didn't even hear her calling him, so she couldn't help pulling Lu Tao's arm angrily, and raised the volume: "Ah Tao!"

Lu Tao woke up from his memories, and seeing Tang Shishi and Ling Rui's eyes fell on him, he hurriedly shifted his eyes in embarrassment, glanced at Ling Susu beside him, pulled his arm out, and said coldly :"What's up?"

"It's nothing! Just to remind you about the wedding!" Ling Susu's face also turned cold because of Lu Tao's repulsive behavior just now.

"Your grandfather passed away, the wedding has been postponed!" Lu Tao said indifferently.

"No! The wedding must be held as scheduled! I don't want to have long nights and dreams. I believe you don't want Tang Shishi to accompany my grandma either?" Ling Susu flatly rejected Lu Tao's proposal without thinking.

"Ling Susu, that person lying there is your grandfather! Do you still have some basic filial piety!" Lu Tao spit upon hearing Ling Susu's words.

"When he was alive, he only had Ling Rui in his eyes. He never saw me. Why would he block my happiness when he was dead?" Ling Susu said indifferently, looking at Tang Shishi as if he wanted to Spit fire!
Thinking of Lu Tao's bewildered and silly look just now when she saw Tang Shishi, she felt so jealous that she was about to go crazy, and she didn't want to wait any longer!

Lu Tao looked at Ling Susu like a monster, full of disdain.

This is the true face of this woman!If it is true that like a father, like a daughter, she is just as selfish as her father Ling Hao!

Ling Susu looked at the disgust and contempt in Lu Tao's eyes, her face froze, then she changed her posture and said, "A Tao, I just want to marry you so much, I really don't want to wait any longer!"

"Whatever you want, I don't care!" Lu Tao said, walked towards Mrs. Ling, said hello to him, and left.

Ling Susu originally wanted to follow, but was held tightly by Huang Xiaojuan!Ling Susu looked at Huang Xiaojuan carefully scrutinizing Old Master Ling's face, and sneered in her heart: I didn't expect that my mother hadn't seen the situation clearly, and she still had illusions about Old Master Ling!
It's come to this point, and I'm afraid of offending Mrs. Ling, the servility in my bones is really deep-rooted!
"Dad!" Just when Ling Susu and Huang Xiaojuan were in a stalemate, Ling Hao suddenly let out another scream, which attracted everyone's attention.

It turned out that Ling Hao went to cover Ling Weiguo's eyes again, but Ling Weiguo just refused to close his eyes with peace of mind. In such a situation, Ling Hao was so startled that he broke out in a cold sweat!
"Brother! What wish do you still have?" Ling Yue came up and held Ling Weiguo's cold hand, crying.

With the support of Tang Shishi and Ling Rui, Old Master Ling walked tremblingly to Ling Weiguo's side. He took Ling Weiguo's other hand and said with tears in his eyes, "Weiguo, I didn't expect you to go like this! You Don't worry, we have caught the murderer, you can go on your way with peace of mind!" After finishing speaking, Old Master Ling stretched out his trembling hands to cover Ling Weiguo's eyes, but Ling Weiguo still kept his eyes open and refused to close them.

(End of this chapter)

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