Chapter 354
"Don't try to hide it from me! Could it be that you, an old man, go to the movies with another old man?" Yunmo saw Jun Mubei bow his head in denial, thinking that Jun Mubei was embarrassed to admit it, and used his fists in front of him. Jun Mubei punched him on the shoulder, smiled and said with open eyes, he looked like I knew it all!

Mr. Jun also had the same thoughts as Yun Mo, and he said to Jun Mubei angrily, "Stinky boy, you finally got your senses!" His face was as happy as a flower blooming!
Maybe his old man will soon have a granddaughter-in-law again!
"It's really not what you think!" Jun Mubei explained anxiously, now he really understood the true meaning of Ling Rui's sentence: self-inflicted evil, can't live!Want to cry but have no tears!
I wanted to fool my grandfather, but my mother was also involved. According to my mother's temperament of breaking the casserole and asking the end, I am afraid it will not be so easy to pass the test this time.

Sure enough, Jun Mubei was left in the living room by Yun Mo for questioning until midnight, but in the end Jun Mubei showed a lot of resistance. Yunmo was afraid that Jun Mubei would go back to the dead end again, so he had to let him go go back to sleep.

"Son, is that the one named Liang Yue?" Jun Mubei was going upstairs when Yun Mo asked abruptly behind him.

Liang Yue?Who is that?

Jun Mubei frowned and looked back at Yunmo, and said, "Mom, your imagination is really rich!"

After finishing speaking, Jun Mubei quickened his pace and returned to his room.

"This brat!" Yun Mo cursed pretending to be angry, but the corners of her mouth turned up higher and higher, and she couldn't hold it down.

After Ling Rui dismissed Mr. Jun, he returned to the bathroom. Tang Shishi had already taken a shower and wrapped herself up tightly. Ling Rui looked at the big bath towel wrapped in several layers on Tang Shishi's body with resentful eyes!
His mandarin duck bath has been ruined again!

After taking a hasty shower, Ling Rui ran to the bed and hugged Tang Shishi and gnawed hard to vent her dissatisfaction and punish Tang Shishi for not cooperating.

"Old rascal, stop making trouble and go to sleep!" Tang Shishi muttered while avoiding Ling Rui's wolf kiss.

She is really tired today!

"Grandpa said let me give you the medicine, and I'll check your injuries first!" Ling Rui turned Tang Shishi's body over without any explanation, and removed the bath towel.

"Don't! I'm really not hurt! Ugh!" Just as Tang Shishi wanted to resist, Ling Rui's big hands began to squeeze Tang Shishi's body lightly and gently, and Tang Shishi couldn't help but let out a comfortable cry.

After Ling Rui finished massaging Tang Shishi, Tang Shishi had already fallen asleep comfortably. Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's quiet and sweet sleeping face, with a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth.

Pulling over the quilt to cover the two of them, Ling Rui stretched out his long arms, hugged Tang Shishi into his arms, and kissed Tang Shishi's forehead pitifully, drawing her big hand on Tang Shishi's small face. contour.

Feeling the heat source around her, Tang Shishi instinctively burrowed into Ling Rui's arms, and then let out a satisfied sigh.

Ling Rui nodded Tang Shishi's little nose, looking at Tang Shishi curled up in his arms like a kitten, the tenderness in his heart was even stronger, how could he not love such Tang Shishi!
That night, Ling Rui and Tang Shishi slept very soundly, and they woke up when the wake-up call sounded in the morning.

"Good morning, husband!" Tang Shishi habitually took the initiative to give Ling Rui a good morning kiss, and of course Ling Rui warmly kissed her back as usual.

"There are still three days!" Ling Rui rubbed Tang Shishi's body itchy, then lay flat on the bed with his limbs spread wide, and said with a long breath.

Tang Shishi smiled and pushed Ling Rui.

This old rascal, every day counts the days!Count down to yourself every morning.

"Get up quickly, or grandpa will punish you for running again later." Seeing that Ling Rui didn't intend to move, Tang Shishi urged.

Ling Rui got up and put on his clothes with a disgruntled face, and within a minute, he was done.Tang Shishi also hurriedly found a set of sportswear to put on, followed closely behind Ling Rui, and went out.

"I'll go to exercise with you today." After yesterday's incident, Tang Shishi felt that her hands and feet had become much sluggish in the past month, and some of them couldn't stretch, so she couldn't go on like this.

"I can't decide this matter, you can ask grandpa." Ling Rui said, his voice was a little high.

"Grandpa won't stop me from doing moderate exercise, he is the most enlightened grandpa!" Tang Shishi could hear Ling Rui's hint, and immediately said like a dog.

"The girl Shishi is the most sensible!" Mr. Jun was so coaxed by the phrase "the most enlightened grandpa" that he didn't know the world, and he laughed so hard that he couldn't see his teeth, and said to Ling Rui and Tang Shishi: "Boy Rui, don't let me go!" Tired girl Shishi, jog a few laps, do some stretching and come back."

"Yes! Grandpa!" Ling Rui raised his brows almost imperceptibly.

"Look, I knew Grandpa is the best!" Tang Shishi said sweetly, "Grandpa, we're going out!"

"Well! Go, go!" Mr. Jun waved his hand happily.

Like a bird out of the cage, Tang Shishi happily followed Ling Rui out of the yard.

Jun Mubei stretched out on the bed, feeling angrily in his heart, what is the most sensible, is simply the most flattering!

When doing morning exercises in the morning, as Tang Shishi thought, as soon as she went out, she was stopped by Quan Shaobai who had been waiting on the playground for a long time.

Although he tidied up, changed his clothes, and the redness and swelling on his face subsided a bit, Quan Shaobai's current appearance was still a bit horrible.Especially those red bloodshot eyes, people can't bear to look directly at them.

Jiang Dongli entered the Jun's compound yesterday, but did not come out. Quan Shaobai waited at the entrance of the Jun's compound until all the lights inside were extinguished before leaving in a daze. Then he did not sleep all night, eyes wide open until dawn.

"Sister-in-law three, help me!" Quan Shaobai knows that Tang Shishi is the most favored in Jun's house now. Speak up for yourself.

"Quan Shaobai, you are doing this entirely on your own. I will not push Nuan Xin to such an unreliable man like you!" Although she is pitiful for Quan Shaobai, Tang Shishi thinks of Quan Shaobai scolding Nuan Xin as a "broken shoe", and then There is a pair of unreliable parents, Tang Shishi is very angry.

"Third sister-in-law, third brother, I promise that I will never be such a jerk again, and I will definitely value Nuanxin more than my own life!" Ling Rui swore.

"Who doesn't know how to say beautiful words? I don't know who is chasing after Nuan Xin's butt every day, but as soon as something happens to her, she turns her face and turns her face ruthlessly without asking any questions!" Tang Shishi snorted coldly.

"Sister-in-law three, I know that I was an asshole, but that day I saw... I just couldn't accept it for a while, and fell into Jiang Dongli's tricks." Quan Shaobai said angrily, his face full of remorse.

(End of this chapter)

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