Chapter 330 Out of Hand (3)
Ling Rui snorted coldly, and walked in with Tang Shishi. As soon as he stepped into the banquet hall, his eyes met Ling Hao's. superior.

"Honey, sit here!" Gentleman Ling Rui pulled out a chair and said to Tang Shishi.

Tang Shishi smiled sweetly, and said to Ling Rui, "My husband, you are so kind!" Then she sat down gracefully.

Du Haoze followed suit and hurriedly pulled away another chair beside Tang Shishi to signal to Wang Yueshan.

Wang Yueshan sat down angrily.When the play was over just now, this man dared to put his arms around her, and even dared to put a paw where it shouldn't be, it really pissed her off!
Seeing Wang Yueshan angry, Du Haoze touched his nose in fear.He really didn't do it on purpose just now, it's just that he couldn't control himself!God knows how he survived without seeing this woman these days!

Ling Hao felt like he was sitting on pins and needles at the moment. When he looked at Ling Rui just now, he sensitively sensed the schadenfreude in the other party's eyes. With Rui's temperament, he will not condescend to join in the fun!

"His dad, why don't you even say a word?" Huang Xiaojuan couldn't sit still anymore. Just now Ling Susu was scolded by Wang Yueshan at the door and slapped by that woman Wang Fengzhen. She wanted to rush forward and argue with those people , This is simply slapping her in the face!
These people really don't know what to say!When they are all dead?How dare you come and make a big wedding!
Ling Hao glanced at Huang Xiaojuan in displeasure, and let out a cold snort.

"Susu is our daughter after all. We are just such a child. As the saying goes, it depends on the owner to beat a dog. They are so arrogant, where will you, the mayor, be placed?" Huang Xiaojuan looked at Ling Hao indifferently, and asked anxiously Say.

She still counts on this daughter to bring her wealth, how can she allow others to abuse her like this?No matter what you say, you have to get her back!
Seeing that Ling Hao was still as motionless as a mountain, Huang Xiaojuan became impatient. She stood up abruptly and said, "If you don't go, I'll go! I can't just sit and watch my daughter being bullied!"

"Sit down!" Ling Hao glared at Huang Xiaojuan angrily, squeezed out five words between his teeth, and the veins on his forehead twitched violently!

"You——" Huang Xiaojuan saw Ling Hao so angry for the first time. Although Ling Hao's voice was not loud, Huang Xiaojuan was really frightened. She sat back on the chair in fear, and looked at Ling Hao nervously. Hao.

"Could it be that we parents are just here to watch and ignore it?" Huang Xiaojuan asked unwillingly.

"Who made her get carried away? It's her own fault!" When Ling Hao thought of Ling Susu's actions, he became very angry!
An unfilial daughter who will always do bad things at this critical moment!Useless things!His entire plan was disrupted by this useless thing!
If you don't raise a good baby, you have to play some shady little tricks. In the end, you lose the child and yourself, and he has to negotiate with Lu Tao. As a result, he and Lu Tao have just reached an agreement, and she has to talk to Lu Tao again. Lu Tao got married, and he didn't know what tricks he used. Lu Tao actually agreed to her, making the result of his negotiation with Lu Tao invalid. Now, she made such a scene at the wedding banquet again, making so many people People, read the joke hard, such a useless thing, you still expect him to save the day?
He wished he could hide as far away as possible!Because he was really afraid of staying here for a while, and if he wanted to leave, he wouldn't be able to get away!

"His father, no matter how bad she is, she is your only child!" Huang Xiaojuan begged with tears in her eyes.

Hearing Huang Xiaojuan talk about the child, the coldness in Ling Hao's eyes subsided a little, and there was a little warmth.

Huang Xiaojuan thought it was her words that aroused Ling Hao's fatherly love for Ling Susu, and her fearful heart was finally relieved.

However, how did she know that the man in front of her was not thinking of Ling Susu at all, but someone else!

Because of Ling Hao's obstruction, Huang Xiaojuan did not go to support Ling Susu after all, but stayed in her seat obediently, but she turned her eyes to Tang Shishi and Ling Rui from time to time, the resentment inside, of course, needless to say.

"Shishi, do you also think that Lu Tao shouldn't marry a woman like Ling Susu?" Du Haoze carefully looked at Tang Shishi as soon as she sat down, and asked tentatively.

"This is his business. He is an adult. I think he can clearly distinguish what should be done and what should not be done." Tang Shishi glanced at Du Haoze inexplicably, and then sneered: "It's just that I I don't know, he actually takes his career so seriously!"

It is so serious that marriage can be regarded as a child's play!Repeatedly sacrificed marriage!
Du Haoze began to complain about Lu Tao in his heart. He wanted to tell Tang Shishi the truth about all this, and wanted her to know that Lu Tao's favorite person was always her, Tang Shishi, and it hadn't changed. Now this wedding is entirely for Tang Shishi. But Du Haoze looked at Ling Rui, who was looking cold and stern beside Tang Shishi, and recalled what Lu Tao said last night: "I just need to watch her happy in silence. I owe her all of this. There is no need to let she knows!"

In the end, Du Haoze sighed, and swallowed the words that came to his lips.

"This is the difference between a man and a woman!" Wang Yueshan said with deep emotion.

"It depends on the person! In my eyes, nothing is more important than my wife!" Ling Rui said without hesitation.

"The major general is mighty!" Wang Yueshan gave Ling Rui her thumbs up, and praised her sincerely without stinging her admiration.

"Nothing!" Tang Shishi smiled embarrassedly and scolded Ling Rui. This guy has such a thick skin. He said such nonsense regardless of the occasion!

"The most promising thing in my life is to beg such a good wife as you. Of course, I must hold you firmly! Otherwise, I am afraid that you will be snatched away at some point!" Ling Rui As he said that, he glanced at Du Haoze meaningfully.

Du Haoze felt guilty, this man has such sharp eyes!

"Poor mouth!" Tang Shishi said coquettishly with a blushing face.It's so sweet in my heart!

"Haha! Major General Ling, you are too embarrassed to talk about Shishi!" Wang Yueshan joked with a smile.

"Ling Rui!" Ling Rui smiled kindly at Wang Yueshan, indicating that she could call her by her name directly.

"Ling Rui, you are so good just now, how can you let that old witch Wang Fengzhen and the little fairy Ling Susu fight each other just by talking about it? It's really enjoyable for me to watch!" Wang Yueshan said excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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