Chapter 326 The Comer Is Not Kind (4)
Tang Shishi snorted angrily.He didn't take Shen He's words to heart at all.

"Honey, we don't have anything to do here, don't disturb the senior having a love dinner with the beauty!" Ling Rui put his arms around Tang Shishi's waist, looked at Shen He displeasedly and said: "Today's matter, let's not make an exception!"

This sentence contains a deep warning.

"Hey! You are not allowed to leave! How can I say that I was also injured to save your wife, you can't just ignore it like this! Know how to repay your kindness, understand?" Shen He saw that Ling Rui and Tang Shishi were about to leave, Immediately jumped off the bed and blocked the way of the two of them.But he accidentally touched the bruise on his waist, and he grinned from the pain, beads of sweat were already seen on his forehead.

"I will come to see your senior again, at worst, I will be slaughtered by you next time!" Seeing Shen He like this, Tang Shishi still felt very guilty. After all, no matter whether he exaggerated the facts, it is a fact that he was injured to save himself .

"Do I still dare to eat your meal?" Shen He gouged out Tang Shishi's displeasure.

Tang Shishi immediately fell silent, she could tell that the senior looked serious this time.

"Then what do you want?" Ling Rui said coldly.

"I don't want to go to the army! You have to help me! I'm used to living a casual life, so I don't want to go to that kind of place, and live the days of exercising in the morning and evening, and doing exercises at all times! There is not even a beautiful woman in the army, what do you want me to do?" Live?!" Under Ling Rui's majestic eyes, Shen He became less imposing and whispered more and more.When he said the last sentence, he was as resentful as a little daughter-in-law!
"Hey! Why don't I go with you! I'm not afraid of suffering!" Shi Qian immediately stepped forward to pull Shen He's other uninjured arm and said after hearing Shen He's words.

Tang Shishi rolled her eyes at the sky, is this Shi Qian really ignorant or really ignorant!Where is the army?Is it her back garden?
"I think it will work!" Shen He's eyes lit up because of Shi Qian's words, and then he looked at Ling Rui with hope.

"You are a technical soldier. Although you are in the army, there is a place for scientific research, which is different from other people, but it is impossible to bring women in!" Ling Rui looked at Shen He displeased and said.

Shen He's head was so blown that it was about to drop to the ground!

"Heh!" Shi Qian burst into tears when she heard Ling Rui say this, hugged Shen He's arm, and said, "I don't want to leave you!" as if parting from life and death.

"Baby, I can't bear you either!" Shen He looked at Shi Qian affectionately, and uttered a few words helplessly and sadly: "Even though the love is deep, the fate is shallow!"

"Hey!" Shi Qian's tears fell even more fiercely.

"Xiaoqian!" Shen He also yelled emotionally in cooperation, and specially dragged out a long ending sound, whimpering.

"Ahem!" Tang Shishi looked at Shi Qian and Shen He, as if they were filming "A Chinese Ghost Story", and coughed unbearably. In fact, she wanted to vomit on the faces of these two people, it was so disgusting !

"Can you two be normal!" Tang Shishi couldn't help but said.

"What's wrong with us? You demons and ghosts who tear apart lovers!" Shen He glared at Tang Shishi and Ling Rui angrily, with a righteous look on his face.

"Then you go on! Husband, let's go! Don't hinder people's intimacy!" Tang Shishi was reprimanded by Shen He, and she quickly took Ling Rui's arm, and the two turned and walked out!

"Tang Shishi, you who value sex over friends!" Shen He was impatient when he saw that Tang Shishi and Ling Rui were really going to leave.

"To each other!" Tang Shishi said with a smile.

"Heal your wounds well, report to the army as soon as possible, maybe you can get out sooner!" Ling Rui glanced at Shen He who was jumping in anger, and said coldly.

This guy is in good spirits and looks very energetic. It really doesn't look like there is anything wrong!
"You guys are so dishonest!" Shen He stretched out his uninjured hand, pointed at Ling Rui, and pointed at Tang Shishi spinelessly under Ling Rui's sharp eyes, and said.

Don't forget to give a face of remorse for making friends carelessly.

Tang Shishi and Ling Rui ignored him at all, and left the hospital without hesitation.

"Hey! Are you really going to be a soldier?" Seeing Shen He's decadent look, Shi Qian couldn't help asking.

"Well, it seems so!" Shen He sighed, then looked down at Shi Qian's red eyes with tears, and said softly: "Baby, I will never forget you!"

"Yeah. Me too!" Shi Qian nodded obediently.

Ling Rui took Tang Shishi to the restaurant where the incident happened, checked all the surrounding surveillance videos, and found that except for a very hidden camera at the corner of the intersection, all the other cameras are blocked.And the only camera that captured the scene of the car accident only captured the rear of the car, and the car's license plate could not be fully read, and they also knew that if they dared to drive openly and hit someone, the license plate must not be real.

"Could it be Ling Susu?" The only thing Tang Shishi could think of was Ling Susu. This woman had a deep hatred with her. The last time she rolled down the stairs was designed by her.

"No! Her phone number and her whereabouts are monitored and tracked. As soon as you called, I thoroughly investigated her recent movements. She didn't do it." Ling Rui denied Tang Shishi's opinion.

"Where are Huang Xiaojuan and Wang Fengzhen?" Tang Shishi asked again.

Ling Rui shook his head.

"Who is that? These are the only people who don't like me!" Tang Shishi said distressedly.

"I'll ask someone to check again! Don't go out alone these few days!" Ling Rui said, kissing Tang Shishi's forehead reassuringly.

"En." Tang Shishi nodded obediently.

Because Tang Shishi was afraid that Mr. Jun and others would be worried, she asked Xiao Li not to tell about the car accident in advance, so the family did not know about the car accident.

On the day of Lu Tao's wedding, Tang Shishi received a call from Wang Yueshan early in the morning, saying that she would go to pick her up after Tang Shishi was ready, and Tang Shishi readily agreed.

Sure enough, Ling Rui didn't break his promise, and specially set aside today's time to accompany Tang Shishi to Lu Tao's wedding banquet.

The two of them wore couple suits. This suit was delivered by a special person on the third day after Mrs. Ling's birthday banquet, and there were three other suits delivered together, all of which were handmade by the master.

The set Tang Shishi selected today is the blue one that she and Ling Rui prefer. There are silver-gray trims everywhere, making the whole suit look luxurious and noble without being rigid.

Tang Shishi wears a skirt and a short coat, which is matched with a silver-gray shirt. The collar and cuffs are made of retro puff collar and puff sleeve folds, with blue lace Rolled edge, elegant and charming, graceful.

(End of this chapter)

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