Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 351 It's just not obvious that it's bad

Chapter 351 It's just not obvious that it's bad (5)
"Smelly girl! Tell me, what's going on?"

"Grandpa, what's going on?" Jun Nuanxin walked up to Mr. Jun, hugged Mr. Jun's arm coquettishly, and asked with a flattering smile.

"Smelly girl! How dare you pretend to be stupid with me! You want to be punished to stand again, don't you?" Mr. Jun pushed Jun Nuanxin away angrily, sat down on the sofa, and looked at the wrinkled Jun Heartwarming, she asked sternly and earnestly: "What's going on between you and that brat from the Quan family? Didn't you agree to marry the kid from the Jiang family? Why didn't you know anything about him?"

Well, a girl was chatting with two men outside, what did she seem to be talking about?He didn't raise such a casual granddaughter!

"That's what happened!" Jun Nuan lowered her head and muttered in a low voice.

"You damn girl! Are you really messing around with the two of them?" When Mr. Jun heard Jun Nuanxin's words, he stood up from the sofa angrily. He got up too fast, and suddenly felt a little dizzy. The body shook for a while, and almost fell back again!

"Grandpa! Don't get excited! How could Nuan Xin mess with the two of them!" Tang Shishi was so frightened that she quickly supported Mr. Jun with Ling Rui, and comforted him.

"Dad, take it easy!" Yun Mo sat on the sofa on the other side, seeing Mr. Jun like this, she also said worriedly.

"It's okay, he has a fight tonight, he's over excited!" Jun Shaoyang comforted Yunmo immediately when he saw that Yunmo was worried.

When Mr. Jun heard his son's words, he gave Jun Shaoyang an angry look!Was he that obvious?

Jun Shaoyang nodded calmly, it was too obvious!I can hear your excited voice from far away!

Mr. Jun is silent!Trying hard to recall my previous performance, it seems to be a little excited!But—now is not the time to ruminate on this, don't you want to change the subject!

"Didn't this girl admit it just now?! I'm so pissed off! I'm so pissed off!" Mr. Jun looked away from Jun Shaoyang, stomping his feet angrily!
"Grandpa, what did I admit? I didn't say I messed with them!" Jun Nuanxin was also frightened by Mr. Jun's blow just now, and immediately defended herself, saying, "It's just that they are pestering me. I'm getting bored to death!"

These days, Jun Nuanxin is actually living in great distress!
Earlier, she agreed to Jiang Dongli's marriage proposal in a fit of anger. Who knew that Jiang Dongli's hands and feet were so fast that she didn't give her any buffer time, so she brought her parents to the door to say goodbye. Parents seem to be very happy to see the results, so there is no excuse to object.

These days, Jiang Dongli asked himself out every day, staring at him like a prisoner, she was almost annoyed by him!However, his reason was justified, and she couldn't open her mouth to refuse.

As for Quan Shaobai, she was very contradictory. Before the old lady Ling's birthday banquet, Quan Shaobai came to her and apologized for his indiscriminate words that day, saying that he would not let go, and that he was also sorry for the fact that he went to find Ling Susu that day. The matter was explained, saying that he didn't care about the child in Ling Susu's belly at all, even if Ling Susu was really pregnant with his child, he would try every means to get her to kill it!Moreover, Quan Shaobai also told himself that that night between him and Ling Susu, he was set up by Ling Susu, and when he woke up, he saw Luohong on the bed, but he couldn't remember how the two got together.So whether he did it with Ling Susu or not is still unknown, because, Lu Tao said, when Ling Susu was with him, it was the same as his situation, and it was the first time!So this matter really has yet to be verified!

As for the night between Jun Nuanxin and Jiang Dongli, Quan Shaobai blamed himself for being too impulsive. He should have taken Jun Nuanxin to find Ling Susu and made it clear in person, instead of leaving her drunk One person, so he is also responsible for that matter!In short, Tianquan Shaobai said a lot of things, but in the end he only had one attitude, that is, he didn't want to let go, no matter what happened, he didn't want to let go!

When Jun Nuanxin heard what Quan Shaobai said, she couldn't help crying when she returned to her room. It would be great if these misunderstandings could be cleared up earlier!In the current situation, she is really in a dilemma!

"Nonsense! If you behave yourself and do your duty, why would they pester you? Flies don't bite seamless eggs! You must have done something that people misunderstood!" Mr. Jun couldn't listen to Jun Nuan at all. Say it sharply!
"Grandpa! You wronged me!" Jun Nuanxin felt aggrieved at first, but when he heard Mr. Jun say this, the circles of his eyes immediately turned red, and tears fell down like he didn't want money.

Growing up so big, it was the first time that grandpa said such serious words to her!
"Grandpa! You're wrong! It's nothing to do with Nuanxin!" Tang Shishi saw that Jun Nuanxin was crying, and walked over to comfort her with her arms around her shoulders as she spoke: "Don't cry, Grandpa is afraid of today's If you spread the word, it will ruin your reputation, so I asked."

"Sister-in-law three!" Jun Nuanxin heard Tang Shishi say this, and threw herself into Tang Shishi's arms, crying loudly, as if she wanted to cry out all the boredom and grievances of these days.

When Mr. Jun saw Jun Nuanxin crying so sadly, his heart softened, and he walked around the room restlessly with his hands behind his back.

Having so many wonderful and lovable grandchildren, sometimes it is really distressing!

"Okay, don't cry, don't cry, your eyes will be swollen from crying, it will be ugly!" Tang Shishi comforted Jun Nuanxin while patting Jun Nuanxin's back.

"Could it be ugly, anyway, you've seen even uglier ones!" Jun Nuanxin said with a strong nasal voice.She was referring to the fact that she was beaten into panda eyes by Quan Shaobai last time.

Tang Shishi thought of Jun Nuanxin's appearance at that time, and couldn't help shaking.

"Third sister-in-law! You are so unkind! You can still laugh at this time! I'm going to be bored to death!" Jun Nuan angrily withdrew from Tang Shishi's arms, and said angrily, glaring at Tang Shishi who was suppressing her laughter.

"Okay! As long as you don't cry, I won't laugh!" Tang Shishi tightly pursed her lips.

"Who is crying! I just got sand in my eyes!" Jun Nuan walked to the sofa and sat down awkwardly, rubbing his eyes and saying.

"Yes! What a big sand!" Ling Rui said indifferently.

"Third brother, come and laugh at me too! You have learned from third sister-in-law badly!" Jun Nuan looked at Ling Rui dissatisfied and said.

"No, he was worse than me before, but the badness was not obvious!" Tang Shishi quickly excused herself, she is not at the same level as Ling Rui, a black-hearted fox, okay, she doesn't want to climb up!

"I'm alone, so naturally I can't talk to you two!" Jun Nuan complained, knowing the current affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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