Chapter 342 I Can Be More Arrogant (1)
"Quan Shaobai, I understand your purpose, so, take the move!" Tang Shishi didn't talk nonsense with Quan Shaobai, and punched him.

Quan Shaobai narrowly escaped Tang Shishi's ruthless punch, turned his head to look at Ling Rui who was leaning on the car door and looked at them with his arms around his chest, and asked for help with a bitter face: "Third brother, take care of sister-in-law!" He didn't want to Fight with Tang Shishi!In case something happens, he can't eat it and walk around!
"I can't take care of it. Your sister-in-law has always taken care of me in our family." Ling Rui said calmly, not at all embarrassed by what he said.

"Third brother, you can't just ignore death!" Quan Shaobai said while dodging embarrassingly under Tang Shishi's fist.

"Could it be that you want me to give you a ride in person?" Ling Rui said, a stern look flashed in his eyes!
Quan Shaobai only felt his body tremble, he knew that Ling Rui's words were absolutely serious, there was no trace of a joke!

"Third brother, I know I was wrong! I regret it to death! You just ask third sister-in-law to help me!" Quan Shaobai said helplessly, his voice was full of pleading.

"Quan Shaobai, you have so much strength to talk nonsense, I'll talk about it if you have the ability to win!" Tang Shishi glared at Quan Shaobai, and shouted loudly.

"Sister-in-law three! Don't force me!" Quan Shaobai's lips trembled, looking at Tang Shishi's angry eyes, avoiding Tang Shishi's kick, and panting.

"Forcing you? How about I just forcing you? You beat me if you have the guts? Quan Shaobai, you are not worthy of my family's Nuanxin!" Tang Shishi felt furious when she thought of Quan Shaobai scolding Jun Nuanxin, I can't wait to beat this guy up even if my parents don't know him!
"You—don't bully people too much!" Quan Shaobai also became angry when he heard Tang Shishi say that he was not worthy of Jun Nuanxin!Shake your fist at Tang Shishi!
While Tang Shishi and Quan Shaobai were fighting together, on the balcony on the second floor of the Bai family compound, someone smiled strangely, picked up the phone, and dialed a number.

"Auntie, my cousin was beaten!" Bai Mo said anxiously as soon as the call was connected, with understandable panic in her voice.

"Who? Bai Mo! What did you say?! Shaobai was beaten?" Quan Shaobai's mother, Bai Fengju, was shocked when she received Bai Mo's call, and hurriedly asked.

"Auntie, my cousin was beaten. He's at the gate of Jun's compound. Come quickly!" Bai Mo yelled anxiously, looking very worried.

"The Jun family? How could he fight with the Jun family?" Bai Fengju asked suspiciously.

His son has a good relationship with the second and third children of the Jun family, so why did they suddenly start fighting?It doesn't make sense!

"I saw with my own eyes that the granddaughter-in-law of the Jun family made the first move, and my cousin was forced to fight back! Oops! My cousin was kicked again!" Bai Mo said in a distressed and anxious way. voice, shouted.

"Why do you have something to do with the granddaughter-in-law of the Jun family again?" Bai Fengju asked in puzzlement, she opened the door and ran out while talking, before she even had time to change her shoes, she ran towards the courtyard of the Jun family wearing slippers .

Satisfied, Bai Mo heard the sound of Bai Fengju's running away on the phone, and said in a somewhat embarrassed voice: "Auntie, it's really inconvenient for me to say anything, this Tang Shishi is very arrogant now, she is a thorn in the side, Aunt Lin is She was taken to the police station!"

Bai Mo knew that Bai Fengju still had some friendship with Lin Meijuan, so she purposely brought up Lin Meijuan's affairs.

"What a thorn!" Bai Fengju thought of Lin Meijuan, and couldn't help speeding up her pace.

"Anyway, aunt, come here quickly, the Jun family members have come out, and my cousin was beaten by them!" Bai Mo's voice was filled with tears, and it sounded like she was really on fire, but the smile on her face But more and more dense.

"What? The Jun family teamed up to beat Shaobai? These people are too much! When our Quan family is easy to bully or the Bai family is easy to handle? How dare they bully people like this!" Bai Fengju heard that the Jun family was bullying together Her precious son was alone, so she got angry and came up. She said to Bai Mo on the other end of the phone, "I'll call your uncle, and you call your aunt. They all go out to help your cousin!"

After Bai Fengju hurriedly explained, she hung up the phone, and then called her husband Quan Xusheng while running, telling him to come back quickly and bring some people directly to Jun's compound, saying that Quan Shaobai was given to him by someone. Hit, seriously injured!
Gang fights, right?It's not like they can't call someone!

Quan Xusheng was drinking with some friends. When his wife said that his son had been beaten by the crowd, he immediately got drunk, his forehead became hot, and he threw away his chopsticks and called his friends to rush back. Slack brought a few cars back.

Here, after Bai Mo finished the call, the gloating smile on the corner of her mouth grew wider and wider. She lay on the balcony and watched Tang Shishi and Quan Shaobai fighting for a while, guessing that the time was almost up, and then pretended to run away in a hurry Going downstairs, she said to her aunt Sun Xiaotong who was busy in the kitchen, "It's bad, it's bad, my cousin was beaten by the Jun family!"

Sun Xiaotong was cooking. Hearing that, he poked his head out of the kitchen to look at his son Bai Hexuan's room, and found that Bai Hexuan was still concentrating on playing with his things in the room. He couldn't help but glanced at Bai Mo in surprise and said, "Your cousin Isn't it in the room!"

Sun Xiaotong knew that this niece hadn't given up on that kid from the Jun family, so her attitude was a little cold. She thought it was Bai Mo who was making trouble here again and wanted to find an excuse to get close to Ling Rui, so she had a deep disapproval on her face!
"Auntie, it's my aunt's cousin! Quan Shaobai, you're fighting with someone from the Jun family!" Seeing Sun Xiaotong's indifferent attitude, Bai Mo was upset, but she was still anxious on the surface, and followed the hot pot. ants scurrying around the room like ants.

"Shaobai? It's okay! Shaobai and the boys from Jun's family are good friends, they are just messing around, so don't make a fuss here, if you have nothing to do, help me set down the chopsticks bowl, today your uncle won't Come to eat, after I finish frying this dish, the meal will be served immediately!" Sun Xiaotong heard that it was Quan Shaobai who was messing with the Jun family, so he said indifferently.

well!This niece just doesn't know anything about housework, she doesn't even know how to cook chopsticks and bowls for a meal, let alone help prepare it, every time she has to prepare it and ask her to come down to eat, it is really incomparable to the daughter-in-law of the Jun family!
Thinking of this, Sun Xiaotong couldn't help shaking her head and sighing when she thought of the last time she took Bai Mo to Jun's house and Bai Mo pretended to be courteous to help Tang Shishi clean up the table.

"Auntie, I know you must think I'm talking nonsense, but this time it's true! Brother Shaobai was beaten so badly by Tang Shishi!" Bai Mo said pretending to be choked up.

"If a man can't even beat a woman, he deserves it!" Sun Xiaotong was unmoved, she looked at the obviously guilty Bai Mo and sighed, "Bai Mo, your parents will be back soon, When the time comes, I will arrange a job for you, and you should take it easy."

(End of this chapter)

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