Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 338 You can still be worse by 1 point

Chapter 338 You can be even worse (1)
"Mom, put away your tears. You have cried too much in front of me all these years. I don't feel any more here!" Du Haoze pointed to his heart!

Every time my mother wants to use her to achieve a certain purpose, she always looks like this. He is already immune, and he will never believe it again!
"Haoze!" Cao Xinru grabbed Du Haoze's arm even more forcefully, and said sadly, "Haoze, I, I have cancer!"

Du Haoze froze, looked back at Cao Xinru in disbelief, and said, "How is it possible?"

"It's true, if you don't believe me, read the inspection report from the hospital!" Cao Xinru said, took out the inspection report from her bag, and handed it to Du Haoze. Du Haoze took the report suspiciously and stood there dumbfounded!

When Tang Shishi and Ling Rui came into the hospital, they saw Wang Yueshan sitting on the rest chair with a calm and unusually quiet expression.Seeing their husband and wife come in, Wang Yueshan stood up and said with a smile, "Let's go and see the handsome guy!"

"Yueshan!" Tang Shishi stepped forward and took Wang Yueshan's arm, hesitating and not knowing what to say.

There used to be Wang Fengzhen between her and Lu Tao, so she knew what an evil mother-in-law meant to a marriage!
"What are you doing? I'm fine, really!" Wang Yueshan smiled nonchalantly, and said, "Her mother approached me a long time ago, and I don't think I'm suitable for him either! Besides, I'm used to being free and simple by myself. I don’t want to settle so early.”

"But, you treat Du Haoze differently! Don't try to lie to me, I can tell!" Tang Shishi said with certainty.

"The only difference is that she has been in bed!" Wang Yueshan said carelessly.

"Yueshan! You are not such a casual person!" Tang Shishi frowned, disapproving of Wang Yueshan's attitude.

"So what, it can't change anything!" Wang Yueshan sighed and said, "Shishi, actually, I think it's good to be alone!"

"There must be someone..." Tang Shishi spoke after deliberating.

At this moment, the elevator had arrived, and the three of them entered the elevator. Ling Rui pressed the close button, and the elevator closed slowly.

"Maybe it's because the fate hasn't arrived yet, and the person I'm waiting for hasn't shown up yet!" Wang Yueshan's words floated out from the cracks in the elevator, causing Du Haoze, who was chasing after him, to stop.

Du Haoze watched the numbers on the elevator keep jumping, and a wry smile appeared from the corner of his mouth. It turned out that I was just a spare tire!

"Don't be so stubborn! Admitting that you like him, there is nothing to be ashamed of!" Tang Shishi said while abducting Wang Yueshan.

"Perhaps a little bit, but it's definitely not to the point where it's up to him to die!" Wang Yueshan blushed and said unnaturally.

Tang Shishi didn't say anything more, and she could already be sure of Du Haoze's position in Wang Yueshan's heart by hearing such words from the face-conscious Wang Yueshan.

Shen He's life can be said to be very carefree and happy, except that the thick plaster on his arm made it seem inconvenient for him to do certain things, the rest did not affect him at all.

Tang Shishi and Wang Yueshan knocked on the door outside the ward for a long time, but no one answered. Wang Yueshan looked at Tang Shishi suspiciously and said, "Are you sure that Senior Shen He is still there? He didn't leave early, did he?"

"Probably not. I called him last night, and he said he would wait for us to pick him up and leave the hospital." Tang Shishi shook her head in denial. Spectrum, that is, words always count!

"But knocking on the door is so loud, it's been knocking for a long time, shouldn't there be no response at all? Could it be that he fell asleep?" Wang Yueshan asked strangely.

Fortunately, this is a VIP ward, otherwise, someone would definitely come and drive them out after such a toss.

"Didn't sleep." Standing behind Tang Shishi, Ling Rui suddenly said, "There is a sound inside." His hearing is more sensitive than ordinary people. Although he can't hear what the people inside are saying, he can sense that there are people inside.

"Is nothing going to happen?" Tang Shishi looked worried.Senior Shen He was injured in order to save her, if anything happened...

"Kick the door!" Wang Yueshan and Tang Shishi looked at each other, and then stretched out their legs in unison.It's just that someone is one step faster and has longer legs than them.

Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi in disapproval, physical work like kicking doors is suitable for men, this little wild cat is too ignorant of him!No matter what, give him a chance to show off!

Tang Shishi smiled mischievously, stroked her skirt, and then saw Wang Yueshan who was stunned.

"What's wrong?Tang Shishi saw Wang Yueshan's ghostly expression, and followed her gaze into the ward, only to see two faces that were equally stunned, but the distance between these two faces seemed a bit close, before Tang Shishi could see everything clearly, I felt my body being pulled vigorously by Ling Rui and pulled into my arms.

"Don't look!" Ling Rui hugged Tang Shishi tightly, and then led her away from the door.

Tang Shishi hadn't had time to think about it, it was just like that, when she heard a few sharp voices.




"They?" Tang Shishi got out of Ling Rui's arms, looked at Ling Rui and asked.

It's not what she thinks it is, is it?
Ling Rui touched Tang Shishi's head and replied: You are very smart!

Tang Shishi blushed!
It turned out that they disturbed people's intimacy!

The time she agreed with her senior was three o'clock in the afternoon, and it's not yet two o'clock. They came an hour early, but they didn't expect to break the adultery!
Tsk tsk, it's all because the seniors were too involved. They tossed around the door for a long time, but they didn't hear it from inside.

Over there, Wang Yueshan's long and loud voice was still coming and going, and the sound in the ward was chaotic. It can be imagined how busy it was inside.

Tang Shishi suddenly remembered the two stunned faces she saw in the ward just now, one was of the senior Shen He whom she was very familiar with, and the other was not Shi Qian who was having a hot fight with senior Shen He these days!
Thinking of this, Tang Shishi plunged into Ling Rui's arms in annoyance, and rubbed against Ling Rui vigorously as if venting her anger. Everything is really not going well for her today, why did she encounter this all the time!

The senior is too messy!
Ling Rui tensed up involuntarily due to Tang Shishi's sudden movement, and took a low breath.

"Okay! Elementary school girls, you can come in!" Wang Yueshan's magical sound piercing the brain is not something anyone can resist. Shen He squeezed the center of his brows with a headache, and said loudly to the people outside the door Go!

Wang Yueshan's voice stopped abruptly, but there was another sound immediately: "Ah——"

"Yueshan, I'm a patient, can you be considerate!" Shen He begged for mercy.

"Senior, you have a good figure!" Wang Yueshan didn't intend to soar again, she stepped into the ward, whistled to Shen He under the quilt, and said lewdly.

(End of this chapter)

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