Chapter 346 I Can Be More Arrogant (5)
Tang Shishi smelled the blood on Ling Rui's body with her sharp nose, and said quickly: "Husband, how are you? I can take care of myself, so leave me alone!" Ling Rui was injured, which made her eyes turn red. The people under the dead hand!

"I'm fine!" Ling Rui's voice always reassures Tang Shishi, but he did suffer a little injury, so it's not worth the fuss.

Because Quan Shaobai joined, he and Ling Rui kept Tang Shishi in the middle, so this group of people beat three, but gradually fell into a disadvantage, so a few people saw that they could not get any benefits here, so they turned to Jun The old man over there.

"Grandpa, be careful behind your back!" Tang Shishi screamed in fright when she saw the man with the knife preparing to do something wrong behind Grandpa Jun's back!
They are inseparable from each other here, they can only watch helplessly but are powerless, it really makes people anxious.

"Ah—" Before the man's knife approached Mr. Jun's back, he heard the man suddenly scream, a scalpel was added to his wrist, and blood gushed out!
Although this group of people fought back, they were all unarmed, and the one with the knife was playing dirty tricks and didn't dare to show it blatantly, so at most, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen and a few teeth were lost. I haven't seen so much blood!
"I'm old, I don't have enough strength, and I didn't cut off that claw!" Yun Mo's voice sounded annoyed, and in such a breezy and lively night, it made people feel chilled for no reason.

"Second Aunt, protect Grandpa!" Ling Rui said quickly when he saw Yun Mo came back.

"Boy Rui, you've been focusing on flirting these days, and your kung fu has regressed like this? How can these few bums fight for so long?" Yun Mo reprimanded with a serious face.

"I was wrong!" Ling Rui obediently admitted his mistake, and after finishing speaking, he threw out both fists, trying to strike someone's arm, and the sound of the bone breaking was extremely clear and trembling!

Jun Shaoyang is naturally indispensable by Yunmo's side, and with the two of them joining, those people around Mr. Jun can only kneel down and beg for mercy!

"Ah! Someone actually besieged Jun's compound! My God! I should have come back earlier, it's been a hundred years! I missed it!" Jun Mubei came back when the people were almost cleaned up, and stopped the car , Just beat his chest and stamped his feet, very regrettable, at this time Jun Mubei still had a smile on his face, and he didn't look frightened at all!

Quan Xusheng looked at the people lying on the ground in disarray, and saw his son tightly protecting others to deal with him. He was so angry that he was mostly sober from the wine, and pointed at Quan Shaobai's nose and cursed: "You scoundrel who eats inside and out! !"

"Dad, you're going too far! Do you have no brains in what you do?" Quan Shaobai irritatedly crawled through his hair. His father is nothing but listening to her mother!To be so foolish and reckless, to bring so many people to Jun's house to make trouble!
"Shaobai, what did you say about your father? Isn't your father doing it all for your own good? When he heard that you were beaten by the crowd, he brought people here because he didn't care about eating!" Bai Fengju looked at him disapprovingly. Quan Shaobai said.

"Mom, you are also confused, do you know that this is a military compound?" Quan Shaobai's headache was splitting, how could he have such parents!
"You can't just let someone bully you in the compound of the military region!" Bai Fengju's momentum was a little weaker, but when she saw the wound on Quan Shaobai's face, she felt so distressed that she couldn't care about anything else!

"It's hard to say who is bullying whom! We didn't bring anyone to beat your house!" Tang Shishi said, staring at Bai Fengju closely.

"But it's a fact that my son was beaten in front of your house!" Bai Fengju also felt wronged now, smelling something wrong, but still stubbornly refusing to bow her head.

"Mom, just don't say a few words! This incident was originally my fault, and I deserved the punishment!" Quan Shaobai roared angrily when he saw his mother and wanted to quibble.

When Bai Fengju was yelled at by Quan Shaobai, her eyes turned red, and she shed tears, crying, "Who am I doing this for? Didn't you come here in a hurry when you received a call saying that you were beaten by Jun's family? Now Fortunately, even you are helping outsiders!"

"Mom! Why are you so confused! Did Bai Mo call you to tell you that I was surrounded and beaten by Jun's family?" Quan Shaobai gritted his teeth angrily.

"It's not what's wrong, I don't feel sorry for you..." Bai Fengju said weeping.

"You are so confused!" Quan Shaobai was furious!
It's Baimo again!

After being said by Quan Shaobai, Bai Fengju completely came to her senses, knowing that she was instigated by Bai Mo this time and caused trouble for her son, so she was too scared to speak out again!
"Brat, it's fine if you help outsiders, why are you talking to your mother?" Quan Xusheng said angrily when he heard that Quan Shaobai had already trained his wife.

"My mother is confused, and you are also confused! Do you know what you are doing?" Quan Shaobai looked at his father angrily and said, smelling the alcohol on him from afar, he knew he must be No less drinking!
"Why am I so confused? My own wife and child were beaten, and I'm not allowed to stand out?" Quan Xusheng said after belching twice.

He has a problem, he will hiccup when he is in a hurry after drinking.

Now everyone can see that something is wrong on Quan Xusheng's face. At first, they thought his eyes were red with anger, and his face was flushed with anger. Only now did they realize that he was drunk, as if he had just come out of a wine tank. Yes, full of alcohol.

"Who uses you to stand out? Just don't cause trouble for me!" Quan Shaobai raked his hair irritably again!He's lost a lot of hair recently, he's almost bald!

"You brat!" Quan Xusheng was about to step forward to give Quan Shaobai a kick, but was pulled by Bai Fengju, and said viciously: "Don't make trouble!"

Quan Xusheng looked at his wife in bewilderment, breathed out alcohol, hiccupped and said, "I... Sigh! Why did I make trouble?"

He was having a good time drinking, didn't she call to say that her son had been beaten, and asked her to bring someone over quickly?Could it be that I remembered it wrong?
"Say less!" Bai Fengju tugged at Quan Xusheng's clothes.

"Grandpa Jun, Uncle and Aunt, I'm sorry! It's all my fault. What happened today was really a misunderstanding. I..." Quan Shaobai looked irritably at his parents, who would only help him every time, and turned to face him. Grandpa Jun apologized to Yunmo, Jun Shaoyang and others.

Quan Shaobai felt aggrieved, angry and irritable in his heart. He had been busy all day, didn't eat any food, didn't even see Jun Nuanxin's shadow, was beaten, and was made such a mess by his superb parents. Once an out-of-control farce comes out, I don't know what the Jun family will think of him this time!It's definitely not a good face, but he hopes that he won't be sentenced to death just like this!
(End of this chapter)

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