Chapter 329 Out of Hand (2)
Damn!How dare you bully her good sister in front of her!As Wang Yueshan said, she rolled up her sleeves angrily, as if she was about to fight!

"Yueshan!" Seeing that Wang Yueshan was about to charge forward, Tang Shishi quickly grabbed her!
"What's the point of arguing with such a morally corrupt woman, don't lower yourself!" Tang Shishi gently persuaded.

Du Haoze, who was sitting inside, was already excited when he heard Wang Yueshan's name being reported by the person who sang the gift money. Now, when he heard Wang Yueshan's yelling, he immediately ran over from the inside and hugged Wang Yueshan's waist. , glared at Ling Susu angrily and said, "Ling Susu, I advise you to restrain yourself! Don't bully others too much!"

Du Haoze came back last night. He and Lu Tao drank and chatted on the small slope until midnight yesterday. After knowing the real reason why Lu Tao and Ling Susu got married, he didn't have a good impression of Ling Susu. Angry, of course, is to fight back directly without any politeness!

"Where did you get the weeds? You are not qualified to speak nonsense here!" Ling Susu didn't expect this Wang Yueshan to speak so loudly that even the guests inside were alarmed and looked towards the door one after another. What's more, she didn't expect that Du Haoze A little secretary dared to speak to her like that, pointing at Wang Yueshan and Du Haoze angrily, their hands trembling.

She didn't hold back just now!Ever since she lost her child and knew that she would never be a mother again, her emotions were extremely easy to lose control, and she was always irritable and angry involuntarily!

"A mistress is a mistress, and I've been a mistress for the rest of my life! What's wrong with me being a weed? I don't steal, I don't snatch, I don't climb other people's husbands' beds, and I live a magnanimous life. I'm better than a woman like you who doesn't know what shame is. Sit upright, speak straight and straight, can you?" Ever since she knew that Lu Tao and Ling Susu were hooking up, Wang Yueshan was so angry that she just let it out today!
Anyway, it's someone else's wedding banquet!You have nothing to lose by making trouble!
Wang Yueshan, who was extremely angry, ignored Du Haoze's movements at this moment, allowing him to hug her like this.

Du Haoze was also secretly happy because Wang Yueshan didn't reject her.

"You——security guard! Security guard!" Ling Susu's body trembled angrily, and she shouted loudly to the security guard at the door: "Are you blind? Clear this crazy woman out!"

Du Haoze hugged Wang Yueshan tightly, and mockingly looked at the crazy Ling Susu.He didn't take her words to heart at all!
Two security guards came in, but Lu Tao said coldly: "Ling Susu, you don't want to continue the wedding, just tell me! Yueshan is my friend, and I think there is nothing wrong with what she said, everything is true!"

"Lu Tao! You—" Ling Susu looked into Lu Tao's eyes with a distorted face, and found that his cold eyes were full of ridicule, and the light in Wang Yueshan's and Du Haoze's eyes was exactly the same. She was so angry that she almost fainted!

Ling Susu clenched her lips and turned away angrily!

"Lu Tao, I've heard you say so many things over the years, but today's sentence is still human! I wish you to get along with this low-level woman every day, and have different dreams in the same bed! Break up your relationship as soon as possible, and part ways!" Wang Yueshan was shocked when she heard Lu Tao's words. Said sternly, and then met Ling Susu's murderous gaze with a provocative look on his face!
Ling Susu squeezed her skirt hard, so strong that she broke two of the fake nails she put on!
Ling Rui looked at Ling Susu's desperate forbearance, and a stern look flashed across his eyes!
When the people in the banquet hall heard Wang Yueshan's words, they all took a breath of air-conditioning, this is here to smash the scene!

Lu Tao smiled warmly, and said to Wang Yueshan, "This is the best wedding blessing I've heard today!"

Wang Yueshan snorted coldly, and gave Lu Tao a blank look: You are smart!

Tang Shishi, who was robbed of the "limelight" by Wang Yueshan, did not expect that these people would not give her a chance to show herself, and her expression was a little sad. Now she is 100% sure that Lu Tao also does not like this marriage. Could it be that Ling Hao used power for personal gain again, to give He pressured?
"Tang Shishi, stay away from my husband in the future!" Ling Susu saw Tang Shishi watching the show, and said through gritted teeth.

I am so ashamed today because of this woman!
"Honey, what should I do? Someone doubts your charm again!" Tang Shishi gave Ling Susu a mocking look, then turned around and shrugged helplessly at Ling Rui, her small face wrinkled.

"Naughty!" Ling Rui pinched Tang Shishi's wrinkled little nose affectionately, then turned his face and said to Wang Fengzhen who was standing there already petrified: "Ms. Wang, what do you think?"

Wang Fengzhen, who already wanted to tear Ling Susu apart, after hearing Ling Rui's words, looked at Ling Rui's half-smiling eyes, and was suddenly seized by a kind of fear in her heart. She stammered and said, "What she said , all... are not true!"

Ling Rui nodded in satisfaction, and said with a chuckle: "Ms. Suwen Wang is very face-saving, and she is very good at disciplining her daughter-in-law, but seeing such a bride today, my friends and I were shocked, look Come on, the rumors are not true."

Wang Fengzhen is used to looking at people's faces, she quickly understood the meaning of Ling Rui's words, and then stepped forward to give Ling Susu a hard slap in the face!

Snapped!There was a crisp sound!
Shake the audience!

There were gasps one after another.

Wang Fengzhen tightly held her trembling hand, and suddenly felt extremely happy in her heart!This daughter-in-law is not what she likes in the first place, if such a riot can cancel the wedding, she thinks it's okay!

"You old man! How dare you..." Ling Susu was about to rush forward to beat Wang Fengzhen, but was grabbed by Lu Tao.

"You don't think it's embarrassing enough?" Lu Tao's voice was as cold as a sharp sword, stabbing Ling Susu's heart!

"Lu Tao! Look clearly! I'm your wife!" Ling Susu pointed at the red marks on her face and shouted at Lu Tao.

She is a bride today, and she was slapped!And as a bridegroom, it's nothing more than being asked for justice by himself, but instead of helping the evildoers, he also came to fight against himself!When she is the mighty daughter of the mayor, is she a piece of wood?
"So what? If you don't think the wedding should continue, you can leave now!" Lu Tao's voice was as cold as spitting ice and snow! .

Ling Susu trembled, and she glanced at Wang Yueshan, Du Haoze, Wang Fengzhen, Tang Shishi, and Ling Rui with hatred, swallowing the anger in her heart desperately!

No matter what, today's wedding must be held, she can't let her many days of hard work go to waste!

Seeing that Ling Susu had calmed down, Wang Fengzhen flattered and said to Ling Rui: "Major General Ling, I'm so neglectful today, please come inside!"

(End of this chapter)

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