Chapter 332 Out of Hand (5)
Seeing the fat Sun Yunhua being ridden by Ling Susu, the two looked extremely satisfied, and couldn't help feeling sick!
Ling Susu sat down on the stage in fright!
How is this going?what happened?who?who is it?Who exactly?In the darkness, her eyes frightenedly moved among all the guests. She couldn't see the faces of the audience clearly, but she could clearly see those shining eyes with contempt!
Ling Susu habitually looked at Tang Shishi's table, and found that there was a pair of unusually cold and clear eyes looking at her straight at the moment, which made her heart contract violently in fright!

It's him!It must be him!It must be him!
"Ah! It's not me! It's not me! Don't look at it! Don't even look at it!" Ling Susu broke down and cried loudly. She stood up, ran to the electronic screen, and took a burst of random shots, trying to give the picture on it to the screen. Closed, but in vain!

At this time, the screen changed again, three people appeared on it, except Ling Susu, the heroine, and Sun Yunhua did not change, but there was another man, Liu Minghui!
Three people, the picture is predictable!
Everyone took a low breath, looking at the hysterical and almost crazy Ling Susu who was yelling on the stage, the disdain in their eyes almost made people overwhelmed!
It's just that it's not over yet, everything is going on.

"Don't do this! Stop! Stop! I was wrong, I was wrong! Stop!" Ling Susu lay on the ground exhausted, hoarsely begging for mercy.

What makes people feel very ironic is that at this moment, Ling Susu in the picture is being pressed down by a black man with a happy face, and shouts dissatisfiedly: "Hurry up! Don't stop! Don't stop! COMEON! COMEON!"

Everyone looked at Ling Susu who looked like a clown on the stage with disgust!No matter how much she yelled and cried, there was no sympathy for her.

"Kill this shameless bitch to death!" A shrill female voice came to mind from the audience, and then, a plate was thrown onto the stage, the head was slightly tilted, and it hit Ling Susu's white dress, the greasy Sixi balls, Rolling around on the white dress, Ling Susu's proud and expensive wedding dress was dyed shiny.

Ling Rui let out a barely audible sneer in the dark, the sound just now should have been made by Sun Yunhua's wife!

Someone started, and someone followed immediately. A fat figure squeezed to the front of the stage holding a pot of soup. Everyone heard a clatter, and saw that there were some colorful things on Ling Susu's face, and her coiled hair was also wet. , Tick-tock dripping soup!

"Shameless vixen! The mistress who everyone can punish! Slut!" The fat figure pointed at Ling Susu's face and yelled!

With such a figure, everyone present didn't need to guess that it was the dominatrix in Liu Minghui's family!

For a while, Ling Susu's body became more disheveled, and she was in a state of distress, which was in stark contrast to the happy look in the picture!

At this time, the picture on the electronic screen on the stage has been frozen. On it, Ling Susu is naked, kneeling on the ground, resting her head on a person's lap, in an evil and ambiguous posture, and a dog is tied around her neck. The chain, the person holding that dog chain is none other than Huang Liang who is enjoying Ling Susu's special service!
Even incest!
The lights were brightly lit at this moment, and the astonishment and disdain on everyone's faces in the darkness just now had no time to be covered by masks, and they were all naked on their faces!
Lu Tao's expression could no longer be described as embarrassing. He stood numbly, staring at Ling Susu on the stage with bloodshot eyes, like two X-rays, trying to shoot her whole body like a hole!
Huang Xiaojuan, on the other hand, no longer dared to look at Ling Hao's murderous expression. Because she was too shocked just now, she stood up from the chair, and now standing beside Ling Hao, she trembled involuntarily in fright, Only by leaning against the table can I barely stand firm.

This is not true!How is this possible!How is this possible!

The moment the light came on, she quickly covered her face with her hands, she almost wanted to get under the table and never come out to see anyone!
Su Su and Huang Liang are cousins!
Ling Hao was so angry that he wanted to faint, and he really did, because he couldn't find any way to solve the predicament in front of him, and escape the shame that this rebellious woman brought to him!
"You bastard! I, Ling Hao, don't have a daughter like you! I—" Ling Hao said, rolling his eyes, and fell to the ground!

Bang!I fell down hard!
Ling Rui swept across the corner of Ling Hao's twitching mouth when he fell to the ground, a sneer appeared on his face!
"Ling Hao!" Seeing Ling Hao fainting, Huang Xiaojuan was so frightened that she hurried forward to pull Ling Hao's body, her fat palms kept patting Ling Hao's face.

"What's wrong?" From the moment it was dark in the banquet hall, Ling Rui pressed Tang Shishi's head into her arms forcefully, and Ling Rui also forcibly blocked her ears until the lights came on. Only then did Ling Rui let go of her!So she just heard some voices vaguely, and guessed that it might be what she thought, but she wasn't sure!
"It doesn't sound easy to me!" Wang Yueshan also encountered Du Haoze's equal treatment. Although she resisted Du Haoze's behavior by biting, scratching, hitting and kicking, Du Haoze was determined not to let her be abused, so she It is also to be free!
"Ah!" Tang Shishi saw Ling Susu, who could no longer recognize her real body on the stage, and then accidentally saw the picture on the electronic screen, and screamed out of control.

"Don't look around!" Ling Rui pushed Tang Shishi's little head back into his arms in dissatisfaction, giving an overbearing order.

"Bah! How disgusting!" Wang Yueshan spit after seeing clearly what was going on on stage!

Du Haoze looked helplessly at Wang Yueshan, then at Ling Rui who had always had a stern expression, and finally his eyes fell on Lu Tao who was already standing on a tree stump!

"Ah! I'll kill you bitch! Shameless slut!" Wang Fengzhen was just waking up from a dream at this moment. She galloped onto the stage with vigorous steps, punching and kicking Ling Susu!
"I'll kill you! I'll kill you! Shameless thing!"

"You old witch! I'll fight you!" Ling Susu reacted, got up from the ground in embarrassment, and fought with Wang Fengzhen.

"Kill this shameless bastard to death!" Seeing that Wang Fengzhen was gradually at a disadvantage, the dominatrix of Liu Minghui's family pushed Liu Minghui, who had been slapped a few times by her just now, to the side, and ran onto the stage. Ling Susu's stomach is just a kick!
(End of this chapter)

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