Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 340 You can still be worse by 1 point

Chapter 340 You can be even worse (4)
"In short, you are selfish! You only think about yourself, and you don't think about me and the future baby at all!" Tang Shishi said aggrievedly.

Ling Rui's eyes dimmed.

In fact, after punishing Ling Susu and those people, he had an impulse to find an opportunity to tell Tang Shishi about the child, but when he thought of Tang Shishi's desire for the child, he couldn't bear to say it.

"Isn't this not pregnant yet?" Ling Rui turned over and lay on the driver's seat that had also been flattened, and said with a faint breath.

"If you don't have it, you can't mess around!" Tang Shishi grabbed her clothes to cover her body, pouted her mouth angrily, and said, "I must take care of my body and give birth to a healthy baby."

"Like children so much?" Ling Rui asked in a complicated mood when he saw Tang Shishi mentioning children, countless stars twinkled in his eyes.

"Of course! I dream of having a child of my own!" Tang Shishi squinted at Ling Rui unhappily. Is there even a need to ask?She always thought that she was acting obviously good!

Ling Rui suddenly let out a long breath!His eyes were fixed on the sunroof of the car, motionless, as if he wanted to see a flower.

Tang Shishi felt that Ling Rui's expression was a little weird, but she couldn't tell what was wrong, but she thought it might be because the old hooligan's desire was not relieved and he was not satisfied physically.

Thinking of this, Tang Shishi secretly took a look at Ling Rui's upright "reinforced iron frame", and found that he moved a little bit, and his face burst into red!

"Wife—" Ling Rui's voice was a little deep and hoarse, and there was something indescribably seductive.Although the two were lying side by side, the space in the carriage was limited, so Ling Rui's breathing disturbed Tang Shishi's ambiguity in the carriage.

"Well." Tang Shishi looked away in panic, looked into Ling Rui's eyes, and found that he was looking at her upright, a little pitiful, just like when Ah Hua was hungry, with a bit of flattery , from the beast-like appearance just now, they are completely different people.

Tang Shishi's heart softened a little under Ling Rui's gaze.

"What's the matter?" After waiting for a long time, Ling Rui didn't say anything, Tang Shishi couldn't help asking, opened her mouth, and found that her voice was also a little hoarse, and she couldn't help licking her lips.

Ling Rui's breathing became rough, and he gave Tang Shishi a helpless look, his face was very aggrieved, the look in his eyes was full of accusations, and he suddenly turned his head to the side.

"Don't look at me like that!" Ling Rui suddenly said harshly.

"Huh?" Tang Shishi didn't know why, but when she saw Ling Rui roughly gathering her clothes and his red ears, she realized it in her heart.

Tang Shishi couldn't help self-examination, did she really suffocate this man?
"Husband!" Tang Shishi called softly, and poked Ling Rui's body with her fingers, and found that his whole body was tense at the moment, and his body was so hard that he couldn't poke at all.

Because of Tang Shishi's poke, Ling Rui took a low breath, and his body heaved even more.

"Husband!" Seeing that Ling Rui ignored her, Tang Shishi called him again, her voice was sweeter and teasing like a mischievous one.

"Little wild cat! Are you endless? If you dare again..." Ling Rui turned his head suddenly, and threatened in a vicious voice, but before he finished speaking, there was a warm and soft body on his body.

Ling Rui's eyes widened all of a sudden, his body was too stiff to respond.

Tang Shishi shyly kissed Ling Rui's eyes, and found that he was still looking at her with his eyes wide open, motionless as if he was stupid, and couldn't help growling angrily: "Close your eyes!" A little coquettish, she even covered Ling Rui's eyes with her hands.

Tang Shishi gnawed on Ling Rui's chin, and then went all the way down his generous chest.

Ling Rui only felt his heart beating for a moment.

"Honey, am I a bad woman?" Tang Shishi licked Xiao Lingrui's face with her small mouth, and asked with some uncertainty in her heart.

"Hmm!" Ling Rui was so nervous that his toes were almost curled up. He closed his eyes tightly and growled hoarsely: "Little wild cat, you can be even worse!"

Time flows quietly, everything is beautiful!
Ling Rui sat lazily on the roof of the car, with one long leg stretched out, the other casually supported, his body leaning slightly backwards, one arm behind his back to support his body, one arm casually draped On the bent legs, the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on his body like red gold, a bit romantic and handsome, if it wasn't for his persistent smirk and idiot-like face.

Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui an angry sideways glance, and reflexively wiped her red and swollen mouth!

"Hehe!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi who had been awkward since she was still in the car, and finally couldn't help laughing out loud!Then he simply lay down on his back, hugged Tang Shishi tightly in his arms, and pressed it on his chest!

"Go away! Don't talk to me!" Tang Shishi said with a bad attitude.

Ling Rui laughed even more triumphantly and loudly.

"You - bastard!" Tang Shishi was so ashamed and angry that she raised her hand and punched Ling Rui's chest fiercely.

"Oh!" Ling Rui yelled in pain, but the voice was ecstasy no matter how it sounded!And with some banter!
"Stinky rascal!" Tang Shishi burst into tears!How could she just, how could she be so confused for a moment and do such a thing!Now her intestines are turning green with regret!
"Little wild cat, don't seduce me anymore! Otherwise, I'm afraid we will live here today and we won't be able to go back!" Ling Rui joked as he looked at Tang Shishihong's gorgeous little face, which was as gorgeous as the sunset.

"You did it on purpose!" Tang Shishi punched Ling Rui angrily, and Ling Rui groaned.

Why is she so stupid!Got tricked by this bastard again!What a shame!The more Tang Shishi thought about it, the more sad and indignant she became!

"I was in the car just now because you wanted it, I didn't force you!" Seeing that Tang Shishi was about to get angry, Ling Rui knew he didn't dare to tease her anymore, and quickly defended himself.

"It's clearly you—you—" Tang Shishi was poor at reasoning, because it was indeed her initiative just now, "Anyway, you are wrong!" Finally, Tang Shishi said domineeringly.

"Okay, okay, it's my fault, right? I shouldn't be out of control for a while, and it's all my fault if I get it in your mouth!" Ling Rui happily admitted his mistake.

"You! You still say it! You still say it!" Tang Shishi was ashamed and angry, and twisted Ling Rui's waist with both hands.

"Oh!" Ling Rui yelled very cooperatively, but the ambiguity in that voice couldn't be hidden.

"I don't want to talk to you anymore!" Tang Shishi wished she could dig a hole in the ground, Ling Rui like this was like a rascal, unable to communicate with him!

(End of this chapter)

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