Chapter 323 The Comer Is Not Kind (1)
Shen He picked up a shrimp and brought it in front of Tang Shishi, then turned it around under Tang Shishi's eyes, put it in Shi Qian's bowl, and said with a gentle smile, "Eat more."

Tang Shishi gave an angry look at this bastard who forgot his friends after seeing sex.

Shen He said to Tang Shishi leisurely: "Married people are not within the scope of my young master's services, you can do what you want."

Tang Shishi gritted her teeth and said, "I'm afraid there is a virus on your chopsticks!"

Shi Qian looked at Tang Shishi's angry little face, smiled unconsciously, and said, "Sister Xue is so cute!"

Tang Shishi also felt that she had lost her composure and smiled awkwardly.

"Don't be fooled by her appearance, this is a female worm. She once singled out seven or eight girls from T University, and she looked down upon the crowd!" Shen He teased with a low mouth.

"I've heard for a long time that the junior girl has strong fists and feet. I don't know when we will have the opportunity to compete!" Shi Qian asked for a mouthful of shrimp and said casually.

"Don't! I'm not as powerful as this guy said, and I would like to advise the new sister-in-law, this guy only likes little sheep, not the type of female big worm. If you are a female man in your bones, you must hide it!" Tang Shi For some reason, Shi felt that Shi Qian had some inexplicable hostility, but she soon stopped caring. She had been with senior Shen He for so many years, and she had learned a lot about this kind of hostility. When you understand it, it will be fine.

"Really?" Shi Qian looked at Shen He, smiled charmingly, and asked softly.

"What do you think?" Shen He asked without answering, and kissed Shi Qian on the lips again.

Shi Qian's body froze, and then she smiled like a flower and said, "Of course it's true!"

During a meal, Tang Shishi saw that Shen He and Shi Qian were in love with each other. After the meal, Shen He said unkindly: "I thought your husband would worry about you coming out to eat with me alone, look Lai Ling Rui has a bigger belly than Lu Tao!"

"My husband is not suspicious!" Tang Shishi said angrily.

"Lu Tao gets married the day after tomorrow, will you go?" Shen He turned to the main topic.

"I received the invitation, of course I will go." Tang Shishi said calmly.

"Hey! I planned to go too, but my family urged me to go back, otherwise I can perfectly witness how you two college couples work together!" Shen He said with a sigh, but the expression on his face was very embarrassing!
"Okay! Don't gloat, I know, you don't know how to be happy!" Tang Shishi mercilessly pierced Shen He's fake mask.

"The one who knows me is also a junior!" Shen He laughed loudly, and then said angrily: "In college, I let him see me being dumped by a woman, and finally let me see him being dumped once! If the day after tomorrow It would be even better if there were some troubles at the wedding!"

Shen He said expectantly.

"You have a deep hatred with him! How can you be like this! The radish is so bad!" Tang Shishi couldn't help laughing and cursing at Shen Hena's look of fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

When they were in school, Shen He and Lu Tao were at odds, but they didn't expect that this guy, who was joking all day long, had such vicious thoughts!
"The deep hatred between me and him has not lasted for a day or two!" Shen He said carelessly.

Tang Shishi shook her head helplessly.

Shi Qian is a quiet person, sitting between Tang Shishi and Shen He, never interjecting, listening to what Tang Shishi and Shen He said, she always had a faint smile on her face.

Tang Shishi asked Shen He a few more difficult questions she encountered, and Shen He also gave a good answer.At 02:30 in the afternoon, Shen He yelled that he was bored, saying that it was still early before boarding the plane, and insisted on pulling Shi Qian and Tang Shishi to sing, Tang Shishi had no choice but to agree.

Anyway, when she went to KTV, she probably didn't have much room to play. She just sat on the side and watched the two of them sing love songs to show their affection.

The three got up and left the hotel, but Shi Qian suddenly remembered that her bag had been left in Shen He's room, she blushed and smiled apologetically at Tang Shishi, and said, "Wait a minute, I'll come as soon as I go. "

Tang Shishi nodded with a smile, while Shen He said to Shi Qian ambiguously, "Come back soon, don't make me wait!"

Shi Qian nodded shyly, turned around and walked quickly into the hotel.

"Let's go, let's wait in the car." Shen He said, pointing to Tang Shishi's car.

"En. Let Xiao Li back out the car first." Tang Shishi signaled to Xiao Li to back out the car, while she and Shen He stood by the side of the road and waited.

Just when Tang Shishi had just walked to the side of the road, a black car suddenly ran towards her head-on at a speed so fast that it was impossible to avoid it.

Before Tang Shishi could react, she felt her body being pulled into a generous embrace, turned around in a circle, and then felt the embrace tremble, and heard a muffled groan.

"Young Madam!" Xiao Li, who was backing up the car, shouted in shock when he saw the scene in front of him.

"Hey!" Shi Qian, who was going to pick up her bag, screamed when she saw this scene. The bag in her hand fell on the ground. She didn't care to bend over to pick it up, and turned towards Shen He and Tang Shishi. Quickly ran over!

Being called by Xiao Li and Shi Qian, Tang Shishi only felt a roar in her head, and then she felt that her body was being spun around by Shen He tightly, and she fell on her back!
"Ah——" Tang Shishi cried out in surprise, she wanted to push Shen He away, because this guy hugged her tightly, making her unable to move, but she also knew that just now, Shen He was killed by Shen He in order to save herself. The car bumped into her, and she didn't know what happened to Shen He, so she didn't dare to push him away, for fear of causing him a second injury, so Tang Shishi had to fall back hard, and the appointed Close your eyes and prepare to make a human flesh cushion.

It's just that Tang Shishi, who fell to the ground, didn't feel the expected pain. There was a crisp crunching sound in her ears, and then her closed eyes suddenly opened, facing Shen He who was distorted due to the pain. face, and then saw big beads of cold sweat rolling down his forehead, hitting his own face!

It turned out that Shen He fell down holding Tang Shishi under the momentum of being hit by a car, but when he heard Tang Shishi's scream, he quickly put his arms on the ground and protected Tang Shishi's body with a big hand. The head, to prevent her from being crushed into a persimmon by herself and smashing her brain.

"Senior!" Tang Shishi heard the crisp sound of bones touching the ground, looked at Shen He's pale face, and quickly used her arms to support his body in fright.

"Hiss!" Shen He took a deep breath in pain, as if he couldn't support himself at all, his whole body collapsed and fell on Tang Shishi's body.

(End of this chapter)

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