Chapter 319 Car Accident (1)
"Smelly rascal! You go and keep a souvenir by yourself! I just want to sleep now!" Tang Shishi arched her body outwards, and found that not only did she not break free from Ling Rui's confinement, but instead caused Ling Rui to make two comfortable rippling sounds, frightened She quickly became honest!
"Honey, I want you to sleep, but it doesn't want to!"

"Let go, I'll give it to you!" Tang Shishi knew that she couldn't escape today, the old hooligan was a very dedicated person, especially when it came to his never-ending hooligan career, he was extremely persistent and conscientious.

Ling Rui didn't expect the little wild cat to be so talkative tonight. He had already prepared for a long-term war of resistance to conquer him. Who knew, the victory would come too soon!In this regard, he thinks that these days, the little wild cat has finally recognized the situation and accepted the status quo, so instead of trying to resist, it is better to obey early, and sleep peacefully after finishing the work early!

I don't know how long it has passed, but just when Ling Rui wanted to be passionate, Tang Shishi whispered a word in Ling Rui's ear, then suddenly stopped and jumped out of bed!

"Tang Shishi!" Ling Rui's roar sounded in the room!Tang Shishi, who was hiding in the bathroom, felt that the whole house was shaking. She was so frightened that she patted her heart, and then laughed unkindly!
When Tang Shishi climbed into bed again, Ling Rui was much more peaceful, but Tang Shishi always felt abnormal, because this guy was so peaceful!
Ling Rui thought bitterly in his heart: Master, this is not safe!Lord, this is angry!angry!understand!Hurry up and say something pleasant to make Grandpa happy!Otherwise—hum!There will be two more entries on the ledger tomorrow!No!Twenty times!Who told you to do this tonight!Young Master, I am very angry, and the consequences are serious!
Ling Rui froze, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became!

Well, Tang Shishi really didn't understand the style. After such a mess, she was a little tired. She hugged Ling Rui's arm affectionately and fell into a dark dream.

The hard-pressed Ling Rui has been waiting for Tang Shishi to please him and admit his mistakes. He made up his mind to let Tang Shishi know how good he is, and let Tang Shishi know that a man cannot be poured cold water at such a critical moment. Let Tang Shishi deeply realize that this kind of thing must never happen next time!But after being cold for a long time, she didn't wait for Tang Shishi to say a word, but Tang Shishi's clear and shallow breathing came from her ears.

Ling Rui turned his head and looked at Tang Shishi sleeping in his arms, really angry and helpless.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Tang Shishi holding his arm, his little head pressed tightly against his shoulder, sleeping soundly. He pulled his arm out, wanting to change his posture to hug Tang Shishi in her arms. In his arms, he found that because of this movement, Tang Shishi reflexively hugged her arms tighter, feeling Tang Shishi's attachment to him, Ling Rui's face softened, and his eyes were as warm as water.

Ling Rui turned over and hugged Tang Shishi in his arms. Hearing her murmur of dissatisfaction in her dream, she arched her arms again, found a comfortable position and continued to sleep. Ling Rui Rui pinched her nose amusedly, and cursed with a smile: "You little tormenting thing!" Then he also fell asleep contentedly.

After attending Ling Weiguo's funeral, Tang Shishi started to get busy, because the master introduced by her second aunt was coming to City B soon, so Tang Shishi was concentrating on her books during this time, and called her senior Shen He also frequently.

One day, Tang Shishi went out to the library to buy books. As soon as she went out, she saw Lu Tao who hadn't seen her for a long time. He was standing outside the library with a cigarette in his hand, as if waiting for someone.

Tang Shishi took a look at Lu Tao, didn't say anything, carried the book she had found, and walked like her own car. After going in by herself for so long, Xiao Li should be waiting impatiently.

"Tang Shishi!" Lu Tao threw away the cigarette in his hand, and stepped forward to block Tang Shishi's way.

"Is there something wrong?" Tang Shishi stopped, looked up at Lu Tao and asked.The voice was flat, with almost no emotion in it.

"I want to talk to you!" Lu Tao hesitated for a while and said.

"I don't think we have anything to talk about!" Tang Shishi said indifferently, and suddenly remembered that when she met Ling Susu at Ling Weiguo's funeral, she boasted to herself that her wedding with Lu Tao would be held as scheduled Regarding the matter, he asked mockingly: "Could it be that you are here to send me a wedding invitation?"

Because of Tang Shishi's words and Tang Shishi's sarcasm, Lu Tao's face froze, and his heart ached. He looked into Tang Shishi's eyes intently, and asked, "Will you come?"

"So I really came to invite you!" The irony on Tang Shishi's face was even stronger, she really didn't understand why Lu Tao and Ling Susu kept staring at her!

"I..." Lu Tao knew that Tang Shishi had misunderstood him. He really didn't come to invite her today. He just wanted to see her and talk to her. God knows these days, the closer the wedding is, the more he feels the pain in his neck. As if being tightly strangled by a rope, it became more and more difficult to breathe. He was so depressed that he was about to collapse, and he wanted to find someone to talk to. This person can only be Tang Shishi!

"I'll go!" Tang Shishi interrupted Lu Tao's words, something that seemed to be a smile that was not a smile flowed in her eyes.

"What?!" Lu Tao didn't turn his mind all of a sudden, and looked at Tang Shishi with a blank expression.

"I said I'm going to your wedding banquet! Why not? Anyway, the engagement banquet has already gone, so this time is not too bad!" After Tang Shishi finished speaking, she hugged her book tightly and turned around. Looking at Xiao Li on this side, he nodded.

"Shishi! You misunderstood, I didn't mean that!" Lu Tao shouted after Tang Shishi, eager to explain.

"Isn't it, is there any meaning now?" Tang Shishi didn't look back, left a word, and got into the car.

Lu Tao's body froze all of a sudden, unable to take another step, he watched Tang Shishi's car go all the way away.

A bitter smile overflowed from the corner of Lu Tao's lips, she was right, isn't it, what's the point now!
Because of seeing Lu Tao, after returning home, Tang Shishi couldn't calm down to read the book. Although she was very decisive in front of Lu Tao, she was not as chic as she seemed in her heart. Loved and hated, if you say that you are really as calm as a stranger on the surface, you are really deceiving yourself.

However, Tang Shishi knew very well in her heart that she is now Ling Rui's wife, and the person she loves now is Ling Rui, so she knows what kind of distance to keep from Lu Tao.

After staring at that page for more than half an hour, Tang Shishi still couldn't concentrate, so she simply closed the book, took out her mobile phone, and called Wang Yueshan.

(End of this chapter)

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