Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 347 It's just not obvious that it's bad

Chapter 347 It's just not obvious that it's bad (1)
"Quan Shaobai! You bastard!" Before Quan Shaobai could finish speaking, a red figure shouted and ran over.

Quan Shaobai turned around in surprise, but before he could see Jun Nuanxin's face clearly, a Wuzhi Mountain was slapped on his face, which was so painful. He was a little dazed by the Tathagata palm that fell from the sky, and he hadn't turned back yet. Overwhelmed, Jun Nuanxin's "Hen Tian Gao" stepped on his feet mercilessly, and crushed him very hard.




The screams of Quan Shaobai's family of three resounded throughout the military compound.

Before Tang Shishi had time to protect her ears, she felt that her ears were covered by someone. She looked back at Ling Rui, remembering that he was injured, and anxiously pulled his injured arm, wanting to see his For the wound, Ling Rui didn't refuse macholy, and said some bold words about minor injuries that were not worth mentioning. Instead, he cooperatively sent his arms to Tang Shishi, happily enjoying Tang Shishi's care.

"Hiss! Wife, it hurts!" The sleeves were rolled up. Although Tang Shishi's movements were careful enough, she still inevitably pulled Ling Rui's wound.

In fact, this Ling Rui didn't hurt at all, but felt a little itchy, but he liked to see Tang Shishi's distressed look for him just now, so he acted coquettishly! .

"I'm sorry, I'll be gentler! Lighter!" Tang Shishi was indeed more cautious, she slowly rolled up Ling Rui's sleeves little by little, it was slower than the slow motion in the movie!Seeing the bloody gash about three centimeters in length, although not deep, there was a lot of blood, which stained the sleeves, Tang Shishi frowned her two delicate eyebrows in distress.

"Honey, it's all my fault, otherwise you wouldn't be hurt!" Tang Shishi said looking at Ling Rui's wound and blaming herself.

"It's my duty to protect my own woman! It's my duty! Let me die!" Ling Rui put his other arm around Tang Shishi's waist while talking, and the smile on his face was more dazzling than the bright street lights in the dark night!
"The two of you can die if you don't get tired of being crooked for a while?" Jun Mubei really couldn't stand Ling Rui's happy face, and couldn't help complaining!
Ling Rui is getting more and more annoying to him!It's just that the knife is scratched a little bit, this guy is acting like a girl to tell Tang Shishi that it hurts, and this Tang Shishi is so stupid to accompany him to play here, these two people have the ability to drive him crazy !
Ling Rui gave Jun Mubei a sideways look: Stop being envious and jealous here!If you have the ability, you can find someone to answer me!
Jun Mubei made a vomiting motion, and glared at Ling Rui: envious ass!Jealous of a bird!Hate is there, I really want to vomit!

But Jun Mubei's talk is all about talking, scolding is all about scolding, it's really not an easy task for him, who is as strong as a lightning rod, to spit out!But Quan Xusheng, who just stopped howling, really vomited!And hugging a big tree not far away, vomit!

For a moment, the pungent smell made everyone around them cover their noses!

Bai Fengju couldn't care about Quan Xusheng at all at the moment. What she cared about most was her precious son who was slapped and kicked by Jun Nuanxin who came out of nowhere. Seeing the five clear red marks on Quan Shaobai's face After being shocked, Bai Fengju's heart ached. His precious son's face was completely out of shape now, and he almost couldn't recognize him!
Just when Bai Fengju couldn't bear it and was about to step forward to reprimand Jun Nuanxin, she saw her son pulling Jun Nuanxin into his arms with an excited face, holding her tightly, and said happily: "Heartwarming, you are finally back! I thought I wouldn't see you today! Fortunately, you are back! That's great! I'm so happy!"

Quan Shaobai was already incoherent in excitement!

Bai Fengju suddenly felt that she couldn't turn her head around!Doesn't her son like Ling Susu, and has always been unable to avoid the girls of the Jun family?What is the situation now?
"Quan Shaobai! You bastard! Let go of me! How dare you bring someone to our Jun's house to provoke trouble! I am at odds with you!" Jun Nuanxin yelled while struggling!

Damn!Originally, she was having dinner with Jiang Dongli, but when Jiang Dongli received a call saying that Quan Shaobai led a large group of people to besiege the Jun family compound, she was so angry that she couldn't care about anything, lost her chopsticks and rushed back. !I ran through several red lights along the way!

"Don't let go! I won't let you go no matter what I say this time!" Quan Shaobai tightly hugged Jun Nuanxin, even though she kicked and scolded, he just gritted his teeth and refused to let go!

From the moment he hugged Jun Nuanxin into his arms, his restless heart finally came to rest!
"Quan Shaobai, you really don't know what to say! It's unreasonable! You bastard! I curse you for being dumped by women every day in your life, and you don't have a PI eye for giving birth to a son!" Jun Nuanxin was going crazy!Cursed without choice!
"Warm heart, how can you curse our children like that!" Quan Shaobai didn't have a trace of anger on his face, instead he smiled so much that he couldn't see his teeth, and he saw a one-eyed eye!Laughing is very lethal, very weird!

When the people around heard Quan Shaobai's words, they all aimed at Jun Nuanxin's belly in unison, their eyes were very strange!
"Another disgusting couple!" Jun Mubei said angrily.

Yun Mo and Jun Shaoyang looked at Quan Shaobai and Jun Nuanxin calmly, without making any gestures, but when Mr. Jun saw this scene, he angrily picked up a big broom by the door and pointed at Quan Shaobai. Bai called!
"You bastard! Let go of my granddaughter!" This Quan Shaobai actually hugged and hugged her granddaughter in front of so many people, and brazenly said that children are not children. This is going to ruin her. The honor of her granddaughter!When their Jun family is not there?
Mr. Jun looked around as he was thinking, girl Shishi didn't know where she got the gauze alcohol, she was bandaging boy Rui's wound, the two of them were so engrossed that they couldn't hear the movement around them, it's understandable .

As for Yun Mo and his second son, Jun Shaoyang, they never intervene in this kind of love affairs. His old man has long since given up any hope, but Jun Mubei, a brat, just stands here and watches helplessly. My sister was bullied!And make sarcastic remarks!The old man was really pissed off!It seems that this kid's skin is loose again these days!

(Mu Bei's child cried: Why did I get hurt in the end!)
Thinking of this, Mr. Jun put more force in his hands, and slapped Quan Shaobai on the back!
brat!Let you bully my granddaughter!
"Huh! Whoops!" Quan Shaobai didn't dare to dodge when he saw Mr. Jun beating him with a broom. He just hugged Jun Nuanxin tightly in his arms to prevent Mr. Jun from accidentally hurting him. In fact, he is really looking forward to Grandpa Jun now Hit him a few times to vent your anger!
(End of this chapter)

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