Chapter 322 Car Accident (5)
"When did you go? I'll book a ticket to City G right now! Thank you, Shishi!" Du Haoze jumped up happily when he heard Tang Shishi's news that Wang Yueshan was going to City G for vacation. She left City B and stayed away from Du Haoyang. It doesn't mean that she actually cares about him a little bit in her heart!

"No need, she will come back when Lu Tao gets married." Tang Shishi didn't expect Du Haoze to be so impulsive. When she heard that Wang Yueshan was going to G City, she immediately planned to drop everything and chase after her, and hurriedly stopped her.

"I almost forgot about the wedding." Du Haoze said embarrassedly.

"I just want to tell you that Yueshan will show up that day, but I forgot your relationship with Lu Tao, and you will definitely go that day, too. It's unnecessary for me!" Tang Shishi said with a helpless smile.

"No, I didn't intend to show up, so thank you! Shishi!" Du Haoze said honestly.He didn't want to see Lu Tao marry a woman like Ling Susu, even if he married a stranger, it was far better than marrying Ling Susu. He didn't want to watch his best friend ruin his happiness, but he was helpless.

"I don't want to say anything more about you and Yueshan, but if you don't have enough courage to be with her for the rest of your life, let go as soon as possible. She is actually a very independent person with extremely strong self-esteem." Tang Shishi couldn't help it He called Du Haoze again.

"I understand! Thank you! Thank you for standing on my side!" Du Haoze was so grateful to Tang Shishi, full of gratitude.

Tang Shishi cursed in her heart, I'm not on your side, I'm only on Yueshan's side!
What Tang Shishi never expected was that when he arrived at the hotel restaurant designated by Shen He, there was already a beautiful woman sitting beside Shen He, and this beautiful woman was none other than that day at the old man Ling's birthday banquet. The second lady of the historian who pimped her, Shi Qian!
Looking at the shy look on Shi Qian's face sitting next to Shen He, Tang Shishi had to admire the charm of the senior Shen He, but within a few days, the second lady of the historian had been included in his pocket and included in the list. Harem!

When the three met, Shen He generously put his arms around Shi Qian's waist, and introduced to Tang Shishi with a smile on his face: "Your new sister-in-law, Shi Qian!" Xiaozui said, "This is the famous major general's wife, our school girl Tang Shishi!"

Tang Shishi helplessly rolled her eyes at Shen He. This guy was quite normal when he met her for the first time. Now he can be said to have revealed his true nature. He even dared to call him new sister-in-law. It seems that he has Passing among tens of thousands of flowers, the skill of not sticking to the body has greatly increased!
But this Shi Qian is also a wonderful person, and she didn't show any strange emotions towards the title of new sister-in-law. I don't know if she didn't hear the deep meaning in it, or she didn't care at all!
Of course the latter!
"Hello! Tang Shishi" Tang Shishi smiled and extended her hand to Shi Qian generously.

"Hello!" Shi Qian stretched out her little hand softly, shook Tang Shishi's lightly, and said, "I admire you very much, really!"

What Shi Qian was talking about was Tang Shishi's assistance in solving the case at Old Master Ling's birthday banquet.

Tang Shishi's smile was unnatural for a moment, and she couldn't help but cast another glance at Shen He, who was smiling rather gloatingly, and said to Shi Qian, "Everyone, each other!"

You can even chew on such a big carrot like a senior, it is indeed "admirable"!
"Sister, are you planning to demolish me again? Every time you see me being dumped, you are very happy, what kind of bad taste is this!" Shen He raised his hand on Tang Shishi's forehead with some dissatisfaction He flicked it and said.

"Aren't I afraid that you will harm a delicate flower again without your conscience?" Tang Shishi rubbed her forehead and retorted with a righteous face.

Shi Qian glanced at Shen He, and smiled indifferently at Tang Shishi.

Tang Shishi was embarrassed: It seems that I am meddling in my own business!

Shen He didn't shy away from sucking hard on Shi Qian's small mouth, deliberately made an ambiguous sound, and looked at Tang Shishi provocatively.

Tang Shishi suddenly felt that she was a bit outdated, and she was always excluded from the frolicking of men and women in the world of mortals.She looked at Shen He and Shi Qianlang's concubine, and shook her head helplessly.

"What to eat?" After receiving the menu handed over by the waiter, Shen He pushed Tang Shishi in front of her, signaling her to order.

"Just order, anyway, I brought enough money today, I'm not afraid of being slaughtered by you!" Tang Shishi pushed the menu out and said proudly.

"Okay! I like to slaughter you, rich and powerful!" Shen He didn't refuse, without even looking at the menu, he opened his mouth and said to the waiter: "The most expensive dish in your hotel, come and serve two!"

After Shen He finished speaking, he handed the menu to Shi Qian and said, "Order whatever you like, don't save me face!"

Tang Shishi stared at Shen He angrily, when did this guy have such a thing as face!Order food without looking at the menu, just order the most expensive one, are you eating food or eating money!You have a grudge against my money!

Shen He looked at the sample of Tang Shishi's pain in the flesh, and laughed so much!

Shi Qian ordered a poplar nectar, then smiled and pushed the recipe to Tang Shishi, saying, "Young girl, let's order one too."

Tang Shishi smiled mischievously, took the menu, and thought, this school girl's name is really easy to pronounce, we don't know who is older than the other!
Tang Shishi looked at the menu, and ordered two more dishes, one crispy shrimp with bread, and one spicy crab. She remembered that Shen He's senior loves seafood. Every time she eats, these two dishes are almost a must. I don’t know if the taste has changed after traveling overseas for so many years.

Although this guy slaughtered her purse, she felt very angry, but today's meal is to see him off after all, so she doesn't care about it if she has a lot of it!
When Shen He heard the name of the dish reported by Tang Shishi, his eyes shone brightly.

"It's a shame you still remember that I like to eat this!" Shen He said with a smile.

"I don't know who it is. Every time I eat, I must order these two. I am allergic to seafood and drink alcohol, but I eat it like crazy. Today you slaughtered my wallet. I will kindly send you another ride! If you are on the plane I have an allergy attack, so don't thank me too much!" Tang Shishi smiled a little sinisterly.

"It turns out that it's this kind of harmful intention! It hurts my heart too much! Baby, rub it for me!" Shen He exaggeratedly played tricks, then grabbed Shi Qian's hand and placed it on his chest.

Shi Qian really rubbed Shen He gently, and Shen He thanked her with a French kiss. The two of them did not shy away from doing indecent things in the private room, thinking that Tang Shishi is a transparent person!
Tang poetry is cold!
When Shen He and Shi Qian parted panting, the first course was served, which was crispy shrimp in bread that Tang Shishi ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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