Chapter 327 The Comer Is Not Kind (5)
The two were dressed properly, and when they stepped down the stairs, they immediately aroused Jun Nuan's envy.

"Third Brother, Third Sister-in-Law, you look so good dressed like this!" Jun Nuanxin sighed, they are like a couple.

"This is not going to a wedding, it's obviously going to make a fuss!" Jun Mubei, who was still at home after breakfast, couldn't help complaining.

"Second brother, you have gained weight these days, do you lack exercise?" Tang Shishi smiled, but her tone was very threatening.

"Tang Shishi, put away your dirty stomach, my parents are not at home today! Your trick won't work anymore!" Jun Mubei said in shock.

"Second brother, how did I offend you, you want to say that about me? Can't I change it?" Tang Shishi said, looking like she was about to cry, and covered her eyes with her small hands, and shrugged her small shoulders of.

"Stop pretending, who will show it!" Jun Mubei complained.

"Second brother, I don't dare anymore!" Tang Shishi said sobbingly.

"Second brother, how can you go so far! Shishi is so beautifully dressed that it hinders your eyes?" Ling Rui put his arms around Tang Shishi's waist distressedly after speaking, and gently persuaded: "Honey, don't cry , Second brother didn't do it on purpose."

"Woooo..." Tang Shishi cried louder, choked up and said, "Every time the second uncle and the others are not at home, the second brother treats me like this. He doesn't like what I do. What I do in front of grandpa Sometimes, he pretended to get along with me very well.”

"Tang Shishi, it's not that you, a little fox, are too cunning and incite them to deal with me every time! This is what I call treating others in the same way!" Jun Mu Bei Dafang admitted.

"You bastard! You actually bullied girl Shishi while we were away!" As soon as Jun Mubei's Hua Ah finished speaking, there was a roar from behind!
"Girl, don't be afraid! Grandpa will make the decision for you!" Mr. Jun glanced at Tang Shishi who was still crying while covering his face, and said distressedly.

Jun Mubei's legs were a little weak, he gave Tang Shishi and Ling Rui a hard look, only to meet Tang Shishi's schadenfreude look from between his fingers, and his teeth gritted in anger.

Then Jun Mubei looked at Ling Rui again: Are you just helping the tyrant to harm me like this? !

A good man just listens to his wife!Ling Rui blinked at Jun Mubei indifferently, and gave him a look of self-care.

Junmu Beiqi was so angry that he almost crushed his teeth!
This pair of black-hearted thieves in-laws!I was framed by them again!
"Grandpa, it's none of the second brother's business, it's all because I'm not good enough!" Tang Shishi pretended to be surprised, looked at Grandpa Jun, as if she didn't know why he appeared, and then hurriedly waved her hands, Excuse Jun Mubei.

In fact, standing on the stairs, she had seen Mr. Jun enter the door a long time ago.

"What do you mean it's not good enough?! You're doing so much better than this brat!" Mr. Jun became even more furious when he heard Tang Shishi's words, and then dragged Jun Mubei to the yard, and reprimanded him: "Stand for me for a day! You are not allowed to eat lunch! Let's see if you still dare to bully Shishi girl!"

"Grandpa! I was framed! I was wronged!" Jun Mubei's wailing resounded all over the courtyard!
"You still dare to quibble! If your attitude is not honest, you will have to add another day!" Mr. Jun said angrily.

Jun Mubei quickly shut his mouth tightly!A hero does not suffer from immediate losses!
Seeing that Jun Mubei was honest, Mr. Jun nodded in satisfaction, walked into the room, and said to Tang Shishi, "Girl! Grandpa taught your useless second brother a lesson for you. If he dares to bully you again in the future, he must Tell grandpa, don't be afraid of him! Do you know?"

"Understood, thank you grandpa! If you don't eat at noon, your second brother's body will be too much to bear. Grandpa, don't let him eat!" Tang Shishi pleaded for Jun Mubei.

"Okay! You're still a sensible girl!" Mr. Jun nodded in satisfaction.

Jun Nuanxin, who had been watching the show, opened her mouth wide, and the second elder brother, who had always been making trouble at home, was subdued by the third sister-in-law's words!The third sister-in-law is mighty!
When Jun Mubei in the yard heard Tang Shishi's words, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood!

Tang Shishi and Ling Rui said goodbye to Mr. Jun, walked out of the house, and when they walked up to Jun Mubei, they met Jun Mubei's murderous little eyes, and Tang Shishi whispered unkindly: "No wonder Ling Susu always I like to pretend so much every time, it turns out that it is really powerful! Killing without blood! Second brother, I can’t get tired of it! What should I do?"

"Huh!" Jun Mubei snorted coldly with a strong backbone, ignoring Tang Shishi's verbal provocation!
"Stinky boy! Do you want to continue tomorrow?" Mr. Jun who was in the room reprimanded loudly when he heard Jun Mubei's rebellious snort.

Jun Mubei gouged out Tang Shishi's eyes bitterly, and there was a villain squatting in the corner of the wall in his heart, with two lasagna noodles hanging on his face, constantly drawing circles!

Woohoo!They are all bad guys!I curse you!
Seeing Jun Mubei like this, Tang Shishi and Ling Rui went out smiling!
Ling Rui first went with Tang Shishi to pick up Wang Yueshan.When Wang Yueshan saw what Ling Rui and Tang Shishi were wearing, her eyes almost popped out in surprise.

"Shishi, tell me honestly, you're not going to mess things up today, are you?" Wang Yueshan asked while holding Tang Shishi's hand expectantly and excitedly.

Tang Shishi heard that Wang Yueshan had the same idea as Jun Mubei, so she couldn't help but look up at Ling Rui: Are we being too high-profile?

Ling Rui's brows deepened: Young master, I never knew what it means to be low-key!

Tang Shishi remembered that when she first met Ling Rui, he was dressed like this, looking like a playboy. This guy really doesn't understand what being low-key is!

Seeing Tang Shishi and Ling Rui flirting with each other, Wang Yueshan felt happy for them, but she scolded: "You two want to play affectionately, can you find a place where no one is around? It's too exciting for a single woman like me!"

Tang Shishi glanced at Wang Yueshan angrily, and found that during the days when she went to G City, her complexion was much ruddy, her skin was supple, and she seemed to be living a good life.

"Let's go, if we go late, we will be misunderstood by everyone if we come out at the finale." At that time, we will really be considered to be smashing the stage!

Ling Rui and Wang Yueshan nodded, and the three got into the car.

Ling Rui was driving in front, and Wang Yueshan and Tang Shishi were sitting in the back, chatting all the way, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi who was smiling happily, his heart was soft and he was in a good mood.

The wedding of Lu Tao and Ling Susu was held at the Longmen Hotel. Because of the incidents that happened at the old man Ling's birthday banquet in the previous stage, the old man Ling and Ling Hao's family have completely broken up. After Ling Weiguo's funeral, the two sides cut off contact So Ling Susu temporarily changed the wedding banquet originally scheduled at the Dynasty Hotel to the Longmen Hotel. Originally, she planned to have a Western-style wedding, but Lu Tao firmly opposed it. When he married Tang Shishi, it was a Western-style wedding. He made a promise in front of him, but now he doesn't want to and feels that he is not qualified to step into the church again!So even though Ling Susu was reluctant, she had no choice but to give up.

(End of this chapter)

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