Chapter 320 Car Accident (2)
In the past, every time something happened with Lu Tao, she always told Wang Yueshan to hear it.

"Yueshan, Lu Tao is looking for me today!" There was nothing to hide from Wang Yueshan, so as soon as the call was connected, Tang Shishi went straight to the point.

"Lu Tao?! What did he ask you for? The two of you secretly communicated a song behind Ling Rui's back?!" The person on the other side of the phone was stunned for a moment, and then roared angrily.

"Uh! Who are you?" Tang Shishi looked carefully, and found that the call she made was from that woman Wang Yueshan. Why did a man's voice come from inside?And this man also knew Lu Tao and Ling Rui, and was angry because of Ling Rui!

"Tang Shishi, how can you treat Ling Rui like this?!" The other side ignored Tang Shishi's words and continued to shout!

Tang Shishi was a little dazed, this voice sounded familiar, but she really couldn't remember who it was.

"Du Haoyang, you bastard, Crow Ba! Who told you to answer my phone indiscriminately!" Before Tang Shishi could react, she heard Wang Yueshan's long-lost loud voice.

There was obviously a fierce battle over there, and it ended with Wang Yueshan's tough victory.

"Shishi, what's the matter?" Tang Shishi waited for about 5 minutes, and Wang Yueshan was finally able to talk to her normally.

"Yueshan, what's the matter with Du Haoyang? Why is he with you? He even answered your phone?" Tang Shishi is no longer in the mood to discuss Lu Tao's problems with Wang Yueshan. Compared with Lu Tao, she is more curious about Du Haoyang and Wang Yueshan. what happened?When did the two of them become so familiar?What is the purpose of this Du Haoyang?
Tang Shishi suddenly remembered that on the day of Grandpa Ling's birthday party, Fang Ziming said that Du Haoyang was going to go, but when he received a call, he dropped the phone angrily, and ran to G City as if he was about to kill someone!Wang Yueshan's bastard, isn't she in G City?Could it be... Tang Shishi suddenly felt a headache, God!Wouldn't it be what she thought?

"Shishi, don't get me wrong, I have nothing to do with that tyrannical man!" Wang Yueshan quickly explained when Tang Shishi asked Du Haoyang.

"Wang Yueshan, what do you mean I have nothing to do with you?!" As soon as Wang Yueshan's words fell, Du Haoyang's roar sounded through the phone, agitating Tang Shishi's eardrums.

Tang Shishi only felt that the headache was even worse!

"Shut up!" Wang Yueshan yelled back even louder. Her voice has always been louder than ever. Who is afraid of WHO?

Tang Shishi frowned in distress, she was not a fool, even a fool could hear the abnormality between these two people, Tang Shishi thought of Du Haoze and the relationship between Du Haoze and Du Haoyang, and was secretly anxious.

After the other side returned to normal, another 10 minutes had passed, and there was a lot of information about what the two of them had done, but Tang Shishi's mind couldn't help thinking about those ambiguous things.

"Shishi, what did you just say about Lu Tao?" It was rare for Wang Yueshan to remember that there was someone waiting for her on the other side of the phone.

"I met him today, and he told me that he is going to marry Ling Susu." Tang Shishi briefly told Wang Yueshan about meeting Lu Tao outside the library today.

"Lu Tao is right? I really didn't expect that he loves Ling Susu so deeply, even if Ling Susu can't have a child, he doesn't dislike him!" Wang Yueshan said contemptuously.

It is said that businessmen value profits, is this the face of businessmen?In order to achieve the goal, everything can be sold, and everything can be used!

Thinking of this, Wang Yueshan's gaze fell on Du Haoyang involuntarily, and she suddenly felt very cold in her heart, and shivered subconsciously!

"I feel that the two of them seem to be in harmony, but I don't know why he still wants to marry Ling Susu. I really don't know how he became like this. It's a bit self-defeating!" Tang Shishi told Wang Yueshan what was in her heart.

"Who knows! [-]% of them are mentally ill! These days, there are many men with mentally ill. One more than him is not too many, and one less than him is quite a lot. Don't worry about it. Let's live with your Major General Ling!" Wang Yueshan Meaningfully said.

But as soon as Wang Yueshan finished speaking, Tang Shishi heard a suspicious groan from her side.

"I understand. Yueshan, are you okay with Du Haoyang?" Tang Shishi asked tentatively.

"It's impossible for me to have anything to do with him." Wang Yueshan replied quickly.

However, she answered too quickly, making Tang Shishi doubt the authenticity of the answer.

"What about Du Haoze? You and him..." Tang Shishi couldn't help sighing when she thought of Du Haoze.If she was allowed to choose, she felt that Du Haoze was more suitable for Wang Yueshan. He was considerate, careful, gentle, dedicated, and matched with Wang Yueshan's carefree temperament, just right!
"Shishi, I have nothing to do with Du Haoze. If I really want to settle down, then the most important condition for that man is that his surname is not Du!" Wang Yueshan answered with certainty, and Tang Shishi could hear the smack in her tone. Seriously, I could hear the helplessness in her heart.

Such a repulsion of someone with the surname Du, and he insisted that he didn't like it!

Tang Shishi doesn't expose Wang Yueshan, she knows that this guy is far more face-saving than men in emotional matters!
"When you go out, you must beware of perverts. I actually prefer Du Haoze!" Although Tang Shishi was not sure what kind of psychology Du Haoyang was motivated by, she knew that Du Haoze's feelings were much purer than Du Haoyang's. Du Haoze is far better than Du Haoyang in terms of keeping himself clean.

"I know, if you decide to attend Lu Tao's wedding, you must inform me, and I will accompany you." Wang Yueshan said very righteously, and Tang Shishi on the other end of the phone couldn't see her feeling a little lonely at the moment. look.

"I can't believe you, and I don't know who left me alone at Lu Tao's engagement banquet and disappeared!" Tang Shishi joked with a smile!

"Don't mention this to me! Besides, I also created a chance for Major General Ling to save the beauty! It should be considered a great achievement, and the merits and demerits should have been equaled long ago!" Thinking of Lu Tao's engagement banquet , Thinking of Du Haoze's actions, Wang Yueshan became angry.

"Sophistry!" Tang Shishi cursed with a smile.

Wang Yueshan's heartless laughter came from over there.

The two chatted for a while, and Wang Yueshan talked about all kinds of handsome guys. Tang Shishi patiently listened to her describe each of those handsome guys as rare and unique in the world, and felt very funny in her heart.

Wang Yueshan is still the same, nothing has changed!No matter what worries you, once you meet a handsome guy, you will forget about them all!
After hanging up the phone, Tang Shishi felt that her mood had stabilized a lot, and she continued to read again.

(End of this chapter)

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