Chapter 356: Family Time (1)
Tang Shishi also poured herself a glass, and said nonchalantly: "Why are you young and not many, I only think of you as an elder, but I have never met you!"

"This stinky girl has such a temper, so don't worry about it. You have been in the Ling family for so many years, and this cup of tea is worthy of you!" Old Master Ling said to Geng Changsheng, but his heart was full of Tang Shishi's natural and friendly temperament. Fortunately, it's no wonder that this girl easily captured the hearts of the entire family of the Jun family. It's hard not to like such a girl!
"Hey!" Geng Changsheng brought the cup of tea to his mouth, took a small sip, and hurriedly said, "Good tea! Good tea!"

Old Master Ling and Tang Shishi looked at each other and smiled.

"Girl, did you go to Lu Tao's wedding yesterday?" After drinking a cup of tea, Mrs. Ling asked casually.

"Well, I'm going." Tang Shishi knew that Mrs. Ling must have heard something, but she couldn't guess what Mrs. Ling was thinking, so she just responded lightly.

"Hmph! Those shameful bastards!" Old Master Ling suddenly threw the teacup in his hand on the table and cursed angrily.

When he heard the farce at the wedding yesterday, Mrs. Ling was so angry that he almost couldn't breathe. He felt as if he had been slapped by someone, and his face was shameless.Of course he knew that Ling Rui had done it all by himself, but he didn't expect that Ling Susu, that incompetent, would do so many shameless things!
I didn't expect that Weiguo's child would have such useless descendants. From Lin Meijuan and Ling Susu, Mrs. Ling completely understood the truth of marrying a wife, such as background, family background, and experience. It's all fake, and it can't stand the test, otherwise it will end up like Ling Weiguo, who will be tricked by his wife and his own son, earning a lifetime of fame, but will be ruined by these useless things when he dies!
"Grandpa, don't be angry, they are self-inflicted, and they have no one to blame! Besides, they have nothing to do with us now." Tang Shishi saw that Old Master Ling was angry, and quickly advised.I'm afraid that he will get angry!She knew that Mrs. Ling's physical condition could not be angry.

"I know all this, I'm not worth it because of your uncle!" Old Master Ling said, his eyes were a little red.Although Ling Weiguo is not his flesh and blood, the two of them have been together for so many years, and they are as close as father and son. Especially recently when he tidied up Ling Weiguo's room, he found a diary inside. Seeing his secrets and confessions that had been hidden for many years, his heart ached. Even more emotional, sad!

"Grandpa, these are all in the past, don't think about it, uncle knows that if you are hurt by these things, you will be uneasy." Tang Shishi softly comforted the old lady Ling.

"Alas!" Old Master Ling sighed, wiped his eyes, and said after a long time: "Girl, I want to visit your uncle and aunt. Your uncle has something, and I have to hand it over to your uncle."

This is the main purpose of Mrs. Ling's visit to Tang Shishi today. Although Tang Guoduan and his wife came on the day of the birthday banquet, they never met again after what happened to Ling Weiguo. Mrs. Ling asked Ling Yue and Junze Yu went to see Tang Guoduan and his wife several times, but Ling Yue came back and said that Tang Guoduan had no intention of recognizing his ancestors and returning to his family. He was even more polite to Ling Yue, not as close as before.

After reading Ling Weiguo's diary, Mrs. Ling finally understood the crux of the matter. He never expected that his seemingly virtuous and dignified wife would do such a thing back then, trapping him in injustice If he hadn't lived a long life, maybe he would have been kept in the dark until the day he closed his eyes, and would be hated by his own son for the rest of his life!

"Grandpa, what happened back then? Why did you stay with grandma and let uncle and grandma live outside?" Tang Shishi asked puzzled.

She was very aware of Uncle Tang's temperament. If she didn't understand the whole story, even if she brought him over by herself, it wouldn't have any effect, and it might make their relationship worse.

"Back then, in order to repay my kindness, I married Wei Guo's mother. On the night of the wedding, I realized that she had someone else in her heart, and after that person made her pregnant, she left irresponsibly." Recalling the events of the year, Mrs. Ling looked back. Somewhat empty.

"After we got married, the two of us have been sleeping in separate rooms. I was busy with work, and sometimes I seldom went home. Wei Guo was born half a month later than the expected date of delivery. In terms of time, it is normal, so the outside world thinks he is My child. At that time, I just took care of their mother and child as my responsibility, and then I met you, Grandma Tang." When Ling Weiguo recalled Grandma Tang, there was a rare gentle smile on his face, which Tang Shishi could see , Mrs. Ling loved Grandma Tang deeply.

"Your Grandma Tang is a heroic girl with a bright temper. At that time, there were many people chasing her, but she chose me. But I was instigated by others and misunderstood her. I thought the child in her belly belonged to someone else. , and finally caused the two of us to separate." Old Master Ling's eyes were full of sadness, and his voice was full of remorse and pain.

Tang Shishi nodded understandingly. For Grandpa Ling, the wife he married gave birth to other people's children, and the woman he loved also had other people's children. This kind of shame is unbearable for any man, although He just said this lightly, but Tang Shishi could feel the pain in his heart at that time.

"Your Grandma Tang is a very stubborn woman. She just left without any regrets, and refused to give me an explanation. After I knew that I misunderstood her, it was too late to find her. The sea of ​​people is vast, and she wants to hide from me. It is not easy to find someone! However, I refused to give up until many years later, when the people sent out found her, they only found a pinch of loess and a piece of burial together. His tombstone." When Old Master Ling said this, his voice choked up, he wiped the corners of his cloudy eyes, looked at Tang Shishi with some embarrassment and said, "Girl, I made you laugh! When Grandpa thinks of the past, he feels a little I can't control my emotions."

Tang Shishi shook her head. The tombstone that was buried together must belong to Grandma Tang and Uncle Tang. No wonder Mrs. Ling was so sad.

After Mrs. Ling's mood calmed down a bit, Tang Shishi asked, "What happened next?"

"Later, grandpa was overly sad and decadent for a few years, but his career improved. Later, he had your mother-in-law." Old Master Ling said with a sigh.

Tang Shishi took Ling Weiguo's diary from Mrs. Ling, a thick volume, and under Mrs. Ling's gesture, she opened the marked page, and the lines of slightly immature words fell into view.

"After the college entrance examination today, I was in a good mood. When I got home, my mother was hugging my younger sister. She saw me smiling happily. At first I thought that my mother was as happy as I was because I finished the college entrance examination. Who knew that my mother called me to the room. Li, said excitedly, the woman and his child are finally dead, and there is no need to worry about them suddenly appearing to compete with my sister and me for the property! I was shocked for a moment and didn’t know how to react! Soon I realized , this matter must have something to do with my mother, I eagerly sought confirmation, and my mother did not hide it, saying that since the last time I warned her face to face, she has been sending people to secretly search for them and take the opportunity to get rid of them all these years, and now it is finally paid off Wish. I looked at my mother’s distorted smile, and felt that the person in front of me was so strange. Maybe my mother didn’t know it. I overheard her conversation with my father a year ago, and I realized that I was not my father. At that moment, I felt ashamed that I had never felt before. I used to be so arrogant and confident in front of my father's own flesh and blood, calling him a lowly man, calling him a trash, but what am I? Ever since I found out that I am not my father. After my own flesh and blood, I was condemned by my conscience all the time, feeling guilty, the better my father treated me, the more uneasy I felt, but my mother actually did such outrageous things! I watched the distorted hatred I feel so guilty in my heart, and once again find that her heart has become so ugly! I have an urge to expose my mother. I feel sorry for my conscience, and even more sorry for the man who treats me as my own. , but looking at my baby sister, I retreated cowardly. At night, I couldn't sleep all night, and finally made a decision. The property of the Ling family will belong to my sister in the future. I won't think about it. I want to Apply for the law major, and become an upright judge in the future, help those people who have been innocently wronged, and redeem the sins I committed!"

(End of this chapter)

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