Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 341 You can still be worse by 1 point

Chapter 341 You can be even worse (5)
"Don't!" Seeing Tang Shishi angrily getting up to go down, Ling Rui quickly stretched out his arms, hugged her tightly, and obediently admitted his mistake: "Honey, I was wrong! But I think I'm fine Happiness! Happiness seems to melt in your mouth."

Tang Shi pouted poetically and gave Ling Rui a sideways look!
"Honey, I really think I'm so happy! I didn't expect that you would let me do this for me!" Ling Rui hugged Tang Shishi's body tightly and sighed.

He tried to hint several times, but was rejected by the little wild cat. He knew that the little wild cat was actually a very shy woman, and he thought that he would never have such an experience in his life. Even if he did, It will be a long, long time later, who knows, all of this happened unexpectedly on a day like today.

Tang Shishi stretched out her little paws, and greeted Ling Rui's waist fiercely, protesting silently!Damn!Also say!It's not over, is it?It was agreed to get it outside, but at the last moment, the bastard held his head firmly and refused to let her leave. She still feels a fishy and salty taste in her mouth, which is so uncomfortable!
"Okay, I won't talk about it, I won't mention this!" Ling Rui pretended to compromise under Tang Shishi's "obscene power".Looking at Tang Shishi's awkward little face, she let out a low laugh, and placed a precious kiss on her forehead, and then looked at the sunset glow in the sky.

Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui's perfect profile, and then quietly nestled in Ling Rui's arms, looking at the clouds in the sky.

It's so beautiful here!Everything is so beautiful!

The two of them just lay on the roof of the car, cuddling each other quietly, watching the sunset, the atmosphere was romantic and warm.

When Ling Rui and Tang Shishi drove back to the compound of the military region, it was already past six o'clock in the evening. As a result, the car had just passed the guards when it was stopped by Quan Shaobai!

"Sister-in-law three, I have something to tell you!" Quan Shaobai rushed over as soon as he saw Tang Shishi.He went to Jun's compound today to look for Jun Nuanxin, but he didn't see anyone. Grandpa Jun said that Jun Nuanxin and Jiang Dongli had gone out. He called Jun Nuanxin, but the other party didn't answer, and drove outside. After wandering around for a long time, he couldn't find anyone. In the end, he went back to the compound of the military region and asked at Jun's house. Grandpa Jun told him that Jun Nuanxin called and said that he would not be coming tonight. Quan Shaobai suddenly felt that The whole body is cold, and now his only hope is pinned on Tang Shishi. He heard from Grandpa Jun that Ling Rui took Tang Shishi out and hadn't come back yet. He didn't answer Ling Rui's calls, so he had to stay in the military compound Waiting at the door, wanting to see Tang Shishi as soon as possible.

Tang Shishi pressed the window of the car, and a strong smell of smoke came to her face, which made her cough uncontrollably. Then she looked at the place where Quan Shaobai was standing just now, and found a lot of cigarette butts thrown on the ground, and a cigarette Box, this guy is going to commit suicide!Smoke so much!
Seeing that Tang Shishi was choked by the smoke, Ling Rui glared at Quan Shaobai angrily, raised the car window again, and almost caught Quan Shaobai's hand so quickly.

"Third Brother, I really have something important to tell Third Sister-in-law, it's urgent!" Seeing Ling Rui frowning, Quan Shaobai started the car with a cold face, and yelled impatiently, patting the window.

"Even if you are in a hurry, you have to clean up the smell of smoke on your body!" Ling Rui left a sentence, stepped on the accelerator, and drove the car out.

Tang Shishi watched Quan Shaobai yelling from behind, jumped angrily, and sighed, what Quan Shaobai wanted to tell her had nothing to do with Nuan Xin.

There are two people who are clearly in love, so many things have happened, I really don't know what will happen to them?

"Don't worry, this kid deserves it!" Ling Rui looked at Quan Shaobai behind him, and said bitterly.

"But Nuanxin likes him." Tang Shishi said helplessly.These days, Jiang Dongli goes to Jun's house very frequently, and Tang Shishi understands Jiang Dongli more and more, and feels that Jiang Dongli and Jun Nuanxin are really good together, but Tang Shishi understands in her heart, Jun Nuanxin In my heart, there has always been a Quan Shaobai.

"Like is not an excuse for him to hurt Nuanxin at will!" Ling Rui said coldly.

"What did he do again?" Tang Shishi asked curiously.Remembering that Jun Nuanxin was taken away by Jiang Dongli that day, the two said they wanted to have a good talk, but when Jun Nuanxin returned home, she announced that she would be with Jiang Dongli. Jun Nuanxin was persuaded by her sharp tongue. When the woman was in her room, she said with certainty that it was impossible for her and Jiang Dongli!

Moreover, the night when Jiang Dongli's family came to propose marriage, Jun Nuanxin was always out of her mind. She didn't have a trace of joy or shyness about getting married.

It must be that bastard Quan Shaobai did something outrageous, otherwise Ling Rui couldn't have this attitude, even the second brother Jun Mubei didn't like Quan Shaobai very much.

"He called Nuan Xin a broken shoe!" Ling Rui spit out a sentence coldly, his face as dark as a piece of black charcoal.

Tang Shishi's heart is clear in an instant!No wonder Nuan Xin felt like a different person when she came back.

No wonder Ling Rui and the second elder brother, who call Quan Shaobai brothers and sisters, suddenly have such an attitude towards Quan Shaobai!

"This bastard!" Tang Shishi gritted her teeth and scolded!She could imagine what kind of mood Jun Nuanxin felt when she heard these words, even when she heard such words, she wanted to beat Quan Shaobai to death!
The car stopped in the courtyard of Jun's house, and when Tang Shishi got out of the car, she heard Quan Shaobai's breathless shout: "Sister-in-law San! Wait!"

As Ling Rui said, it was too late to go back and change clothes. Quan Shaobai threw away all the cigarettes and lighters in his pocket, then took off his coat and strode towards Jun's compound come running.

He must win Tang Shishi's help!

Tang Shishi looked at Quan Shaobai who was running towards her, with a cruel smile on the corner of her mouth, she really wanted something, since this guy came to her door for nothing, if he didn't clean up, he would be sorry for the conscience of heaven and earth!
Tang Shishi rolled up her sleeves slowly, because she couldn't wear her original clothes because of the tossing in the car in the afternoon. Fortunately, before going home, she and Ling Rui went to buy two sets of couple sportswear to change into. Now it's just convenient for her to flex her muscles, it's really God's will!

Quan Shaobai ran to Tang Shishi, gasped and said, "Sister-in-law San, you must help me this time!"

"You want me to help you? Ask my fist before you agree!" Tang Shishi looked at Quan Shaobai with a cold expression, and said clearly every word.

"Three...sister-in-law three! You—" Quan Shaobai didn't expect that Tang Shishi, who had always been nice to him, would have such an attitude. He was a little dazed for a while, and stammered.

(End of this chapter)

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