Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 350 It's just not obvious that it's bad

Chapter 350 It's just not obvious that it's bad (4)
"Mom, just two bowls of noodles. Do you want me to send her back now?" Bai Hexuan frowned and asked.

"You don't need to send it! I'll go by myself!" Just as Bai Hexuan finished speaking, Bai Mo appeared at the stairs, her hair was still wet, it seemed that she had just taken a shower, she was holding her bag in her hand, It seems that he has already made up his mind to leave!

"Let your brother see you off, it's not safe at night!" Although Sun Xiaotong had a lot of problems with Bai Mo, he still cared about her.

It's just that Bai Mo didn't appreciate it. She walked down the stairs angrily and said, "I don't dare to work hard for my cousin. If I can drive here by myself, I can drive back! You don't need to pretend to be hypocritical." Good man!" After saying that, he put on his shoes, slammed the door and went out!
Sun Xiaotong was pissed off by Bai Mo, his face was ashen, looking at that door, he couldn't say a word!

"Crazy! It's as if we owe her! Mom, who do you think she is following her temper? She really doesn't look like our Bai family!" Bai Hexuan said with disgust looking at Bai Mo's figure.The Bai family has never had such a shameless and uneducated person!
"Don't talk nonsense! Mom is going to cook for you!" Sun Xiaotong scolded his son lightly, sighed, and turned to go into the kitchen!
Besides, Bai Fengju watched Jun's family go home one by one, leaving Jun Mubei here, thinking to herself, don't the Jun family plan to pursue what happened tonight?Does this mean that the Jun family is actually more optimistic about her son?
Jun Mubei is a smart person who can see through Bai Fengju's thoughts at a glance. With a bright smile on his lips, he slowly walks up to Bai Fengju and says, "Aunt Bai, let's talk about your siege of Jun's family tonight." court compensation."

joke!How could the Jun family be so easy to bully!When someone knocked on the door, he let him go without saying a word.If this gets out, all cats and dogs will come to make trouble in the future!The reason why everyone went back to the house with peace of mind was that they knew that negotiating things like this was his forte!

"Well, Mu Bei, what happened tonight was all a misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! Auntie Bai was also instigated and used!" When Bai Fengju heard Jun Mubei talking about compensation, she quickly excused herself and said something nice.It's not that she doesn't want to make up, but that before making up, she has to show her attitude, she really didn't mean it.

"Aunt Bai, that's not right. Although there is a little difference in sentencing between intentional homicide and manslaughter, the result is the same for the person who was killed, don't you think?" Jun The smile on Mu Bei's face remained the same, but what he said could not be refuted, and every sentence was reasonable.

Whether you did it on purpose has nothing to do with me, whether you did it on purpose or not, the harm to our Jun family is the same, so I will not reduce the compensation because of your attitude!
"You're right. Auntie doesn't want to evade responsibility. Auntie just feels guilty!" Bai Fengju was also clever. Hearing what Jun Mubei said, she immediately turned the direction of the wind to Jun Mubei's side. They made a mistake and followed Some things from the Jun family are always good, no matter what she said, she had to restore her son's image in front of the Jun family.

"Since Aunt Bai is so straightforward, let me just say it straight. In fact, the requirements are not high. I just pave the road outside my house with gold bricks. Otherwise, if someone comes to besiege Jun's house next time, I will ask No way!" Jun Mubei said slowly.

The rest of the people around took a breath, this Jun Mubei was going to empty out the Quan family!How cruel!I have long heard that the grandson of the Jun family loves money very much, but now that I see it, it is indeed true!
How much would it cost to pave the road in front of the Jun Family Courtyard with gold bricks?Someone made a rough calculation in his heart, and his jaw dropped in shock!
"Pave the road with gold?" Bai Fengju didn't expect Jun Mubei to make such a request, but when he thought about what Jun Mubei said just now, he understood what he meant. This kid is trying to scare the chickens to scare the monkeys!

"Mu Bei, Auntie doesn't have that much money. Are there any other conditions?" It is not impossible to use gold to pave the road, but it will not be possible to get so much gold in a short time. After buying gold to pave the way, she is empty-handed. What can she give her son to marry her?
"Others? No! There's nothing more honorable than letting our Jun family walk on the golden road!" Jun Mubei refused to let go.Those who dare to blatantly provoke their Jun family must have the courage to accept a lesson!

"Mubei, think about it again!" Bai Fengju gave Jun Mubei a look of encouragement, anticipation and flattery!

"Auntie Bai thinks my request is too much?" Jun Mubei's face suddenly turned cold, and the surrounding temperature dropped several degrees in succession.

"No! Absolutely not! Mu Bei, Auntie is definitely apologizing sincerely. I really realized my mistake! Think about it again!" Seeing Jun Mubei's face change, Bai Fengju immediately lowered her posture and said.

If this was put forward in the past, if Jun Mubei dared to make such a request, Bai Fengju would definitely get entangled with a group of people again, and fight to the death with the Jun family!But the situation is different now, her precious son has taken a fancy to the Jun family's girl, and looking at the posture just now, it must be the Jun family's girl, she can't drag her son's hind legs in this matter!It has always been the son who wants the stars, and she never dares to pick the moon!

This girl from Jun's family, she has long looked good, but her son didn't like it before, and she couldn't help it if she was only thinking about Ling Susu!Now, seeing that her son has become enlightened, she is of course happy to see it happen!

"Alright, then I'll think about it again!" Jun Mubei looked at Bai Fengju in a negotiable tone and said, "Aunt Bai, if I change the conditions again, it must be higher than the one just now. Don't regret it when the time comes!"

"Don't go back on your word! Don't go back on your word! Think about it! Think about it!" Bai Fengju said with a smile on her face, but her heart was extremely depressed!

All the boys from the Jun family are like foxes. Just now, this kid didn't intend to let him use gold to pave the road. He made up his mind that he would refuse, so this second condition is what he wants. The goal was achieved, but after the first rejection, it would be very insincere if I refused the second time, so I was led into a trap by this kid!
Jun Mubei really thought about it.

Bai Fengju looked at Jun Mubei who was pretending, and sighed helplessly. Anyway, she was definitely going to be slaughtered this time, so she didn't worry about compensation or not. She just looked nervously at Quan Xusheng who was fighting endlessly. , Quan Shaobai and Jiang Dongli!
All three of them failed, but Bai Fengju felt relieved when she saw that her son's injuries looked much less serious than Jiang Dongli's.As long as my son doesn't suffer!

Jun Nuanxin went home with Mr. Jun with his head down, and was scolded by Mr. Jun as soon as he entered the house!
(End of this chapter)

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