Chapter 352
"Then what on earth are you thinking? Just let them fight like that outside?" Tang Shishi saw that Jun Nuanxin had calmed down a little, and took the opportunity to ask.

"I don't care, they deserve it!" Jun Nuan said angrily, but she still couldn't help but glance towards the gate, and then her thick eyelashes drooped down, covering all the emotions in her eyes.

What should she do?
The farce of the siege of the Jun family compound was finally resolved by Jun Aimin and Chang Guiru and his wife who came back from the party.

Jun Aimin didn't expect that as soon as he returned home, he would see chickens flying around in front of the door, a mess.

"What's going on here? How come the door of the house looks like a battlefield?" Jun Aimin looked angrily at the exhausted Quan Xusheng, Quan Shaobai and Jiang Dongli, their fists seemed to slow down. Yes, asked Jun Mubei, who was standing on the sidelines watching the show, and glanced at Bai Fengju.

There were still a few spectators left who scattered like birds and beasts when they saw Jun Aimin!

"Uncle, you are so sharp-eyed. This is really a battlefield, don't you know? Our house was besieged tonight!" Jun Mubei always had a temperament of watching the excitement and not being afraid of big things, so he winked at Bai Fengju in a daze Turning a blind eye to the hint that his eyes were already cramping, he said excitedly and viciously.

"Who is so reckless? When our Jun family is out of breath?" Jun Aimin said angrily.Today he went to an old friend's house to attend a banquet. When he met someone who made him unhappy, he was in a bad mood. When he got home and heard Jun Mubei say this, he immediately rolled up his sleeves and put his hands on his hips, as if he was going to fight Posture!

"Ahem! Commander Jun, misunderstood! Misunderstood! It's purely a misunderstanding!" Bai Fengju said with a smile, Jun Mubei was hopeless, and she could only help herself.

"Ms. Bai, pack up your son and husband and take them away. Don't dirty our Jun's property!" As soon as Jun Aimin heard Bai Fengju's words, she knew that she probably had something to do with this calf-protecting woman, and immediately opened her mouth to chase her away. !
Bai Fengju felt even more embarrassed when Jun Aimin yelled at her so mercilessly.

"Dong Li, come here!" Before Bai Fengju could speak, Jun Aimin yelled at Jiang Dongli again!

Jun Aimin's roar made Quan Shaobai and Quan Xusheng stop their hands. Seeing Jun Aimin standing with his hips akimbo, Quan Shaobai wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and respectfully called out: "Uncle , Auntie, you are back!"

But the answer to him was a cold snort!
When Chang Guiru saw that Jiang Dongli's hair was messed up, the corners of his eyes were broken, the corners of his mouth were broken, and his face was swollen, he angrily accused the Quan family father and son, saying: "You father and son joined hands to beat one, what kind of heroes are you! unacceptable!"

Being reprimanded by Chang Guiru, Quan Shaobai felt pain in his heart, he moved his lips, wanting to say something, but in the end he didn't speak, he just couldn't help taking a breath because of the pain.

Quan Xusheng would have sobered up a long time ago, seeing Jun Aimin couldn't help shrinking back.

"Dong Li, come in with me and ask the girl to rub some medicine for you!" Seeing Jiang Dongli's appearance, Jun Aimin glared at the Quan family father and son angrily, making it clear that he was on Jiang Dongli's side. Asking why, he took Jiang Dongli into the yard.

"Hey——" Bai Fengju saw that Jun Aimin and Chang Guiru led Jiang Dongli in, ignored her son, and just wanted to go up to argue, but was dragged away by Quan Shaobai.

"Mom, don't you think it's messy enough!" Quan Shaobai said angrily, as if bitter melon juice had been swallowed in his throat.

Jun Nuanxin's parents didn't want to see him, Quan Shaobai was of course very sad, especially seeing that they took Jiang Dongli back and asked Jun Nuanxin to give him medicine. Cut it into pieces, but he can't!He could only watch helplessly, envious, jealous, and hating!

"Son, don't worry, mom won't hold you back this time!" Bai Fengju saw the lonely expression on her precious son's face, and her heart twisted into a ball in pain.

"Son, why don't dad bring more people over and take them home for you?" Quan Xusheng came up and patted Quan Shaobai on the shoulder and said.He has experience in dealing with women. Isn't that how Bai Fengju was snatched back by him back then!This trick has passed the test of time, the baptism of the years, and it is useful for safekeeping!
"You haven't sobered up yet?" Quan Shaobai glared angrily at this father who only knows how to do bad things.

"Shut up! No one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak!" Bai Fengju snarled at Quan Xusheng!What happened tonight is all thanks to this drunk!
Quan Xusheng shut his mouth obediently, and at first glance, he looked like a doormat at home, making Jun Mubei, who was originally displeased, look envious, if his mother was like Quan Shaobai's mother Same, then he doesn't have to be like a mouse meeting a cat every time he sees his dad!
"Mu Bei, don't take it to heart, Shaobai is your good brother, and he will become your brother-in-law in the future, wouldn't it be nice to kiss more and more?" Bai Fengju said to Jun Mubei flatteringly.

"Mrs. Quan, you praise me too much. I can't afford such a brother. Although I, Jun Mubei, love money, I cherish my life even more!" Jun Mubei said without saving Bai Fengju's face.

"It's really a misunderstanding!" Bai Fengju emphasized again and again, she hated Bai Mo so much in her heart!
Jun Mubei looked at Quan Shaobai in a mess, snorted coldly, then said a word, and left in a cool way, but the three people outside the gate of Jun's house were instantly petrified.

"Mom!" Quan Shaobai looked at the tightly closed door of Jun's house, thinking that Nuan Xin might be administering medicine to Jiang Dongli right now, and the two of them were alone in the room, so he couldn't help feeling anxious.

"Son, don't worry! Mom has agreed to this!" For the sake of the son's lifelong happiness, not to mention this little thing, even her life is fine!

"But grandpa—" Quan Shaobai didn't expect that Jun Mubei would actually set his mind on his grandpa. You must know that his grandpa and Mr. Jun have never been at odds.

"A living person is not as important as a dead thing? This matter is on my mother!" Bai Fengju said with a guarantee!
Quan Shaobai looked at his mother unconfidently, and hated the brother Jun Mubei in his heart. Such conditions are clearly making things difficult!
When Jun Aimin and Chang Guiru led Jiang Dongli in, they saw their precious daughter's eyes were red, and immediately felt distressed.

Jun Nuanxin saw Jiang Dongli behind his parents froze for a moment, and couldn't help but look behind Jiang Dongli, then quickly retracted it, and obediently took Jiang Dongli to clean the wound.

Tang Shishi and Ling Rui looked at each other when they saw the uncle's indignant expression, and went back to the room tacitly.

"Honey, wash up and go to bed." Ling Rui saw that Tang Shishi had been frowning since she returned to her room, so she came up and picked her up without saying a word.

"Ah! What are you doing!" Tang Shishi was startled by Ling Rui's sudden movement, and quickly wrapped her arms around Ling Rui's neck.

(End of this chapter)

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