Chapter 343 I Can Be More Arrogant (2)
Stop chasing after Ling Rui, he has a wife and a family, and the husband and wife are harmonious, so what are you going to do to sabotage her!It's a shame for our Bai family!Sun Xiaotong didn't say the rest, but she knew that Bai Mo could understand her, unless she didn't want to!

"Auntie, why don't you believe me!" After Bai Mo finished speaking, she stomped her feet aggrieved, tears came out, she turned around and rushed out!

"Bai Mo! Come back!" Sun Xiaotong was so angry that she didn't even bother to put down the wooden shovel, and chased after her. She didn't want Bai Mo to cause any troubles and lose face to the Bai family!

Here Quan Shaobai and Tang Shishi are fighting inseparably, Quan Shaobai is strong, but he can't match Tang Shishi's speed, and he doesn't dare to really fight Tang Shishi with all his strength, so everywhere It didn't take long before Tang Shishi punched her in the face, and the corner of her mouth was a little damaged!

Just like Quan Shaobai, Tang Shishi is full of energy, but he just intends to teach him a lesson, to vent his anger for Jun Nuanxin, so he is sympathetic when he strikes, otherwise, the punch he just hit in the face of Quan Shaobai , How could he suddenly withdraw most of his strength, it's just as simple as making Quan Shaobai break the corner of his mouth a little bit.

When Mr. Jun from the Jun family heard the commotion, he was in a panic at home with the guard Xiao Li. He was counting when Tang Shishi would come back. He had been out for a long time!
Hearing the sound of a car parked at the door before, Mr. Jun felt happy, knowing that Tang Shishi had come back, and was wondering why people hadn’t entered the house for so long, when he heard someone making noise outside, he immediately became alert and pushed The door came out!

"You brat! How dare you hit my granddaughter-in-law!" As soon as Mr. Jun went out, he saw Quan Shaobai punching Tang Shishi with his fists, his eyes turned red immediately, and he rushed towards Quan Shaobai like a madman !

When Quan Shaobai heard Mr. Jun's voice, he stopped for a while, but Tang Shishi easily avoided his fist, but he got punched and kicked on his body.

The fist belonged to Tang Shishi, and it hit Quan Shaobai's left eye. The kick was naturally from Mr. Jun who suddenly came out halfway, and kicked on Quan Shaobai's leg. Mr. Jun gave Quan Shaobai a kick. Unprepared, he staggered, plopped, and fell to the ground!
"Shaobai!" Bai Fengju couldn't run fast in her slippers, she was about to reach Jun's compound, and watched her precious son being knocked to the ground by Mr. Jun and Tang Shishi from a distance, with Ling Rui standing beside her , it wasn't like Bai Mo said that she was surrounded and beaten by Jun's family!Immediately, I couldn't care about anything else, and ran over quickly, and even dropped one of the slippers on my feet, and didn't pay attention, let alone pick it up!

Tang Shishi looked at Quan Shaobai condescendingly, and said bitterly: "Quan Shaobai, from now on, you should stop pestering our family to warm our hearts!"

Quan Shaobai looked up at Tang Shishi aggrievedly, just about to speak pitifully, he was interrupted by a loud drink!

"Tang Shishi! You are too deceitful!" Bai Fengju ran over panting like a cow, rushed in front of Tang Shishi, raised her hand and slapped Tang Shishi's face.

A figure moved faster than Tang Shishi and Mr. Jun, and grabbed Bai Fengju's wrist.It was Ling Rui who had been leaning against the car door that moved.

Bai Fengju felt pain in her wrist, she looked angrily at Tang Shishi and then at Ling Rui who was holding her wrist, and said sharply, "Let me go!"

Ling Rui waved his hands in a good manner.

Because she was only wearing a slipper, and had just ran for a long time, Bai Fengju had no strength at all now. With Ling Rui's flick, Bai Fengju kicked back a few steps, and then sat down on the ground !

"Mom!" Seeing Bai Fengju fall, Quan Shaobai was so frightened that he immediately came up to support her and wanted to pull her up.

"Ouch! My waist! Ouch!" Bai Fengju sat on the ground and screamed, "It hurts me to death! My waist! Ouch!"

Bai Fengju yelled and thought: Let you bully my son, I won't make things big today, ask for an explanation, and swear I won't let it go!

"Mom, how are you? Mom!" Quan Shaobai believed in Bai Fengju's performance, he anxiously stepped forward and grabbed Bai Fengju's arm, asked worriedly, then turned his head and looked at Ling Rui angrily, and said: " Third brother, why are you not serious about your attack!"

Hitting him twice is enough, anyway, it doesn't matter if he is rough-skinned and thick-skinned, besides, he deserves to be hit!But there's no point in making a move on a woman!That woman is still his mother!

Ling Rui's deep and cold eyes fell on Quan Shaobai, and he said ruthlessly: "This is considered light!" She is eager, so impatient, maybe she is really dying on the ground now, instead of putting on airs like she is now!
He even wanted to slap his little wild cat!
court death!

"Ling Rui! You - you've gone too far!" Quan Shaobai was furious. Although his mother often forced him to do things he didn't want to do, she was his mother after all, and as his brother, Ling How could Rui be so ruthless and hit him so hard!
"You'd better take your mother away immediately, otherwise there will be more excessive things!" Tang Shishi also saw Bai Fengju's pretense and said angrily.

How could this Quan Shaobai's mother be such a person!

"Shishi——" Quan Shaobai looked at Tang Shishi with a slightly resentful expression!Still a little angry!Very complicated.

"Don't call me! I don't know you!" Tang Shishi glared at Quan Shaobai angrily and said!
The grievance on Quan Shaobai's face is even stronger, looking at Tang Shishi with a panda in his eyes, there is really such a pitiful charm!

"Go! Don't block the way at the gate of my house!" Mr. Jun also roared angrily.What he hates the most are pretentious women!

"Oh! You savages! This thing is endless! Your Jun family is deceiving people too much! You are deceiving people too much! Ouch!" Bai Fengju sat on the ground and started yelling recklessly, and soon people gathered around Many people!

"Auntie! What's wrong with you, Auntie!" As soon as Bai Mo came out, she saw Bai Fengju sitting on the ground with disheveled hair and a slipper on her feet. She looked very embarrassed and a little funny.But she just smiled in her heart, and as soon as she ran over, she immediately jumped up: "Tang Shishi, how can you bully people like this! You are too arrogant!"

Bai Mo's number one enemy is Tang Shishi, so when she exits the mouth, all the dirty water goes towards Tang Shishi.

"Bai Mo, I can be a little more arrogant, do you want to try?" Tang Shishi raised the corners of her lips mockingly, and looked at Bai Mo with serious eyes!

Obviously, Quan Shaobai's mother didn't pass by by accident, but was deliberately instigated by someone. Who else could this person be besides Bai Mo!
"You—don't think that you can do whatever you want with the protection of Jun's family!" Bai Mo didn't expect Tang Shishi to be so arrogant that she would confess her arrogance in front of so many people. Angrily pointing at Tang Shishi to reprimand.

(End of this chapter)

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