Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 318 Is it, what is the meaning now

Chapter 318 Is it, what is the meaning now (4)
"If you dare to bully my daughter-in-law again in the future, I will hate you forever!" Ling Rui threatened, but everyone present could hear the seriousness in his tone.

"What are you talking about!" Tang Shishi complained as she pushed Ling Rui's chest in dissatisfaction.Really, it's fine to talk about it normally, today is grandpa's birthday anyway, why don't you save any face!
"Grandpa, I was really wrong this time! Alas!" Old Master Ling said regretfully looking at the young couple who were in a good relationship.

"Grandpa, it's all over! Let's go back, I haven't made longevity noodles for you yet!" Tang Shishi hurriedly interrupted Old Master Ling, fearing that he would think of those unpleasant things again.

"Let's go, go home, let you taste my wife's craftsmanship!" Ling Rui stood up first and said.

"Okay! Go home! Go home!" Old Master Ling was infected by the word "go home" in Ling Rui's mouth, and repeated emotionally.

The five people left the hotel and returned to Ling's house.

Tang Shishi cooked a bowl of longevity noodles for Mrs. Ling herself, and then supervised and coaxed Mrs. Ling to eat that long noodle in one go, so that Mrs. Ling's complexion finally brightened.

In the evening, Tang Shishi and Ling Rui stayed in Ling's house because he couldn't bear to refuse Old Master Ling's request to stay.

Ling Rui's room in Ling's residence can only be described as extravagant!
As soon as Tang Shishi entered the room, she was shocked by the furnishings in Ling Rui's room. She wandered around the room, and found that Ling Rui's bedroom was much higher-grade than the Dynasty's presidential suite. It was both luxurious and luxurious. And comfortable.

Tang Shishi went to the Duobao Pavilion and found a small bottle on it, which was very pleasing, so she took it down to play with it, and found that there was a seal of the Yuan Dynasty on the base of this thing. Put the things back in their original place, she didn't think there would be any counterfeit products in Ling's house.

I heard that the blue and white flowers in the Yuan Dynasty were already expensive. Although I don't know what the price of this thing is, it must be worth a lot. It would be bad if you bumped into it.

Ling Rui was amused by Tang Shishi's cautious appearance, pointed to the things on the Duobao Pavilion and said, "Look at your talent!"

Tang Shishi rolled her eyes at Ling Rui and said, "Why did you make the room so rich? It's like a local emperor!" It made her feel a little bit tied up now, like Grandma Liu.

"It's all grandpa's idea. I've been used to it since I was a child!" Ling Rui said helplessly.

Earth emperor?Have it?Ling Rui thought nonchalantly, and then his eyes fell on the oversized water bed in the bedroom. If he were the Emperor of Earth, wouldn't this bed be called a dragon bed?Looks good too!

Tang Shishi didn't notice that Ling Rui's thoughts had drifted away, and she started to think about the matter of rolling the dragon bed. When she thought of Mrs. Ling, she couldn't help sighing: Ling Rui's bedroom was made so luxurious. Not to mention, it's no wonder that people like Lin Meijuan are unbalanced and always accuse Mrs. Ling of favoring Ling Rui!

"What's wrong?" Seeing Tang Shishi sighing, Ling Rui asked reluctantly to withdraw his thoughts.

"Grandpa is so used to you!" Tang Shishi stretched out her index finger, poked Ling Rui's chest, and said.

"This is just a measure of grandpa. Every decoration on it has a history. Take the bottle you just took as an example. This is when I won first-class merit in the army. Grandpa put it here. This was given by my grandfather when I joined the special forces. This was my first promotion in the army. This was given by my grandfather. This was given by my grandfather when I was promoted to second lieutenant. This is I..." Ling Rui pointed to the things on it and counted them all the way. Tang Shishi finally understood what Ling Rui was talking about, and what Ling Rui meant. The things on Duobao Pavilion recorded every honor Ling Rui had.

"Grandpa treats everyone the same. Uncle has them too, and Ling Hao has a few." Ling Rui had already seen the doubts in Tang Shishi's heart, and kindly explained her doubts.

These things are just a means for grandpa to motivate them to make progress. Although he has never valued these things, they are all earned by his own strength. If they want to be envious and jealous, they have to show some real skills!
Tang Shishi nodded understandingly.I see!
When Ling Rui took a shower and came out wrapped in a bath towel, Tang Shishi had already finished talking with Uncle Tang and Aunt Tang, and was on the phone with Mr. Jun.

Ling Rui vaguely heard Mr. Jun's question about Mrs. Ling's words. He obviously cared about it, but he wanted to put on a high-profile, arrogant look, and found it very funny.

After Tang Shishi made the phone call, she turned her head and saw a few mischievous drops of water rolling on Ling Rui's bare chest, standing in front of her with a wicked smile and provocative eyes.

Tang Shishi's eyes quickly moved away from Ling Rui's nipples, and then she gave Ling Rui a hard look. This guy always likes to do this kind of seduction recently, it's too fucking tempting to commit a crime!
"Wife—" Ling Rui's low and mellow voice rang out with magnetism.

Tang Shishi pretended not to hear, her small hands tightly gathered the oversized nightgown on her body, and got under the quilt.

Seeing Tang Shishi's passive resistance again, Ling Rui was angry and funny!This little wild cat!
Feeling that the big bed beside her was sunken, Tang Shishi rolled her body inside again, dear friends read that right, it rolled!Who told Ling Rui's bedroom that the dragon bed was also of the "Big Mac" model, and it would be no problem to roll it up or down.

"Honey, do you want me to go out with you?" Ling Rui smiled evilly, with a ruffled voice.

I don't want you to accompany me!Tang Shishi shouted in her heart, and at the same time blushed because of Ling Rui's meaningful words.

"Old rascal! It's moon time now, and if you let grandpa and mom know that you are being rude to me, hum! Although this bed is big enough, I don't mind if you sleep on the floor!" Tang Shishi threatened .

"Wife, you are so cruel!" Ling Rui's resentful voice shook Tang Shishi's eardrums, and his body nimbly pressed against her, and before Tang Shishi was about to roll twice, he quickly hugged her tightly.

"Let go! I'm going to sleep!" Ling Rui's arms are now hot. Although Tang Shishi is greedy, but thinking of the consequences of being tired of being with him, she decisively chooses to sleep by herself.

Damn!Sharing joys and sorrows is a lie!Every time he didn't fall asleep contentedly in the end, but her hard-working hands were going to be sore all night!

So this time, we must not compromise with the gangster forces!

"Honey, this is the first time we sleep on this bed, no matter what, we have to leave something to commemorate!" Ling Rui didn't want to let go, and his body began to stick to Tang Shishi's body, constantly rubbing against her.

(End of this chapter)

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