Chapter 321 Car Accident (4)
"Hate it!" Tang Shishi pushed Ling Rui's head away, scolding shyly.

"Then why don't you come and bite me! I don't mind if you bite me all over!" Ling Rui said generously, with a pair of star pupils full of evil fire, and he still used his body to be ambiguous Rubbing Tang Shishi, that means, self-evident evil!
In fact, Ling Rui already knew about Tang Shishi's meeting with Lu Tao today.The informer, of course, was Du Haoyang!

Hearing Du Haoyang crackling like he had taken gunpowder for a long time to make himself pay attention to Tang Shishi, Ling Rui wondered if Du Haoyang was dumped by a woman!
However, even if it was his own brother, he would not allow them to slander her little wild cat, so his protective attitude naturally pissed Du Haoyang into a rage again!
However, his little wild cat did not live up to his trust and did not disappoint him!
Tang Shishi was pressed by Ling Rui's scalding body temperature, her face was blushing, but her mouth was full of soft scolding: "Old rascal!" Her voice was numb and crisp, very seductive!
"Honey, I want to be a little more rascal, do you want to try?" Ling Rui said, reaching out and tapping Tang Shishi's lips.

"No!" Tang Shishi turned her face and refused. How could she not understand the evil in Ling Rui's mind, but she wanted her to be like that-don't even think about it!
Ling Rui sighed in frustration, and tightly strangled Tang Shishi's small body, with such strength that she seemed to crush her and embed her in his body.

There are still eight days until the day when the ban is lifted. At that time, he must get back his capital with interest, and eat the little wild cat without any bones left!
"Honey, let your brother, Du Haoyang, stay away from Yueshan!" Tang Shishi actually enjoyed Ling Rui's domineering embrace very much, nestling in Ling Rui's arms like a boneless sheep, and said.

"What did he do again?" Ling Rui asked absently, thinking of Du Haoyang's bad mood in the afternoon, his heart became clearer.

Tang Shishi recounted the fact that she called Wang Yueshan and was picked up by Du Haoyang. At the end, she said angrily: "What do you think this Du Haoyang is thinking? He has conflicts with Du Haoze, what are you doing pestering Yueshan? He dares to hurt Yueshan, I will never end with him!"

"I don't know what that guy thinks, but I am unswervingly standing on my wife's side!" Ling Rui's eyes flashed a cluster of invisible streamers, and they licked Tang Shishi's lips. kissed and said.

"Hmph! It's better that you said it like this!" Tang Shishi bit Ling Rui's chin with some reluctance and said.

Wang Yueshan is her best friend, she doesn't allow anyone to hurt her, if Du Haoyang dares to hurt her, she will definitely seek justice for Wang Yueshan with interest, she doesn't care if Du Haoyang is Ling Rui's good friend or not!
"It must be, my sexual happiness is in the palm of my wife's hands!" Ling Rui said ruffiantly, and pulled Tang Shishi's little hand somewhere, and smiled wickedly.

"I won't come tonight. Senior Shen He is leaving tomorrow. I still have a lot of questions to ask him. I'll see him off by the way. Are you going?" Tang Shishi said, pulling back her little hand.

Ling Rui's face collapsed, and he said resentfully: "It's the same to ask for advice on the phone. Besides, it's not like he won't come after he leaves!"

Thinking of the transfer order issued by the Ministry of Personnel this afternoon, Ling Rui felt very uncomfortable. Shen He went back this time to go to City A to go through the formalities.

"You're getting more and more stingy!" Tang Shishi smiled indifferently, buried her head in Ling Rui's chest, let out a sigh of relief, and asked, "Should I go to Lu Tao's wedding?"

"Didn't you already promise him? Why don't you go? You must go! I'll go with you that day!" Ling Rui said, holding Tang Shishi's body tightly, suppressing his restless feelings.

"Really?" Tang Shishi got out of Ling Rui's arms, looked into his eyes and asked, "Aren't you very busy recently?"

"It must be done! For the sake of kissing my wife, no matter how busy you are, you have to find time!" Ling Rui pushed Tang Shishi's head back, and said with his chin rubbing against Tang Shishi's forehead.

"That's what you said! I'll call Yueshan tomorrow, and she also said she would go with me." Tang Shishi said happily, but then said full of worries: "Do you think we are too high-profile, Wouldn't it be too unkind?"

"No!" Ling Rui said, running his fingers through Tang Shishi's smooth hair.

If the little wild cat doesn't go, then he has been standing still and planning everything these days, wouldn't it be that no one will share it with him!
"I just can't understand Ling Susu's arrogant look, and Wang Fengzhen! I really want to know what kind of mood she is in now!" Tang Shishi said angrily.

I don't know if she was overthinking, she always felt that Lu Tao's wedding banquet would not be so smooth and peaceful!

As for Wang Fengzhen, who was named by Tang Shishi, because of Lu Tao's insistence on holding a wedding, she was throwing things at home, throwing things on fire and yelling at her until midnight!
"I'll know when the time comes, go to sleep, otherwise I'll feel that you're actually looking forward to what we'll do tonight!" Ling Rui patted Tang Shishi's butt, and said with a threatening smile .

"No! Sleep! Sleep!" After Tang Shishi finished speaking, she arched her body and closed her eyes tightly.


Ling Rui let out a deep breath, and said with a bit of resentment: "There are still eight days!"

Tang Shishi, who was nestling in Ling Rui's arms with her eyes closed, heard Ling Rui's words, and the corner of her mouth curled up in a soft arc, and those happy and sweet breaths overflowed from her heart uncontrollably.

Early the next morning, Tang Shishi called Wang Yueshan, saying that she was going to attend Lu Tao's wedding banquet. As soon as Wang Yueshan received the call, she began to book a return ticket!
Before going out, Tang Shishi couldn't help calling Du Haoze after thinking about it.

"Shishi?!" Du Haoze was very surprised when he received Tang Shishi's call, and his tone couldn't hide his excitement!This was the first time Tang Shishi called him since she divorced Lu Tao, and Du Haoze also understood that the reason why Tang Shishi called him was [-]% related to Wang Yueshan.

Thinking of the woman who occupied his thoughts day and night, Du Haoze's heart was ignited with hope like a prairie fire.

"How is Yueshan? How are you doing recently?" Du Haoze asked directly.His feelings for Wang Yueshan never needed to be concealed, and in front of Tang Shishi, there was no way to conceal it.

"She went to G City for vacation." Tang Shishi didn't know how to tell Du Haoze, after thinking about it, she decided not to tell him about Du Haoyang.

(End of this chapter)

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