Chapter 325 The Comer Is Not Kind (3)
"Husband!" Tang Shishi threw herself into Ling Rui's arms as soon as she saw Ling Rui coming, her eyes were a little red.

In fact, she was also afraid. Someone actually wanted to start hitting her to death, how could she not be afraid?It's just that the situation at that time couldn't help her to be vulnerable, she had to be calm and strong.Now when she sees Ling Rui, all the fear and vulnerability in her heart are enveloped.

"Don't be afraid! My husband is here! I'll let someone find out, and I will definitely avenge you and the senior!" Ling Rui hugged Tang Shishi's trembling little body distressedly, and said pitifully.

"En!" Tang Shishi nodded trustingly, and Ling Rui's embrace made her feel extremely at ease.

"Huh!" The delicate and soft Shi Qian rushed to the hospital bed when she saw Shen He woke up, tears streaming down her face.

"Baby, I'm fine! It's just this hand, it's been a long time, it's inconvenient to make out with each other!" Although Shen He looked haggard, he still did not forget his romantic nature.

"Senior, thank you today!" Tang Shishi wiped her eyes in Ling Rui's arms, turned to look at Shen He, and thanked solemnly.

"Brother Shen, thank you!" Ling Rui also sincerely thanked Shen He.

"Ah!" Shen He looked at Tang Shishi and Ling Rui, sighed a long time, and said resentfully: "Tang Shishi, what do you want me to say about you?"

"Senior—I'm sorry, I'm the one who got you involved!" Tang Shishi anxiously looked at the expression on Shen He's face, and really didn't know what else she could say besides apologizing and thanking her.

As soon as Ling Rui heard Shen He complaining about Tang Shishi, he immediately shot two displeased eyes at Shen He.

"Tang Shishi, why do you think I am so unlucky? I just killed you according to your request, and almost killed you in the end. You really can't eat randomly!" Shen He finished. He sighed heavily again, not looking at Ling Rui's increasingly dark complexion, it seemed a bit regretful!

"Senior—" Tang Shishi called Shen He again with guilt, her voice hoarse.It is true that she dragged down the senior today, if it weren't for her, the senior would not be in this state now!
Thinking of this, Tang Shishi couldn't help crying!
"Stop! Stop!" Shen He suddenly shouted, and said: "Tang Shishi, you are planning to kill me, aren't you? If you cry like this, your man will cut me into pieces!"

Hearing Shen He's words, Ling Rui's frowning eyebrows stretched out, and he raised them upwards, giving Shen He a look of understanding!

"Senior, what are you talking about! My husband is not such an unreasonable man!" Tang Shishi didn't see the eye movements between Ling Rui and Shen He, and complained to the people next to her pillow!

"In your eyes, of course he is the best!" Shen He glared at Ling Rui, and said angrily, "I guess I will need to rest for a year or two, and it seems that I won't be able to go home for the time being." , you can treat me to another meal by the way tonight, just let me catch the wind!"

Tang Shishi is helpless, what time is it, the senior is still thinking about killing her!Didn't you just complain about her inedible food?

"Hey! I'll cook for you today, okay?" Shi Qian glanced at Tang Shishi with hostility, then turned her head and asked Shen He gently.She really didn't want Shen He to have anything to do with Tang Shishi anymore. This Tang Shishi lived on the cusp of the storm, and it might cause Shen He some trouble.

"Okay! I need the dinner of love the most now!" Shen He rested his gaze on Shi Qian's chest unscrupulously, making Shi Qian feel a little embarrassed.

Tang Shishi and Ling Rui felt that their sincerity was superfluous.

The senior is in good spirits, and his flair is unabated. It seems that there is no major problem in this collision.

"Is this plaster exaggerated?" Ling Rui looked at Shen He who was starting to panic, touched his chin, and said thoughtfully.

"Major General Ling, what do you mean by that? He did this to save your wife. Do you think he wants to get hurt?" Shi Qian said angrily after hearing Ling Rui's words, changing her potential as a little sheep.

"That's right! You are too unkind, Tang Shishi, take good care of your husband!" Shen He echoed Shi Qian's words, accused Ling Rui, and by the way brought Tang Shishi together to crusade.

"Husband, how can you say that, the senior's arm was really badly injured. When we were knocked down, he protected me with his arm to protect me from hitting my head. Then his arm just hit like that. When I got to the ground, I could clearly hear the sound of dislocation of bones." Tang Shishi stood decisively on Shen He's side.

Thinking of Shen He's pale face and cold sweat at that time, Tang Shishi felt lingering fear in her heart!
Shen He raised his eyebrows proudly, and said to Ling Rui, "Did you hear that? Don't try to wrong me!"

"Isn't this because you deliberately played tricks and exaggerated the facts in order to avoid going to the army?" Ling Rui's eyes narrowed dangerously, and there was a sharp breath in it that approached Shen He.

A guilty conscience flashed in Shen He's eyes, and then he put on a look of incomprehension, and said with a straight face: "I don't understand what you are talking about!"

"Shen He, the personnel transfer order has been issued. Although I don't like people like you appearing in the army, it is impossible to change the transfer order! The military order is like a mountain, and you have to stay in the army for at least a while!" Ling Rui Looking at Shen He, he said angrily.

This bastard dared to use her little wild cat!

"Senior, it turns out that you did this on purpose to scare me in order not to go to the army!" Tang Shishi was the first to react, glared at Shen He angrily, and said, "You are really going too far!"

Fortunately, she was so worried just now!So scared!So guilty!It turned out that they were all used by this unscrupulous guy!cheated!
"Hey! It's great that you're fine!" Shi Qian said excitedly. When she heard that Shen He was pretending, she was not as worried as before, and her attitude towards Tang Shishi was not as hostile as before.

"I'm really hurt, alright!" Having been exposed by others, Shen He complained a little wronged, although it was indeed exaggerated, but he can guarantee that it was only exaggerated a little bit!Who knew Ling Rui's eyes could be so poisonous!
He shouldn't let the doctor make the plaster so thick!
"However, the injury you suffered is far less exaggerated than it is now! Say you can't move for a year or two, and I think you can fully recover after a week or two!" Tang Shishi said disapprovingly, this time , she won't be fooled by the senior!

"What! One week and two weeks? Tang Shishi! Thanks to me, I still regard you as my most beloved elementary school girl. I would risk my life for you! I never thought you could say such heartless words! How can you say something like this for a week or two after a hundred days of injury!" Shen He said excitedly, as if he had been greatly wronged and hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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