Chapter 333
"Ah!" Ling Susu couldn't guard against being attacked in time, and was kicked to the ground all of a sudden, and then she no longer had the strength to resist, so she had to hug her body into a ball and let herself be beaten and scolded!Only shout for help!

It's just that no one in the audience gave their sympathy to such a person. What they hate the most is the mistress!Even Ling Susu's mother, Huang Xiaojuan, regarded Ling Susu as a great shame and humiliation at the moment, knowing that Ling Susu was being besieged and scolded, she didn't say a word.

"Idiot, hurry up and call an ambulance, and take me out of here!" Ling Hao's internal organs were about to burn from the anger of Huang Xiaojuan, a woman with no eyesight, and he reminded in a low voice, taking advantage of the unpreparedness of the people around him.

Huang Xiaojuan got the hang of it after being called by Ling Hao, but the dress she was wearing today did not bring her mobile phone with her, so she could only ask the people around her for help: "Call the ambulance quickly! Call the ambulance quickly!" !"

Hearing Huang Xiaojuan's shout, Lu Tao turned his head slowly, saw Ling Hao lying on the ground, his eyes were full of cold anger, he walked slowly towards Huang Xiaojuan and Ling Hao, stood in front of them, and then Looking down at these two people, he asked coldly: "If you don't give me an explanation for today's matter, I'm afraid you two won't be able to leave for a while!"

"What do you mean? We were kept in the dark when something like this happened. Who knows if those videos are real! Besides, Mayor Ling is now in a coma. Are you still not allowing us to be sent to the doctor? If there is a problem, can you take responsibility?" Huang Xiaojuan felt chills from Lu Tao's eyes, but the pungent and nonsense skills she had cultivated for so many years were not covered by it, so she immediately found a reasonable excuse and took Ling Hao The official authority came out to suppress people!

"What's wrong with the mayor? The mayor's daughter can do such shameless things?" Wang Fengzhen on the stage heard that Huang Xiaojuan was still putting on airs at this time, with a high-spirited look, and immediately turned the gunfire, rushed over!

"Wang Fengzhen, who insisted on breaking up Tang Shishi and Lu Tao at the beginning, saying that Tang Shishi had no roots and roots and couldn't help Lu Tao in his career, and then called me out of nowhere and said that my Susu family is very good. Now this The marriage of the two children is just taking advantage of your wishes!" Huang Xiaojuan yelled at Wang Fengzhen angrily.

Everyone let out a low cry of comprehension.Involuntarily looking at Tang Shishi beside Ling Rui, that's it!
"Who knew your daughter was such a slut! She pretended to be a lady all day long! Pooh!" Wang Fengzhen spat in Huang Xiaojuan's face angrily.

Huang Xiaojuan wanted to stand up and fight Wang Fengzhen with tit for tat, but Ling Hao tore the hem of her clothes, so she had to give up unwillingly!

Lu Tao saw Ling Hao's little tricks behind his back, and the cold light in his eyes became more intense. He said mockingly: "It seems that I need to invite media reporters to explain today's marriage. After all, Mayor Ling is here. I fainted at my wedding, such a big responsibility, I really can't bear it!"

"You call an ambulance first, and we'll talk about these things later!" Hearing Lu Tao's words, Huang Xiaojuan thought her threat had worked, and immediately softened her tone.

"That's good, anyway, the reporter is at the door!" Lu Tao said slowly, with a cruel smile floating in his eyes, his gaze fell on Ling Hao's face.

"Ahem! Ahem!" As soon as Lu Tao's words fell to the ground, Ling Hao coughed twice, and slowly opened his eyes!
But at this moment, the reporters who were at the door that Lu Tao mentioned had rushed in!It's like getting blood from a chicken, as soon as you come in, you will shoot wildly!
For a moment, the entire banquet hall was filled with dazzling light from flashing lights!
Lu Tao frowned, and his face darkened even more. He was talking nonsense just now, in order to expose Ling Hao's false mask, but he didn't really call the reporter!He raised his eyes to look in the direction of Ling Rui and Tang Shishi, and his eyes unexpectedly collided with Ling Rui's in mid-air. Lu Tao was shocked when he saw the naked murderous look in Ling Rui's eyes!
Sure enough it was him!

Lu Tao's eyes revealed sharp blades!
The corner of Ling Rui's mouth curled up provocatively, and there was a light in his eyes that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

If it wasn't for later knowing that Lu Tao chose to rescue Tang Shishi immediately that day and send her to the hospital in time, if it wasn't for the fear that his punishment would make Tang Shishi feel uneasy, these reporters should have broadcast the whole process to follow up, because he He said that he wanted to make Lu Tao and Ling Susu's wedding more grand than ever before, and everyone in City B knew about it!

The former one can be ignored because of Ling Weiguo's death, but the latter one must be said and done!

Lu Tao understood Ling Rui's meaning, covered his eyes slightly, and sighed weakly in his heart!He only believed Jun Mubei's words now, this is Ling Rui's style, right?He doesn't seem to be moving these days, and people can't even feel that there is anything wrong with him, but he has carefully arranged all of this. A strike of thunder is so powerful and fast that it makes people even have the strength and opportunity to fight back. nothing!
Lu Tao looked at Tang Shishi's ignorant expression again, and comforted himself, at least she didn't know about it beforehand, all this was not from her instruction, this - enough!

Ling Hao, who wanted to wake up after hearing Lu Tao's words, turned pale when he heard the reporters' constant questioning and flashing lights, and almost fainted!
He shouldn't have come today!Or from the moment he saw Ling Rui coming in, he should have found an excuse to leave immediately, and shouldn't have stayed here by chance!Things have developed to the present, it is really out of control!

First, his mother Lin Meijuan was imprisoned, and now his daughter Ling Susu was caught in an obscene video at her wedding. Now he has completely given up on next year's general election and has no hope at all!

Ling Rui, you are so ruthless!Why do you have to do it so desperately?What good will it do you to push me into this situation?
"His dad! His dad!" Huang Xiaojuan saw Ling Hao "wake up" leisurely, yelled twice in cooperation, and then pretended to stroke Ling Hao's chest a few times, giving Ling Hao a smooth ride.

When a group of reporters heard Huang Xiaojuan's cry, they immediately gathered and surrounded Ling Hao's square inch, and the flashing lights chased and flickered all the way.They were searching around but couldn't find Ling Hao, Huang Xiaojuan's shout just showed them the way!

"Mayor Ling, what do you think of what your daughter Ling Susu has done?" A bold reporter asked.

"Don't mention that evil to me! I, Ling Hao, don't have a daughter like that! Cough!" As soon as Ling Hao woke up, he angrily distanced himself from Ling Susu, spoke violently, and lost control of his emotions. He pointed in the direction of the table and said, "I To sever the father-daughter relationship with her, from now on, whether she lives or dies has nothing to do with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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