Chapter 331 Out of Hand (4)
"This is just the beginning, Ling Susu's journey is still long!" Ling Rui took a sip of tea, his eyes full of frightening light.

"Is there any inside information, let me disclose it in advance!" Wang Yueshan immediately regained her spirits when she heard that there was something in Ling Rui's words.

"Yueshan!" Du Haoze cried out in dissatisfaction seeing that Wang Yueshan's full energy was attracted by Ling Rui.

"Excuse me, do we know each other? Who gave you the right to call me by my name?" Wang Yueshan asked Du Haoze angrily.

"Yueshan, are you still angry? I told you, I left that family a long time ago, and now, my mother and I have also broken up. I will not be a tool in her hands to fight for power and profit. I just want to be An ordinary person, live a simple life, don't be angry with me, okay?" Du Haoze begged softly.

"That's your business, what does it have to do with me?" Wang Yueshan was a little moved when she heard Du Haoze say this, she just wanted to live a simple and happy life, this request is not high, is it?
"Yueshan, this is between the two of us! Without you, everything I do would be meaningless!" Du Haoze confessed affectionately while holding Wang Yueshan's hand.

Wang Yueshan pulled her hand vigorously, but it was in vain, the more she pulled back, the tighter Du Haoze's grip was, so she rolled her eyes at Du Haoze angrily, and looked like she didn't care about him , but he didn't pull his hand again, and he didn't sternly tell Du Haoze to let go.

Du Haoze held Wang Yueshan's little hand tightly again, with an excited expression on his face.

Tang Shishi looked at Du Haoze and Wang Yueshan with a reassuring smile on her face, then turned her head to look at Ling Rui, and they smiled at each other.

The wedding was postponed for a while because of the commotion before. The reason was that the bride had to touch up her makeup to cover up the red and swollen marks on her face.

By the time the wedding march was played, the auspicious time had been delayed by half an hour. Tang Shishi looked at the time and twitched her lips. Wang Fengzhen is the most particular about Fengshui and time. up?
There is nothing to see in a Chinese-style wedding, and anyone can feel the rush of preparations for this wedding!Because the groom was frequently absent, when the master of ceremonies interacted with the groom for questions and answers, the groom wandered into space several times and answered irrelevant questions.As for the bride standing beside him, her face was as red as if she had been covered with a layer of red silk, only half of her face.

Such a bride and groom are really weird!
"Mr. Lu Tao, are you willing to marry Miss Ling Susu as your wife?" Affected by the emotions of the bride and groom, and under the frequent gestures of the groom's mother, the master of ceremonies also quickly and concisely asked all the questions. This kind of wedding, it happens that this couple is not an ordinary person, thinking that there are so many rich and famous people sitting in the audience, the back of the host of ceremonies is constantly breaking out in cold sweat!

"Can't you see?" Lu Tao cast an impatient glance at the emcee, and said, "When will you finish your nonsense?"

Ling Susu's lungs were about to explode. She had been looking forward to the grand wedding for a long time. There were no reporters siege, no live radio broadcast, but she still had to suffer from such uselessness!
Lu Tao, you want to repel me like this, no way!

Thinking of this, Ling Susu suppressed the anger in her heart. She looked at Lu Tao's face affectionately, and then said shyly to the emcee beside her, "We have already received our marriage certificate yesterday!"

After Ling Susu finished speaking, she glanced at the table where Tang Shishi was sitting, and she did not hide the emotions of fulfillment in her heart.

"Then, on behalf of all the guests, I wish you all the best wishes that you will grow old together forever!" After all, this master of ceremonies has presided over many weddings, so he quickly took the words.

"Thank you!" Ling Susu put on a smile that she thought was just right, reserved and noble, but she forgot that she had a huge "red spot" on her face at the moment, that smile was so cautious no matter how you looked at it!

The master of ceremonies smiled and said: "Please cut the cake for the newcomers!" Then he made a gesture of invitation, leading Lu Tao and Ling Susu to the place where the cake tower was placed, and signaled them to cut the cake together.

Lu Tao took a look at the big cake, the thick cream on it made him feel sick to his stomach, and before Ling Susu's hand was passed over to put it on his hand, Lu Tao had already raised his knife and dropped it.

Ling Susu's face turned pale, and then she looked at Lu Tao and smiled with warning eyes.

Lu Tao narrowed his eyes, his breath was dangerous and compelling!
After obtaining the certificate with Ling Susu yesterday, Ling Susu had already given him all the video materials of that volume of video, does this woman still have reservations?

Lu Tao's fierce gaze made Ling Susu's heart shrink suddenly!Then she looked away guiltily.

She gave all those video materials to Lu Tao without reservation. Just now she was very dissatisfied with Lu Tao's performance and wanted to scare him. Unexpectedly, she got this kind of result in exchange.

Lu Tao!We've already become husband and wife, and you still don't give up?
"The groom and the bride are deeply in love!" The master of ceremonies sensed the glare of swords and swords in the eyes of the two, and said with a smile, "Let's give the bride and groom a round of applause!"

After saying these words, the master of ceremonies felt that he was about to collapse, and felt like he was finally relieved!

Applause rang out!
Ling Susu stretched out her hand shyly towards Lu Tao, wanting to take Lu Tao's hand and walk down the stage, but who knows, Lu Tao turned a blind eye to her movements and walked down quickly alone.

Ling Susu was left under the stage, her angry face turned blue and white, she took a deep breath, lifted her skirt, and was about to step off the stage under the complicated eyes of everyone.

However, at this moment, the lights of the entire banquet scene suddenly dimmed, and before everyone could exclaim in surprise, they heard an extremely discordant voice.

"Well! Give it to me! Good man! You are amazing!" A woman's voice.

"See if I don't kill you!" A man's voice!

The entire banquet scene was dead silent!Those people who opened their mouths wide and didn't have time to scream, their eyes are wide open at this moment, looking at the electronic screen behind Ling Susu's body!Those discordant, ambiguous and imaginative voices just now came from there!
An uncensored human flesh blockbuster is being staged on the screen. The heroine of the blockbuster is full of joy and confused eyes. It is Ling Susu, the bride of today's wedding.

And the male lead in the human flesh blockbuster - they are very strange, but one thing is certain, it is definitely not the groom Lu Tao!

Just when everyone couldn't help but gasp for the sudden change, the screen suddenly changed again. It was still a big movie of human flesh, but the heroine didn't change, but the hero changed. The protagonist is not unfamiliar to everyone, but Sun Yunhua who works in building materials in City B!

(End of this chapter)

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