Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 339 You can still be worse by 1 point

Chapter 339 You can be even worse (2)
Shen He didn't expect Wang Yueshan to behave like this, a trace of embarrassment crawled across her face, but she quickly recovered.

As for Ling Rui, who was standing outside the door, a look of displeasure flashed in his eyes when he heard Wang Yueshan's words.

This Wang Yueshan, seeing such a situation, not only did not avoid it, but stared wide-eyed at the people in the room getting dressed in a panic, and now she is acting like a female hooligan again!I don't understand what reserve is!It seems that he will strictly control the relationship between the little wild cat and Wang Yueshan in the future, lest she bring his little wild cat down!
Those who are close to ink are black!He couldn't imagine that one day the little wild cat would do such a hooligan thing to other men like Wang Yueshan!His little wild cat is only allowed to be a hooligan to him alone!

Tang Shishi noticed that Ling Rui's expression was wrong, and knew that he had misunderstood Wang Yueshan, so she immediately defended Wang Yueshan: "Well, she is actually not like this in essence, it is completely an occupational disease! Hehe!"

Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi disapprovingly.

Tang Shishi turned her face away with a guilty conscience.In fact, Wang Yueshan has mentioned this problem many times, but for a rotten girl with such a nature, it is really difficult for her to "be good!"

"Sister, are you going to stay outside the door and not come in?" Shen He looked calmly under Wang Yueshan's slightly evil eyes, and yelled at the door, his tone was the same as before, unaffected by the embarrassing scene just now.

"Let's go in." Tang Shishi looked up and said to Ling Rui.

Ling Rui pursed his lips in displeasure, but said nothing.

Tang Shishi could see the dissatisfaction in Ling Rui's heart. She knew that Ling Rui couldn't understand what the senior did. However, Senior Shen He really has no shortcomings in other aspects except for being a little promiscuous. No one is perfect!
Besides, at any rate, he saved himself!

Tang Shishi firmly held Ling Rui's arm, and the two entered the ward.

"Senior, are you in love again?" Tang Shishi looked at the strange looking girl in the ward and asked jokingly.

Unexpectedly, the day before yesterday, this guy was still fighting fiercely with Shi Qian. When the two heard the news that Shen He was going to serve in the army, they even staged a Chinese ghost story version of life and death. How long did it take? This guy has empathized again!

When Shen He heard Tang Shishi's words, he quickly blinked at Tang Shishi, his eyes almost cramped!
Tang Shishi received Shen He's signal, so she didn't say any more. She encountered many such things when she was in T University. It seems that now the senior is on two different boats!
"Hey! Who is this?" Shen He's new girlfriend looked at Tang Shishi with a sense of threat in her heart. She glanced at Shen He and asked.

"These are all my elementary school girls!" Shen He introduced in a general way, obviously unwilling to say more.

That woman was not very happy, she just wanted to put on a serious look to Tang Shishi, but when she found Ling Rui beside Tang Shishi, her eyes immediately popped up!A pair of eyes are full of light like seeing prey.

It was the first time for her to see such a handsome, handsome and extravagant man. Originally, she thought that Shen He was already handsome enough, but she didn't expect that there was someone out there, this is the best in the world!

Tang Shishi noticed that the woman's gaze was on her husband, feeling as if her territory had been violated, she took two steps forward angrily, with her hips on her hips to block the man's hot gaze .

"Senior, why don't you introduce me to your new sister-in-law?" Tang Shishi glared at the woman angrily, and then said to Shen He angrily.

The senior's eyesight is getting worse and worse!

Seeing the anger in Tang Shishi's eyes, Shen He said guiltily, "This is Chen Li."

Chen Li's eyes were wandering around Ling Rui's body, and she felt the sudden drop in the surrounding temperature, and seeing Ling Rui's cold and heartless eyes, she couldn't help shivering.

This man looks good, but his temper is not very good, but it is interesting to tame such a man!
"Hello, I'm Chen Li, I live in City A!" Chen Li ignored Tang Shishi's angry eyes, and stretched out her hand to Ling Rui.

Ling Rui didn't even look at it, and said to Tang Shishi: "My wife, it seems that Senior Shen He doesn't need us to go to the extra trouble to pick him up. Let's be sensible and don't stay here to disturb other people's good things!"

"Okay!" Tang Shishi said in a sloppy interface. Seeing Chen Li drooling at her husband, Tang Shishi didn't want to stay here for a moment.

"Hey, you two are too dishonest! I don't even think about how my injury came about!" Shen He heard that Tang Shishi and Ling Rui were about to leave when they first arrived, so of course he would not agree.

"Then keep Wang Yueshan here, and she will be very happy to pick you up!" Ling Rui pushed Wang Yueshan out unceremoniously.

"Okay, okay! If you have something to do, go there first. I'm here, no problem!" Wang Yueshan nodded quickly when she heard what Ling Rui said!

It would be even better if she could take the opportunity to look at the naked body of the senior with two eyes. Her new manga just lacks such a top attacking talent!
Hearing Wang Yueshan's answer, Ling Rui took Tang Shishi's hand and walked out.

"Tang Shishi, you have the opposite sex and no humanity!" Shen He shouted dissatisfiedly from behind, but the more he shouted, the faster Tang Shishi walked away!
Senior, you went too far this time!

After leaving the hospital, Tang Shishi carefully watched Ling Ruiwu's face darken, and followed Ling Rui into the car like a little daughter-in-law.

"Husband—" Tang Shishi acted like a baby as soon as she closed the car door.

With a cold face, Ling Rui fastened Tang Shishi's seat belt, then started the car without saying a word, and drove out.

Tang Shishi yelled again, and found that Ling Rui was really angry this time, and made up her mind to ignore her, feeling aggrieved in her heart.

Who did she provoke!And what the senior looks like, she has already told Ling Rui, isn't this the same virtue as Du Haoyang and Fang Ziming?What's there to be angry about!
When Tang Shishi came back to her senses and found that the route Ling Rui took was not the way home, she felt uneasy.

This guy is not going to sell himself out of anger, is he?
The way the car traveled was getting more and more remote, and Tang Shishi felt even more uneasy. It seemed that this guy was not planning to sell himself, but was planning to find a remote place to kill him, and then dump his body in the wilderness!
When Tang Shishi thought of this, she felt chilly all over, and shivered unconsciously.

It's over!My life is over!
Ling Rui had a cold face, as if he was driving with his head down, but in fact, he took Tang Shishi's expression into his eyes calmly, seeing her face getting more and more dignified, and even shivering, it was obvious that she was a little girl. I don't know what to think in my head and think about it again!
(End of this chapter)

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