Chapter 324 The Comer Is Not Kind (2)
"Senior! Senior! How are you? Don't scare me!" Tang Shishi asked anxiously, feeling that Shen He's body was limp and unable to exert any strength.

"It's a good thing you're fine!" After Shen He said this, he fainted and his head fell on Tang Shishi's shoulder.

"Heh! Heh! How are you?" Shi Qian was the first to rush over, looking at Shen He like this, she didn't know where he was hurt, so she didn't dare to move around, she just yelled helplessly over and over again Shen He's name, tears fell like rain.

Tang Shishi rolled her eyes speechlessly!
Damn!Didn't this woman realize how indecent the current posture between her and senior Shen He is, why don't you move them away quickly!She's having trouble breathing!Senior ate too much for lunch today!Shen died!
"Young Madam!" Xiao Li hurried over, looked worriedly at Tang Shishi who was pressed below, and asked anxiously, "What's the matter?"

"I'm fine, quickly help the senior up and send him to the hospital!" Tang Shishi reminded.

"Yes!" After hearing Tang Shishi's order, Xiao Li was about to pull Shen He up.

"Don't pull his arm, you hug him and lift him up, his arm is injured!" Tang Shishi reminded Xiao Li when she saw that Xiao Li was going to pull Shen He's arm.

"Okay!" Xiao Li agreed, put his hand under Shen He's armpit from behind, and hugged him, Tang Shishi got up from the ground.Then he took out his mobile phone and dialed 120!Fortunately, it is only a few minutes' drive from the city hospital, and the ambulance will arrive in no time.

"Don't cry! You'll cry to death if you don't die!" Tang Shishi looked upset and Shi Qian, who knew she was crying, reprimanded angrily: "Hurry up and help him!"

After hearing Tang Shishi's words, Shi Qian was so frightened that she fell silent, quickly wiped away her tears, stood up and supported Shen He, and asked Tang Shishi helplessly, "Is he okay?"

"Of course not!" Tang Shishi replied firmly, then walked to the other side to support Shen He's body, and calmly said to Xiao Li: "Go to the hotel and call out the surveillance video just now!"

She needs to know who is trying to harm her!

Xiao Li nodded and walked quickly into the hotel, but came out disappointed after a while.

"What's wrong?" Tang Shishi had a bad feeling in her heart.

"The hotel's surveillance has just been disturbed." Xiao Li said angrily.

"Forget it, it seems that the other party has premeditated!" Tang Shishi said with a stern look in his eyes.

The ambulance arrived, and Tang Shishi followed Shen He into the ambulance, which aroused Shi Qian's extreme dissatisfaction.

"I'm her girlfriend! I should follow!" Shi Qian said to Tang Shishi.

Tang Shishi gave Shi Qian a cold look, and Shi Qian was terrified by Tang Shishi's murderous look, and her expression cringed.

"Xiao Li, drive Shi Qian over here!" Seeing that Shi Qian no longer insisted, Tang Shishi ordered to Xiao Li.

"Yes, we'll be there soon!" Xiao Li said as he started the car, Shi Qian watched the ambulance go away, gritted her teeth, her eyes flashed a deep dark color, and then got into the car.

Ling Rui was thinking wildly in the office, and when he thought of the little wild cat going to eat alone with Shen He today, he felt a little irritable. Although he believed in Tang Shishi and knew that she could not interfere with her freedom to make friends, it didn't mean he couldn't eat taste!

Ling Rui looked at his watch from time to time, thinking that it was already [-]:[-], and the little wild cat should have finished eating. If he called her at this time, would it arouse her disgust and make her feel Blindly want to control her freedom?

Just as Ling Rui was holding the phone, hesitating, Tang Shishi called.

When Ling Rui saw the caller ID, he was overjoyed!He really has a tacit understanding with the little wild cat!

"Honey, do you miss me?" Ling Rui answered the phone in a good mood, with a rippling smile on his face.

Leng Maolin, who was sitting at another table, shivered unconsciously when he saw Ling Rui!Buried his head in the pile of documents, for fear that Ling Rui would see his expression at this time!

The chief of staff's smile is really... too much!He is embarrassed to describe it!
"What? A car accident?!" The smile on Ling Rui's face was replaced by worry, and his voice soared several decibels!

Leng Maolin on one side also raised his head suddenly because of Ling Rui's words, and his spirit tensed up!The appearance of being on call at any time!

"Husband, don't worry. I'm not injured. It's just that senior Shen He was hit by a car in order to save me. He passed out and is now in the hospital for rescue." Tang Shishi immediately explained when she heard Ling Rui's worried voice. .

"It's good that you're not injured!" Ling Rui was relieved when he heard that his wife was fine, but his eyes were dark and deep like a boundless coast!
It seems that some people still don't give up!
Leng Maolin kept his ears upright listening to Ling Rui's phone call, and he was secretly relieved to hear that the wife of their chief of staff was fine!

"Husband, Senior Shen He is injured! And the monitoring at the hotel restaurant was also disturbed, and the car that hit us was not monitored." Tang Shishi said dissatisfiedly to Ling Rui, she looked up at the little girl who came in a hurry Li and Shi Qian nodded their heads as a greeting.

"I see, I'll rush to the hospital right away, don't worry, your senior is not so easy to be hit!" Ling Rui said comforting Tang Shishi.

"Will it delay your work? I have Xiao Li and senior Shen He's girlfriend here, and I have enough manpower." Tang Shishi knew that there would not be such freedom in the army, so she asked with concern.

"No, there's nothing important today." Ling Rui said as he grabbed the car keys, greeted Leng Maolin, and pushed the door out.

Leng Maolin complained: There are no big things, but a bunch of small things, okay?There are still a few things that need to be signed by the chief of staff.

But Leng Maolin also knew that these things alone would not be able to keep their chief of staff in their footsteps, anyway, they could sign tomorrow.

"That's good!" Tang Shishi was completely relieved. In fact, she also knew that she shouldn't call Ling Rui rashly, but if she didn't tell Ling Rui quickly, Tang Shishi always felt uneasy!
When Ling Rui arrived at the hospital, Shen He had just been pushed out of the emergency room and sent to the ward with a broken arm, covered with a thick plaster cast.There is nothing wrong with other places, except that there are still some abrasions on the waist. Fortunately, no bones are injured, but the flesh is bloody.

Such a result made Tang Shishi finally let go of the heart that had been hanging around just now.

Ling Rui looked at Shen He's condition, and his eyes darkened. If Shen He hadn't pulled the little wild cat away in time today, then the one lying here with a plaster cast would be his little wild cat.

(End of this chapter)

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