Chapter 355
"Jiang Dongli will show your sincerity, Quan Shaobai, you let us down." Ling Rui looked at Quan Shaobai with cold eyes.

"Third brother, you are also a man. If this happened to you, would you really not be impulsive at all? Anyway, I want to kill Jiang when I see him now!" Quan Shaobai said here, his face full of The distorted hatred, coupled with the scars on his face now, made his expression hideous and terrifying.

Ling Rui's face sank, and the surrounding air suddenly became cold.

Quan Shaobai knew that he had said the wrong thing again, and quickly said: "Third brother, third sister-in-law, you can give me a way to survive! Without a warm heart, I really would rather die than live!" Quan Shaobai said pitifully.

"Then go to hell!" After Ling Rui finished speaking, he kicked Quan Shaobai away!Pull Tang Shishi and leave!
To use his family's little wild cat as an example, courting death!
Quan Shaobai fell to the ground with a plop.Although Ling Rui's kick didn't use much strength at all, Quan Shaobai, who hadn't had a drop of water since yesterday, was fighting and lacking sleep, now has no strength at all, sitting on the ground and unable to get up.

"Third brother! Third sister-in-law!" Quan Shaobai shouted Tang Shishi and Ling Rui vigorously, trying to keep them in their tracks, but it was futile!He simply thumped again, and lay on the ground broken and broken.

"Husband, you won't really kick him to death, will you?" Tang Shishi couldn't help but turn her head to look at Quan Shaobai who was lying on the ground when she heard the sound, and asked.

"Deer deserves it!" Ling Rui spit out a few words coldly, and pulled Tang Shishi to stretch.

Ling Rui took Tang Shishi to do a few simple stretches, then ran for a while, and then took Tang Shishi back.

But until Tang Shishi finished practicing with Ling Ruichen, Quan Shaobai didn't get up from the ground. Tang Shishi wanted to see it several times, but Ling Rui stopped them.When the two walked back, Tang Shishi couldn't help but glanced back at Quan Shaobai's direction, only to see that Bai Fengju came over in a hurry without knowing when.

Tang Shishi felt relieved, she thought that Ling Rui was really going to ignore Quan Shaobai, but it turned out that Quan Shaobai's mother was nearby.

After dinner in the morning, Tang Shishi had just sent Ling Rui off to work when she received a call from Mrs. Ling, saying that she wanted to go there.

Ever since the incident of Ling Weiguo came out, the Ling family mansion was extremely deserted. These days, Tang Shishi's father-in-law and mother-in-law lived in the Ling mansion most of the time, and they were afraid that the old lady Ling would be depressed and lonely.

After talking to Grandpa Jun, Tang Shishi was driven by Xiao Li to Ling's house.This Xiao Li is almost becoming Tang Shishi's exclusive driver recently. Although Tang Shishi can drive by herself and has a car, Mr. Jun won't let her drive by herself, for fear that she will make a mistake, so when Tang Shishi got married, I haven't driven the little car my mother-in-law gave me yet.

When Old Master Ling saw Tang Shishi coming, he was very happy. Tang Shishi greeted Old Master Ling, and then said hello to Geng Changsheng who had just returned from a trip, and then sat down opposite Old Master Ling.

"Grandpa, you are in such a hurry to find me, is there something wrong?" Tang Shishi was very excited when she heard the old man Ling's voice on the phone, and she was worried all the way.

"Stinky girl! It's nothing, so grandpa can't call you here? You only have old man Jun in your heart!" Old Master Ling pouted his beard in displeasure.

This stinky girl has only been close to old man Jun. It's been many days, and she hasn't come here to leave a footprint.

"Stinky old man! I obviously don't mean that!" Ever since his uncle Ling Weiguo left, Grandpa Ling's spirit has not been very good. Compared with before, he is much older. Seeing that his complexion is not bad today, Tang Shishi feels relieved.

She really ignored him these days, so it's no wonder that he started to be bitter and jealous again.

"Hmph! I knew you were still jealous of me!" Old Master Ling refused to let go like a child.

"Stinky old man, I'm not like you. I'm so narrow-minded, I have to remember one thing for a lifetime, and I've already forgotten it!" Tang Shishi said angrily and funny.

"That sounds good! I know you're dealing with my old man on the surface, but you definitely don't think so in your heart." Old Mrs. Ling said in a rather disappointed tone.

"Since you always remind me so much, then I'll think about it! Remember all the bad things you did, and remember them every day!" Tang Shishi threatened with a smile.

"You stinky girl, you really hold grudges! The past is over, so don't think about it!"

Tang Shishi's trick really worked. When Mrs. Ling heard what Tang Shishi said, he immediately argued impatiently.

"What's the matter?" Tang Shishi asked curiously.

At this time Geng Changsheng came over with a tea set, Tang Shishi naturally got up and took it from Geng Changsheng's hand, and said, "Uncle Geng, let me come, you sit down and have a rest."

Geng Changsheng's hands were empty, and when he heard Tang Shishi's words, he looked at Old Master Ling in a daze.

Old Master Ling waved his hand at him and said, "We are just two old bastards at home, so don't be restrained and listen to this stinky girl!"

Geng Changsheng sat down happily. Since Ling Weiguo left, Lin Meijuan had been imprisoned, and Ling Hao had moved out long ago, so most of the servants at home were dismissed, leaving only their father and son, and a cook, Two nannies.Today, Mrs. Ling said that he wanted to talk to Mrs. Young and didn't want to be disturbed, so he gave the cook and nanny a break, and even Geng Yang was sent out by him to handle errands.

Tang Shishi skillfully used the tea set to make tea.

Old Master Ling saw Tang Shishi washing and making tea, her movements were elegant and skillful, like flowing water, and he could tell at a glance that she was a master of tea ceremony, he couldn't help stroking his beard and nodding, his eyes showing admiration.

Geng Changsheng has been with Old Master Ling for many years. Although he is not as proficient as Old Master Ling, he has been exposed to him for so many years, and he knows something. Seeing the graceful movements of Tang poetry, he is happy for Ling Rui. Such a well-educated daughter-in-law is not inferior to those ladies. .

Especially when Geng Changsheng thought of Ling Susu, he looked at Tang Shishi with admiration in his heart.

"Grandpa, please drink tea!" Tang Shishi handed a cup of tea to the old lady Ling respectfully. This was the first time she offered tea to the old lady Ling after she married Ling Rui, so she was very solemn, because she knew, Mrs. Ling is a very particular person in these aspects.

"Yeah!" Old Master Ling took the cup of tea with joyful hands, looked at it carefully, blew on it for a while, took a sip, and exclaimed, "Good tea!"

Tang Shishi smiled, poured a cup for Geng Changsheng, and offered it with both hands: "Uncle Geng, drink tea!"

Geng Changsheng wiped his hands embarrassingly, took it with both hands carefully, and said, "How dare you trouble your young lady to pour me tea." Although he took the cup of tea with both hands, he didn't drink it right away.

(End of this chapter)

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